[color=lightgray][center][h3][color=D0B4EC]Charlotte[/color], [color=lightpink]Olivia[/color], [color=F26522]Kazumin[/color], [color=9AF781]Leo[/color], [color=9354FF]Fritz[/color], [color=ab274f]& Wulfric[/color] [color=ab274f]Part 4[/color][/h3][/center] [color=9AF781]Time:[/color] Evening - [color=red] Ends at about 6pm[/color] [color=9354FF]Location:[/color] Vikena Estate [hr] Charlotte felt a shiver ripple down her spine as Wulfric's words settled in, their weight pressing against her chest. Her mind raced back to Lorenzo, who had uncharacteristically abandoned her at the ball that night and proceeded to go missing. He hadn’t said anything to indicate he had attended the party, yet given his reaction to her other accusations, she wasn’t sure what to think, but she knew she could not back down. Not with her friends, and potentially even her stepfather, in such grave danger. However, she was beginning to consider the fact that this was not the situation she had intended to rope them all into. The goal had initially been to gain experience so they could solve the mystery surrounding her and Leo’s parents’ deaths. Her eyes rose suddenly at the mention of Calbert Damien. [color=D0B4EC][i]… He’s connected to Marek Delronzo? To the Black Rose?[/i][/color] Cassius, Violet and Crystal’s faces subsequently swarmed her thoughts. Too many strange mishaps all in that night alone. There had to be a connection, she could feel it in her bones. She shifted in her seat, not certain how to begin to imagine herself in a situation as extreme as torture. As it registered in her mind that Wulfric was addressing her, she quickly lifted her head. Her gaze moved to Leo briefly before she spoke. [color=D0B4EC]"Not directly in words,"[/color] she finally admitted, [color=D0B4EC]"He didn’t directly threaten me with violence, but the way he spoke, the things he said... It was as if he was warning me that he could do something, that he would do something, if I didn’t listen to him and keep my stepfather from attending events…"[/color] [color=ab274f]“What exactly did he say?”[/color] he pressed. [color=D0B4EC]"Calbert approached me on the parapet of the wall around the castle grounds after the ball, and backed me into the edge… He… reminded me that Lorenzo wouldn’t have come if it weren’t for me, that I should have kept him away,”[/color] she explained slowly, recalling the unsettling conversation. [color=D0B4EC]"He made it clear that if anything happened to him, it would be my fault. He didn’t need to say it outright… but it was there, the implication that if I didn’t keep Lorenzo in line, there would be consequence,“[/color] She clenched her fists in her lap, trying to stop them from trembling, and asked, [color=D0B4EC]"Count Damien’s linked to the Black Rose?”[/color] Her eyes locked onto Wulfric’s. [color=ab274f]“The night following the after-party, my sister sought out Marek. She was guarded, of course. He turned her away with the excuse that he was busy. Yet, he witnessed a cloaked and hooded man visiting. She told me she thought she recognized the voice as Count Damien’s. She cautioned she might be wrong, and this isn’t strictly conclusive. However, I intend to move forward with the assumption that Count Damien is involved.”[/color] [color=9AF781]“Dastardly,”[/color] Leo whispered at the revelation that Calbert was heavily involved in all this. [color=D0B4EC]"...I see.”[/color] Charlotte felt a sudden sense of dread. The words washed over her like a frigid wave, her blood turning to ice. With water to nurse his parched throat; listening as the Prince demonstrated his skills and all that he had gathered quite well. The man certainly had the knack for a leader, just too cold and rigid for the casual crowd, but impressive nonetheless. His words, on the other hand, made this whole situation more harrowing with each detail and fact learned. And while his stomach felt full before, was replaced with a pit that the water only served to slosh around like acid. This Marek, whoever the bastard was, did not matter to him or even mad about the party (people letting off steam drunk all too common) no, Kazu’s ire towards the man came from a point of disappointment. Then to learn he was also connected and possibly working with Calbert as well? The prince’s painfully artful described image of Marek’s methods? This could mean having both targeting him now, but more worrying was the fact both were likely to be after Percy too. A rush of emotions hit him with the realization, unintentionally breaking the glass in his right gloved hand. He merely blinked at the small splash and could little else but laugh as his mind was forced to recall Calby holding the gun to his forehead making him laugh more, water trickling or tears. Olivia listened to everyone and ate her food quietly. She knew she couldn’t comment on anything, particularly the evidence. She tensed as the information was revealed, particularly regarding Kazumin at the party. His behavior at Count Damien's house now made sense. When they asked about him threatening Charlotte, she nearly spoke up then had to stop herself. The memory of her first time meeting Calbert remained vividly in her mind. The revelation that Count Damien was possibly associated with the Black Rose caused her to inhale too sharply and nearly choke on her food. She collected herself and paled drastically. She was wrongfully blamed for the murder of Violet and with him being part of the Black Rose, this terrified her. Her mouth went dry and she had to stuff her face with more food before drawing too much more attention to herself. Her reactions at his house had not been wise, she knew that, but seeing him threaten Kazumin that way? What would have happened if she hadn’t intervened? She didn’t want to know. The terror she felt was mirrored in Charlotte’s eyes. Olivia took a deep breath to steady herself. She had to focus on the others. First she pulled Charlotte into a hug, who had hugged her back albeit a bit limply. She squeezed her back gently but apologetically, though nobody else would notice. A thought was on the tip of her tongue, then disappeared when the glass broke. She jumped and noticed Kazumin broke his glass out of fear. She inhaled and moved over to him. [color=lightpink]”Kazu! Are you all right?”[/color] She grabbed a napkin and dabbed at the water on his face, regardless if they were tears or not. She examined his hands and frowned at him. [color=lightpink]”Are you hurt? I-”[/color] Liv stopped herself before saying [i]I could heal you[/i]. Olivia took a deep breath and fell silent. The overwhelming shock of the situation had been a lot with everything discussed, which only elaborated just how deep he was in this now. And it started with a story of a hamster damn it! How could he not laugh at something so harmless leading to both Calbert and Marek targeting him and his friends? Worse yet, his family. They were innocent and completely removed from all this fucking nonsense. They’re just farmers damn it. How frustratingly small and useless he felt sitting in this room. Unable to remember anything of actual significance while dressed in such a manner. Damn himself for not changing or putting more effort into helping both Percy and Charlotte. Now to find this situation had gotten so much bigger than any peasant had any right being in. His mind whirled with such thoughts before finally noticing Olivia trying to tend and talking to him; saw her mouth moving but her words hardly registered, still struggling to get his scattered mind together. [color=f26522]“ H-hm? Yah, I’m fine. Just…just a lot to take in and…and the side effect trying to remember is all…” [/color] Trailing off as he tried to gingerly shift the gloved hand free intending to express he was fine, that the glove did its job (anything to keep her from using unnecessary magic), only to feel a small sharp wince doing so. Seeing her so worried for him when she was marked publicly as a criminal and had to hide her face. Her face…how he missed Percy’s sweet smile, instead looking at the face of Olivia; a stranger’s mask. He found that his hand was squeezing hers, and even as pain flared through he refused to stop till he put as much of himself into it, wanting and wishing to tell her he was sorry. Ryn crouched before Mr. Kazumin, careful to avoid the glittering shards scattered across the floor. His gaze settled on the gloved hand, then moved upward to meet the man’s eyes. [color=9354FF]“May I remove the glove to see if any of the glass cut through it?”[/color] Fleeting the moment with Percy was; she was Olivia now and reluctantly released his grip when Ryn joined in on the checking.[color=f26522]“ Y’all are worryin' too much, really, I very much appreciate your concerns. It’s just a scratch anyway and besides, we farmers are made of sterner stuff.”[/color] Gripping the hand into a fist to give a small pump to assure them he was well; smiling through gritted teeth followed by a faint groan played off with a laugh and wiggling of the fingers. Ryn rose, his eyes meeting Mr. Kazumin’s with a mixture of understanding and sadness. Perhaps, were it only Ms. Persephone and Lady Charlotte present, Mr. Kazumin might unburden himself more freely. There simply was too much distrust amongst the group. So many secrets. Almost of their own accord, Ryn’s eyes sought out Lady Charlotte. By chance or fate, when he tore his gaze away from her, his reflection caught his eye in a nearby mirror. The visage that stared back at him seemed accusatory. [i]Hypocrite.[/i] The irony was not lost on Ryn. Meanwhile, Wulfric remained watching. That had been three people alarmed at the mention of Count Damien. Two of whom were supposedly strangers, yet they acted familiarly. A connection, then. [color=9AF781]“Calbert, wife, and [i]creeeeepy[/i] daughter; all suspichhious.What about [i]the bastard[/i]?”[/color] Leo asked, studying the names Hendrix had written down, unconcerned about the broken glass. [color=9AF781]“Weird to [i]ssssslither[/i] out the muck as all this starts.”[/color] He suggested. Charlotte’s gaze rose, her lips parting as an immediate defense instinctively surged up from within. But the words faltered, caught in her throat before they could escape. Cassius hadn’t done anything to suggest he had any link to any of this, yet, even as her emotions urged her to protect him, the rational, sharper side of her mind whispered that they couldn’t afford to overlook anyone—not now, and especially not Calbert’s son. Her fingers tightened slightly, nails pressing into her palms. It was then Delilah burst back into the room with a spring in her step, carrying an ice pack, a damp towel, and a small bucket balanced in her arms. She flashed everyone a bright smile. [color=7ea7d8]"Alrighty, everyone, I’ve got the royal orders here,"[/color] she teased, laughing lightly. [color=7ea7d8]"You’d think I’d have a third hand hidden somewhere, wouldn’t you?"[/color] With a cheeky wink, she set the items down carefully on a nearby table. Charlotte was quick to then pick up the ice pack and hold it to her dear friend Leo’s forehead. Her gaze fell on Count Fritz, and her smile widened. Without missing a beat, she swept over to him and pulled him into a warm hug. [color=7ea7d8]"It's such a delight to see you again,"[/color] she greeted, her tone dripping with affection. She lingered for a moment, squeezing his shoulders gently before pulling back. [color=7ea7d8]"You always look so dashing, it’s unfair to the rest of us."[/color] She gave him a playful nudge with her elbow, her eyes dancing with amusement. For a moment, he stood frozen in Ms. Delilah’s embrace. He had half-expected to see a flicker of reproach in her eyes regarding Lady Charlotte. But there was only warmth, leaving him perplexed. Remembering himself, he returned the hug with a gentle pat on her back. [color=9354FF]“Thank you.”[/color] As she pulled away, Ryn’s lips quirked into a teasing grin. [color=9354FF]“Alas, not quite as dashing as His Highness, no?”[/color] He returned her playful nudge, his eyes darting briefly to the Prince, who arched an amused eyebrow in response. Delilah giggled, [color=7ea7d8]" Aw hush. The two of you are both dashing!” [/color] His gaze then fell upon the crystalline carnage scattered across the floor. [color=9354FF]“Forgive me, but could you direct me to a broom and dustpan?”[/color] He gestured toward the sparkling mess. Ms. Delilah’s expression shifted to one of understanding, and she provided directions to a cleaning closet nestled in a nearby corridor. With a grateful nod, Ryn set off towards the door. Then, she turned back to the group, her tone shifting to one of importance but still carrying that infectious energy. [color=7ea7d8]"Oh, and I almost forgot! I brought someone who can help with our little patient here."[/color] She gestured toward the doorway, her smile unwavering. [color=7ea7d8]"Everyone, may I introduce the doctor who was kind enough to come on such short notice!"[/color] As if on cue, a tall, handsome man with golden-blond hair and a warm smile stepped into the room, his eyes gleaming with a friendly expression. He bowed slightly to everyone present, his gaze lingering on each person. He had been lost in thought and flexing his hand; testing the depth of the ache. Thankful for the glove covering his action; finding the pain to be minor so likely a small cut at most, if he had to guess. Wanting to leave it be, having made enough of a mess as is with the glass, further fueled by his inability to give better information. Delilah’s upbeat presence came at the right time and did help bring some energy back to him. Though it was the doctor that got him hopping up to his feet, where he bounded off after Fritz. [color=f26522]” Hold on, there Fritz! Seeing as the mess’s mine, no sense in leaving it to others, only, yeah?.” [/color] Ryn greeted Dr. Hayes with a bow of his own and was just about to excuse himself out of the room, when Mr. Kazumin came over to him. A friendly pat on the back upon catching up in the hopes of showing his thanks for the concern earlier, feeling bad for denying the help but for guys of his stature, showing weakness was especially bad, more so with the prince’s presence. One’s usefulness was all that mattered to such men. His hand clenched briefly at the thought. He refused to just be a burden to them, to his friends. [color=#F8DE7E]"Good evening, everyone,"[/color] he greeted smoothly, [color=#F8DE7E]"You can call me Dr. Julian Hayes, at your service. Your lovely housemaid here has already informed me of the situation, and I must say, I’m more than happy to lend my assistance."[/color] He glanced toward Leo with a sympathetic expression, a touch of concern furrowing his brow as he approached. [color=#F8DE7E]"Ah, you poor thing, you’ve certainly been through quite an ordeal, haven’t you?"[/color] His tone was almost paternal as he knelt down to assess Leo's condition. [color=#F8DE7E]"But don’t you worry, my friend, you’re in good hands now. We’ll have you feeling right as rain in no time at all. Now, I do see some blood on you. Are you wounded, friend? Let’s see here."[/color] At the maid’s announcement, and before the doctor entered, Wulfric positioned himself strategically before the chalkboard, covering the bulk of it. It was apparent something was behind him, but not what. His forbidding, no-nonsense gaze should deter the stranger if he even cared to try rubbernecking in the first place. Olivia jumped when the door opened and spun around to find Deliliah and the doctor. She watched the exchanges between everyone, including the Prince. Wulfric moved to block the board and she let out a sigh of relief. The less who knew the information the better. She also stood up and positioned herself nearby him as well as an extra deterrent. With her wild mane of red hair, she also helped block some of the information. Olivia hesitantly glanced up at him and offered a small smile, then let her gaze move away. She wished she could use magic, although the risk was not worth it. In the back of her mind, she realized she had been too familiar with Kazumin and therefore was avoiding him. There was a doctor here, along with Fritz and Charlie. Her gaze moved to Charlie’s, and she looked at her as if saying: [color=lightpink][i]What do I do…?[/i][/color] Though she had said nothing in reply, Charlotte had given her a reassuring smile. [color=9AF781]“No fizzishun!”[/color] Leo repeated the objection, certain that he’d been clear he neither wanted nor needed to see a doctor when it was brought up. He stumbled up from his seat on the couch, gripped the back of the couch, and moved to Olivia’s unoccupied seat. His condition wasn’t medical but likely influenced by magical trickery, what use was a doctor in that? Ryn strode back into the room, hand broom and dustpan at the ready. His eyes darted to Dr. Hayes and next to Ms. Delilah, careful not to linger too long lest his scrutiny become obvious. The doctor’s aura gleamed with an unnaturally pure white light, too pristine and flawless. Its edges flickered [i]subtly,[/i] revealing an eerie stillness. Meanwhile, Delilah had a simple pink aura. Kazu followed suite from behind with small trash bag in hand, in a better whistling mood. A bit of air and walk had been what he needed and avoiding getting the blasted doctor’s attention if possible too. As he turned away, intending to clean up the shattered glass, another color snagged his attention. Lady Charlotte’s magicae— He almost did a double-take, but Ryn mastered the impulse and began to sweep up the shards as if nothing was amiss. Lady Charlotte’s magicae had changed colors. While not impossible, to have magicae change that drastically in such a short amount of time was highly unlikely. He stole another glance at Lady Charlotte, but the lenses’ enchantment had run its course, revealing nothing more than what ordinary sight could perceive. As he deposited the last of the glass into the dustpan, Ryn decided that he needed to speak with Lady Charlotte, and soon. Hummed along as he knelt down carefully picking up whatever bits Fritz missed, hopping back to his feet to tie the bag. During so, he good it a good twist to have it spin in his grip.[color=f26522]“” Talk about a crazy outing and a lot still to discuss and pieces need workin out. Good thing none of us have to do it alone, though.”[/color] Nodding to the man while trying to give his usual smile though as he looked at Charlotte and Olivia, the corner of his lips faltered. Ryn followed Mr. Kazumin’s gaze. [color=9354FF]“... I certainly hope everyone also believes we’re all in this together,”[/color] he whispered. Turning his gaze to Leo, who clearly was not one good at handling their booze in such an inebriated state and his mentioning of Violet reminded him all too well of what Charlotte told him, and she had given no reason to not believe her. Still, that was something he needed to see and if that tiny splotch of blood he saw was anything to go by…at the next chance he would be sure to aid her in convincing if needed. Dr. Hayes paused as Leo stood up, clearly intent on avoiding any medical attention. With a patient smile, the doctor stepped back, his hands raised in a gesture of respectful surrender. [color=#F8DE7E]“I understand, Lord Smithwood,”[/color] he said kindly, his tone gentle yet firm. [color=#F8DE7E]“If you feel fine, I won’t press the matter.”[/color] He then shifted his attention to the rest of the group. [color=#F8DE7E]“For anyone else,”[/color] he began, [color=#F8DE7E]“if you find yourself needing anything, or if Lord Smithwood changes his mind later, I live just a few houses down. It’s no trouble at all to return.”[/color] His smile remained warm and inviting, offering the group a clear out if anyone decided they required his services later. With a courteous bow to Wulfric, Dr. Hayes added, [color=#F8DE7E]“Your Highness, Lady Vikena, and everyone else, feel free to call on me any time. I’m always happy to assist.”[/color] After giving a final nod to the room, the doctor turned toward the door, moving to quietly make his exit while leaving the group to their conversation. Delilah stared after the man with a perplexed look. She wondered for a moment why she had gone running amuck looking for a doctor only for them to dismiss him immediately. She put her hands on her hips as she declared, [color=7ea7d8]"Well I certainly hope you aren’t injured Lord Smithwood. I did spot blood on your shirt after all mister!”[/color] [color=9AF781]“Everybodiesadetectivenow!”[/color] Leo joked, all his words slurring together. But since it appeared that everyone thought he was mortally wounded, Leo stumbled up from his seat, lifted up his shirt, and spun around. [color=9AF781]“Ta-da!”[/color] He exclaimed, smacking a fist against his chest, and collapsed back into his seat, dizzy from the spin. Charlotte glanced over, her foot tapping anxiously as she waited for the doctor to leave. Once the door clicked shut, she shifted her focus back to the group, the silence she'd maintained for some time now hanging heavily around her. She exhaled softly as she finally spoke up. [color=D0B4EC]"About Violet…"[/color] She paused, her hands clenching lightly in her lap as she tried to collect her thoughts. Her gaze stayed fixed on her knees, clearly still unsettled by the memories of their last interaction. [color=D0B4EC]"I visited her the other night and it was like... she was a different person. She looked haunted, shattered in a way I can’t explain, and she wouldn’t even let me near her without pulling away."[/color] Charlotte’s voice faltered as she recalled the dark, ominous presence she had felt in Violet’s room. [color=D0B4EC] "It was how she carried herself that upset me most—like something had broken her spirit, and she was trying so hard to hide it, even from herself."[/color] Her voice grew quieter, laced with sorrow.[color=D0B4EC]"She wouldn't tell me exactly what happened, but I could feel she was in pain."[/color] The prince raised a brow at Lady Vikena. If she had seen Violet at any point after her attack, it was odd she hadn’t mentioned her physical state. Shaken about her friend’s state? Naturally. But it still struck him that Charlotte was possibly glossing over important details for some reason. [color=ab274f]“Might have something to do with her new scar,”[/color] Wulfric retorted dryly. Leo chuckled at the prince’s joke but had nothing to add about Violet. [color=D0B4EC]"Yes, Prince Wulfric, glad nothing gets past you.”[/color] She smiled at him. [color=D0B4EC]"Yes, it seems someone hurt her. …My point was that she is a whole different person. Her eyes were red as blood…However, as her friend I am shaken that she is no longer the Violet I knew. I want to know what happened. “[/color] With the doctor gone, the tension had lessened somewhat. Not that he bore the man any ill will, just a symptom of the setting and Prince Wulfric’s presence and his directly blunt manner towards this Violet situation did little to help. The guy had a good head but lacked tact when a woman was clearly distressed over it. The pain and sadness in Charlotte’s words made it undeniable, any hints of doubts burnt away. Her friend was very likely dead. His chest tightened as he peered over Char and Olivia, momentarily picturing them undead, the thought it could be them or..or his family. This prompted him to turn to the board, and with it he came closer to understanding what Char must be feeling though what he dreaded most was not the fact Violet was a vampire. But what might they have to do were she to… deciding to cut the thought process short, too unpleasant for the time being. Besides, that was only one possibility. Wulfric merely shrugged. [color=ab274f]“She should be dead,”[/color] was what he could say to people uninvolved in her murder investigation. [color=9354FF]“Death does have a way of reshaping us.”[/color] An unpleasant topic to discuss and while it was hardly much to add. Now felt the best time as he stepped forward, dusting off his shirt and hands having disposed of the trash back recently. [color=f26522]” There is something I need to add. It isn’t much, but I…well paid a visit to the alleyway and checked it out.”[/color] He gulped, feeling nervous, due to the prince and Percy, whom he had dragged out there to do so. He covered a hint of guilt in his posture, shifting to idly scratch at the back of his head.[color=f26522]”Found it spotless. Was pretty impressed by it…not the bit I want to say, but interesting.” [/color]A quick dismissive shake of the head. [color=f26522]” I did, though spot a speck of blood on the wall, hardly strange in itself but it was the distance from the supposed…spot which I found peculiar.” [/color]He explained in a slightly restrained voice, struggling to handle it without offending Violet or have the two feeling worse from all these reminders.[color=f26522]”” J-just thought to bring it up..littlle as it might be.”[/color] He finished with an awkward shrug of his shoulders. [color=9354FF]“No, thank you for bringing it up, Mr. Kazumin. Any information is helpful.”[/color] Ryn reassured. [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5374115]Lady Charlotte, Ms. Ruby, and he had also visited that alleyway and found the crime scene more or less spotless… except for that vial.[/url] [color=9354FF]“When we searched that area, we found a vial containing small amounts of wine.”[/color] Olivia remained silent as the others left and the conversation continued. She quietly moved back to Charlotte’s side and avoided eye contact. The mention of Violet caused her to tense, and she reminded herself to relax. The memory of Violet’s pale face stained with blood and the ax buried into her face caused her stomach to churn. Olivia busied herself by eating food and drinking water to avoid any reaction that might be suspicious. She glanced at the Prince after his dry retort with a side glare. She didn’t care who he was, nobody disrespected Charlie. Nonetheless, she bit her tongue for peace’s sake and set the glass down sharply unintended. [color=9AF781]“Eye’s change color? [i]Weird.[/i]”[/color] Leo said in response to Lottie, he was sure that wasn’t a normal occurrence. He looked at Olivia who seemed more interested in the food than anything else. [color=9AF781]“Here for [i]snacks![/i]”[/color] He half joked, half accused. Leo grabbed one of the small salmon sandwiches and stuffed it into his mouth. [color=9AF781]“Beshschacks!”[/color] He added with a mouth full of food. Olivia chuckled at Leo and didn’t confirm or deny her answer. She giggled at him and took another bite of food. Ryn observed Lord Smithwood's remarkable demonstration of stuffing his mouth full of food like a hamster, and Miss Persephone giggling, with a faint smile before turning his attention back to the subject of Lady Violet. [color=9354FF]“Lady Violet might not be who she used to be, Charlotte. Still, I believe there’s a piece of your old friend left in her.”[/color] He drew a measured breath. [color=9354FF]“I hesitate to add to our already considerable collection of concerns, and I cannot say if this pertains directly to our present investigation. But…”[/color] His gaze found Lady Charlotte’s face and held fast. [color=9354FF]“Before I went to collect Lord Smithwood, I met Lady Violet. She kindly informed me that there will be an attempt on my life on Drunkards’ Day.”[/color] Kazu remained by the board, going over it. Too stressed and sober to eat, as horrid as it was to find, and as much as he desired to join those eating. Yet, seeing Olivia left him feeling too awkward; not to mention already having humiliated himself enough kept him back. Hard to get an appetite knowing some psychos were possibly going after his family. His fingers might have been digging into his crossed arms were it not for the gloves and injured hand, opting over for nibbling on his tongue just to keep himself distracted with something, anything minor to keep his imaginative mind from assaulting him with unpleasant scenarios. Percy being Olivia right saved him from the worst of it, thankful though bitter for it, he was. Charlotte’s breath caught in her throat, her hands beginning to tremble slightly as Fritz revealed the threat on his life. Panic surged through her chest, making her heart race and her voice come out unsteady. [color=D0B4EC]“An attempt on your life…?”[/color] she repeated softly, her blue eyes wide with fear. She swallowed hard, her gaze flicking between Fritz and the rest of the group, her mind reeling with the implications. [color=D0B4EC]“Fritz, that’s—no, we can’t let that happen. I-I won’t let that happen,”[/color] she declared, her voice gaining strength despite the quiver still present. Her hand reached out, gently but firmly clasping his arm. [color=D0B4EC]“We’ll protect you,”[/color] she promised. Leo nodded his agreement, accentuating his point by smacking a closed fist against his chest and then holding both fists up. He’d have Hendrix’s back as well, it was the honorable thing to do. The surprise in Lady Charlotte’s countenance gave Ryn pause. He patted her hand gently, offering a reassuring smile that masked his thoughts. Either Count Damien had threatened her with some other manner of harm during their private meeting, or she had not expected him to make so bold a move, so soon. Wulfric’s eyebrows shot up, and his head swiveled over to Hendrix. [color=ab274f]“Someone’s after you?”[/color] he murmured. A connection between Violet and the Black Rose was possible, then. The count was apparently aware Violet had been dead - was the same true for Charlotte? There was a lot being unsaid here. Perhaps it couldn’t be helped, since this group of people had little trust established between each other. More importantly, they had a known ‘hunter’ who could be turned into prey. A smirk appeared as he plotted using the assassins’ ambush against them. [color=ab274f]“Did she say who would attack you, at which time, and when? Anything about how she learned of this at all?”[/color] Only [i]if[/i] Violet [i]and[/i] the source of her information were reliable could they expect the attempt to unfold as had been said. Otherwise, they had to be prepared for the attack at any given opportunity…Maybe even Violet herself would end up being involved somehow. [color=ab274f]“I will increase security at the guest house, at the very least. Aside from that, how are your anti-assassination measures, Count Hendrix?”[/color] Charlotte considered Wulfric’s line of questioning, a ripple of confusion passing over her features. She had been wondering the same things after all. It didn’t make sense—or at least, not yet. Why would someone want to kill Fritz of all people and why would Violet know that? And who would have told Violet? Her thoughts spun back to the encounter with Calbert in his study. He had said he wanted to scare them all, however, she hadn’t imagined the use of death threats. If he was indeed connected to the Black Rose, and she was going to hold onto the possibility that he had been involved in her mother’s death, then they had to take the assassination attempt seriously. [color=9354FF]“Lady Violet didn’t wish to reveal her source,”[/color] Ryn answered, [color=9354FF]“however, she did share this much: a group known as The Bloody Thorns were hired, and they intend to strike at night.”[/color] Charlotte’s expression twisted in confusion. There were other whispers too, of a certain Duchess and her increasingly suspicious behavior of late. But that particular spider seemed content with a single fly in her web, so there was no reason to burden the others with it. The Bloody Thorns, on the other hand... [color=9354FF]“Death and I have danced many times before,”[/color] Ryn continued, allowing a hint of grim amusement to color the words. [color=9354FF]“As you can see, I’ve proven myself quite the capable partner. I shall think of something.”[/color] Then his voice dropped, [color=9354FF]“My continued breathing, while personally preferable, isn’t the heart of this matter. Lady Violet also mentioned there being a list—targets they mean to harm in days to come. Unfortunately, I was unable to get the specifics, names or the kind of harm they intend to inflict.”[/color] His eyes swept across the gathered faces, measuring each one against the shadow of what might come. [color=9354FF]“Prudence suggests we consider everyone in this room a potential mark on that list.”[/color] [color=ab274f]“A list,”[/color] Wulfric’s eyes narrowed in contemplation. Were all the people in this room endangered? Perhaps. The better question was, who all had been marked? [color=D0B4EC]“I know it’s… probably not my place to say, but I feel we all need to be extremely careful, especially avoid walking alone at night.”[/color] She took a deep breath, trying to keep her voice steady and calm, even as the fear twisted her insides. [color=D0B4EC]“Please, if any of you ever feel unsafe or need somewhere to stay, my home is always open to you, even tonight if you need.”[/color] she offered, sincerity shining in her gaze. [color=D0B4EC]“ I would much rather know you’re protected than have anyone taking unnecessary risks. Oh and, Prince Wulfric,”[/color] she added, turning to him, [color=D0B4EC]“you’re always welcome to seek sanctuary here as well, should you ever need a reprieve from the stress of castle life.”[/color] For a heartbeat or three, Ryn simply nodded at Lady Charlotte’s words. The gesture would have sufficed—should have sufficed—had not some niggling whisper of conscience compelled him to speak. To remind her. To remind himself. To make abundantly, achingly clear to the assembled company about one thing. [color=9354FF]“Sometimes,”[/color] he began softly, [color=9354FF]“the hardest part isn’t offering help—it’s accepting it when offered.”[/color] His eyes met Lady Charlotte’s across the space between them, [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5507289]their previous conversation[/url] echoing in the glance. As their exchanges had met, she had offered him a gentle, comforting smile. [color=9354FF]“Our demons may wear different faces,”[/color] Ryn went on, [color=9354FF]“but we needn’t stand alone against them in the dark.”[/color] His gaze moved to the others, his tone lightening just a bit. [color=9354FF]“After all, what’s a gathering like this for, if not to remind us of who we can rely on?”[/color] [color=9354FF]“Should any of you find the night growing too deep, too dark… remember that we are here for you.”[/color] Having quietly been listening; taking in the conversation which only continued to further elaborate this whole situation’s complexity with more complications tossed into the proverbial secret plot pot. To find several parties involved that now painted big targets on each of the group member's backs and for slightly differing reasons. Had Calbert just left it between them, he would have left it be but bringing in Percy and the awful things he must have subjected Charlie through. He wanted to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all but kept nibbling his tongue to bite back his usual tendencies. How frustrating it was for what to say normally came easy to him while thinking merely left him more confused and stressed (the current company not helping) on what to do or say after hearing the inspiring words from the group. Leo waited until Fritz and Lottie had finished speaking. [color=9AF781]“Someone,”[/color] he said slowly, eyes falling on Wulfric, [color=9AF781]“Should interrogate Violet.”[/color] If Calbert’s daughter knew of a list of targets, one which included a Varian noble -Count Hendrix- then someone ought to be getting as much information about that out of Violet as possible. Not wishing to reveal her sources shouldn’t even be an option for something like this. Certainly, the crown had people for that kind of questioning. A big breath before forcing his body to finally move with an idle rub of the face, stepped over clapping Leo on the shoulder.”[color=limegreen] Interrogate? Whoa there, sir Leo. That’s hardly the way to treat any lady and all of what Lady Violet has already gone through, might only serve to pi- anger her, think she’s had it plenty rough as is. Best to leave such a task to someone she trusts enough to open up to.[/color]” Nodding with another pat, his voice and smiled strained at first though became more relaxed as he spoke. [color=ab274f]“If she does,”[/color] Wulfric interjected. [color=ab274f]“If she does not, and her choice to withhold vital information leads to harm, she will have to be questioned.”[/color] Perhaps even sooner. “[color=limegreen] I’ve never met Lady Violet, but sounds like to me, she could be needing help too.[/color]” Turning to Charlotte, his expression softening. ” [color=limegreen]And Char..what happened with her…[/color]” Pausing and gulping, forced to imagine Percy in Violet’s place, his stomach coiled in revulsion.”[color=limegreen] …so, just as you offered sanctuary, I offer to help with anything you need.[/color]” His gaze shifted between her and Olivia as he stated. Smile returning to his briefly stoic expression.” [color=limegreen]And Fritzy, looks like we’re targeted men, who better to have at your back then a fellow man fightin to survive, right? Hm…think we might want a call-sign or..ooh a whistle for signaling said help or so…[/color]” Muttering the last bits of his thoughts aloud, the distraction much needed. [color=D0B4EC]“I’m certain if she had more to share, she would have done so with Fritz. I concur with Kazumin that we should be gentle with Lady Violet.”[/color] Leo responded to both Lottie and Kazu by sticking out his tongue and blowing a raspberry at their suggestion. [color=ab274f]“She said she did not wish to reveal her source,”[/color] he reminded Lady Vikena of what the count had relayed. [color=ab274f]“Someone she trusts, I wager. In which case, it is only a matter of determining who, and detaining the person in question.”[/color] Leo nodded his agreement with the Prince, at the very least Violet was holding back where she got the information. Given that Hendrix, and possibly a whole list of people, had their lives threatened the least she could do is share where and how she learned this. Olivia listened to everyone quietly. She continued munching on food and not interjecting. As an supposed outsider, she had to be careful of reacting or responding. When Fritz mentioned an assassination attempt though, her eyes briefly widened and a frown appeared–then disappeared as quick as it had come. Whoever had murdered Lady Violet, and then brought her back to life had undoubtedly access to dark magic. She had only read about it and hadn’t tried delving into it. With a sigh, she shook her head, and looked down. This was so much information and it was weighing on her heavily. She hoped it would end soon because she was eager to go outside at night, despite the previous information. It was the only time safety seemed possible. Due to the mafia threat looming, Olivia was determined not to lose anyone, and determined to do whatever it took to bring these assholes down. It wasn’t long after that the group began to disperse after final glances. [/color]