[hider=The Lords of Antar] Nation Name: Lords of Antar [hider=Map Location: Circled in red] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QR8tDdF.png[/img] [/hider] Systems: Antar, Wyland, Megin, Daitan-Sa, Purileptos, Khargal, Khadjerun [hider=Government] The Lords of Antar could be charitably described as a council of the rulers of the nations of Antar. In reality, the High Lords serve the interests of their own people first and foremost, while small scale internal wars and border skirmishes are not a rarity. Despite their differences and the near complete lack of a binding structure, the Antari still tend to stick together in the face of external forces because of their shared experiences, cultural similarities, and adherence to various feudal systems. To deal with the Lords of Antar is to deal with each Antari nation individually. Four superpowers dominate the planet: [hider=Flag of Arcadia] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GaOAibP.png[/img] [/hider] -The Kingdom of Arcadia; a strictly hierarchical, absolute monarchy. It is the most wealthy nation on Antar, in control of the richest deposits of mineral wealth. [hider=Flag of Baran] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YPsFUWM.png[/img] [/hider] -The Kingdom of Baran; a constitutional monarchy, fiercely traditionalist and an agricultural powerhouse as owners of the most fertile lands on the planet. [hider=Flag of Chthonia] [img]https://i.imgur.com/9kk131M.png[/img] [/hider] -The Chthonian League; a confederation of republics, city-states and smaller kingdoms united in common defence against the larger powers of Antar. [hider=Flag of Katara] [img]https://i.imgur.com/LMb6W1Q.png[/img] [/hider] -The Empire of Katara; a ruthless police state relying on closely guarded technological expertise unmatched among their rivals to maintain its position. [/hider] Demographics: 99% humans, very small numbers of aliens Antar system: 17.7 billion Wyland system: 1.1 billion Megin system: 2.2 billion Daitan-Sa system: 1.6 billion Purileptos system: 800 million Khargal system: 230 million Khadjerun system: 400 million [hider=Military] Each Antari nation possesses its own military, complete with ground forces, spaceships and special forces. The Antari way of war is swift, brutal and overwhelming, emphasising the use of light and heavy elements while conventional units have a generally more static role. At the center of every Antari military is a hard core of professional soldiers and, most notably, the Knights. These elite warrior aristocracies supply pilots for the Ironclads; gigantic combat mechs of fearsome power. Ships: Antari spaceships use hyperspace as their means of FTL travel. This uses a huge amount of energy that requires time to charge; the larger the ship, the more energy is required and thus the longer it takes. When enough energy is accumulated and then discharged through a jump drive, the ship translates into the parallel dimension called “hyperspace”. Moving through hyperspace shortens distances immensely, with Antari ships able to reach distant systems in a matter of months or days. The downside of hyperspace travel is that any fleet in hyperspace is blind to what is outside of it: ships orient themselves using the signature of large gravity wells resonating from realspace to hyperspace, such as stars and planets; however, things such as spaceships and space stations are much too small to be detectable from hyperspace. As such, it is heavily recommended to exit hyperspace a good distance away from any populated world. Below is a classification of Antari military spaceships ordered by size. Classes, variants and specialisations may vary considerably and are too numerous to list here. Patrol craft: The smallest ships that are capable of operating independently, although the majority are not hyperspace-capable. Their roles range from escort duty to interception and system patrol. Destroyer: Small escort vessels that use hit and run pack tactics against larger ships. Destroyer leader: Up-sized destroyers equipped with more powerful sensors and comms arrays, acting as group leaders for other destroyers without sacrificing manoeuvrability. Frigate: Light ships that defend the fleet against enemy destroyers and act as an additional point defence layer for larger friendly ships. Heavy frigate: More heavily armed and armoured than frigates, heavy frigates are capable of standing in the battle line, at least for a time. Light cruiser: Light cruisers fill a multitude of roles and are very commonly used both in routine patrol and in fleet engagements. Cruiser: These large vessels are the backbone of the Antari navies. Boasting abundant speed, armour and firepower, cruisers act as anchors for the fleet and are suited for trading blows with the main body of an enemy fleet. Smaller fleets often use a cruiser as their flagship. Grand cruiser: Rarely seen among the High Lords’ forces, grand cruisers carry armament that is second only to battleships, while retaining more speed at the cost of some protection. Carrier: Many Antari ships carry a small number of strike crafts. Dedicated carriers however can support a much greater number, but only have some defensive weapons for their protection in battle. Battleship: These massive vessels are cumbersome, very heavily protected and capable of terrible displays of destruction. Battlecarrier: The largest military ships in existence in the Antari navies, battlecarriers support more strike crafts than even dedicated carriers while being able to fight in the battle line with firepower comparable to a cruiser and armour equivalent to a battleship’s. Antar Defense Command (ADC): [hider=Flag (ADC)] [img]https://i.imgur.com/SUXOMT9.png[/img] [/hider] Despite their attachment to their independence, the Lords of Antar recognize the benefits of unified military structures, and thus Antar Defense Command was created as a compromise. ADC is a global military organisation with a hierarchy separated from any individual nation’s military, yet subordinate to the High Lords. ADC is strictly meant to defend Antar against external threats; as such, it may not be used against any Antari faction or individual, in any circumstance. It is first and foremost a command structure; while it operates a number of space stations, orbital forts, anchorages and listening posts, it maintains only the bare minimum of personnel during peacetime, and relies on contributions from the High Lords for almost all of its combat troops in times of war, thus preventing ADC from ever being a potential threat to the Lords of Antar. Nevertheless, ADC is a well-funded, well-oiled machine boasting excellent diplomats, the best intelligence and electronic warfare specialists that Antar has to offer, and an officer corps with a reputation as some of the brightest, toughest and most intensively trained men this side of the galaxy. [/hider] [hider=History] Little is known of the time before the rise of the Lords of Antar. The planet once belonged to the Yrrani, who built great automated manufacturing complexes across its surface with one goal: to mass-produce weapons and machines of war. Humans were brought to Antar by their Yrrani masters, to provide what labour could not be achieved by the artificial intelligences residing at the heart of the factories and their countless drones. And one day, the Yrrani returned to the stars. The human population was left to its own devices, quickly organising into rudimentary civilisations and forming various cultures across Antar. But as this fragment of humanity slowly picked itself back up, a great danger was brewing in the bowels of the planet. The Yrrani factories malfunctioned, their complex algorithms becoming corrupted somehow. The already colossal industrial complexes expanded to several times their original size on the surface, while tunnelling to untold depths all the while growing higher and higher in grotesque amalgamations of buildings stacked on top of one another. And while the factories grew into malformed parodies of their previous forms, so did the machines that they produced. Most were utterly useless, and swiftly recycled by the automated factories to be spewed back out again in another form. Those that did function wandered out, roaming the country on their own and wreaking havoc as their hyper-aggressive and out of control combat intelligences engaged any and all forms of life on their path. From the chaos and destruction emerged the Knights: latent psionics among the human populations of Antar whose innate gift allowed them to interface with the complex technology of machines dubbed Ironclads: gigantic war mechs secured from the very same automated factories that released endless horrors into the world. The Ironclads, though evidently tainted, did not bear as many defects and crucially did not have AI cores like the other war machines did. Over time, knightly orders and noble houses formed with the genetic inheritance of psionic ability being passed down from one generation to the next, along with the sacred duty to protect their people. Five centuries later, pragmatism has become dogma, knowledge has become religion, and the still operating Yrrani factories are now known as Hell’s Gates, where Demons, Beasts and other horrors born from synthetic life dwell. Constant reminders of danger and duty, no matter the lofty heights that the Lords of Antar have attained since. 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