[center][h2][color=cyan] Gerard Biserus [/color] [/h2] [/center][hr] [color=DarkKhaki]"Mhmm."[/color] The checkpoint guard's eyes were practically glazed over as he read the documents, his eyes glancing up briefly as he compared the information he on the papers to Justice- indicating that as bored as he looked, he [i]was[/i] indeed paying at least a modicum of attention. [color=DarkKhaki]"Well, you picked a hell of a time to go visit your dad."[/color] The guard chuckled mirthlessly. [color=darkkhaki]"There's a beer festival or something going on, so the streets are crowded and the hotels are packed. Mind how you drive."[/color] He added, glancing at the large, beaten looking truck. In the back of the truck, Gerard was snickering more or less like Justice's inner monologue had predicted, as Morden stirred the shit with an ever impassive face. The guard had a laugh that was shared with no one, as he continued poking around the back. [color=yellow]"You there,"[/color] He pointed at Gerard, the princess next to him shooting up like her spine had been replaced by a steel rod. [color=yellow]"I'll have a look at your papers too, and the one next to you."[/color] [color=cyan]"Sure,"[/color] Gerard replied casually, slowly reaching into his back pocket for his wallet, his brain unsure what to do with the princess- they'd changed her clothes and put a hat on her, but forging fake IDs wasn't exactly in any of their skillsets- maybe Justice, if she had time and a space to work, but definitely nothing on the fly. [color=yellow]"Well? Don't take all day-"[/color] The private was interrupted by the checkpoint guard slapping the side of the truck. [color=darkkhaki]"Its fine."[/color] the lead guard called back, [color=darkkhaki]"Just military here to visit family."[/color] With a slight rumble and hiss, the truck continued its rather unceremonious trek through the checkpoint. As the guard at the front had mentioned- it was slow going. The roads were thick with cars and people, and it was early afternoon- basically as busy as the city would get. They could heard the distant sounds of music and the near constant dull roar of an entire city of people talking. Bright pennants hung on strings stretching across streets and buildings, and more than one sloshed daydrinker forced Kali to come to a sudden halt as he walked through traffic, a rather grumpy looking police officer cutting him off on the other side. [color=cyan]"Think we can stop somehwere for a drink?"[/color] Gerard called out from the back, [color=cyan]"I only vaguely recall putting Dunbarton Bier Fest on the itinerary!"[/color] His voice dropped a bit lower as he poked his head into the cabin from the back of the truck, his map app open on his phone. [color=cyan]"Veld's people want us going here-"[/color] he added more seriously, floating the phone up onto the dash. [color=cyan]"An even [i]older[/i] part of town, if you could believe it. Residential district by the cliffs. I don't think this fat ass truck is going to be fitting into some of those alleyways."[/color]