Interested. Name: Kat Johnson Age: 22 Appearance: [img][/img] This is her dress at the Formal Dance. Major: Music, Audio, Video, Technology, and Film. Year: 3rd Personality: Very happy and cheerful. She always has a positive word to say, no matter how dire the situation. However, she's struggling with depression. History: She's had a pretty normal life. Both her parents are still alive, but she constantly worries about her own future. Perks: She always tries to make others feel good because she feels happier when the people around her are. Quirks: When alone, she falls into her bad thoughts. She hates others intruding when she gets like this. After staying cheerful for too long, some of her comments get a bit acidic. Her biggest fear, other than messing up her own future, is being forgotten and left alone. roleplay example: [hider=example goes here] In her dorm, Kat drums her fingers against the wood of her desk. Looking out her window, she observes the crowd of students outside during their lunch break. How can everyone be so happy, so secure in their plans? Aren't any of them worried about screwing up, failing a class, losing their opportunity to get the job of their dreams? How can they stand the constant weight on their shoulders? Slumping, she sighs. Then, the door to her room. She immediately straightens back up, turning around, forcing a wide smile on her face. "Hey, how are you doing?" She greets. [/hider]