[center] [h1][b] Italian AGP Saturday, April 15th, 2094 [/b] [/h1] [/center] [hr] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/w5tWYmIOWGk?feature=share] On Top of the World - Imagine Dragons [/url] [/b] Arianna had not wanted to get stuck with one of the older guards who would report every move she made during the day to her father. She knew he meant well but he was overly cautious of every step she took. She knew he probably had the right to worry about her but she really wanted to see the alpine forest. Damian’s reasons for not being her assigned guard didn’t really make sense to her. She understood that her father was not going to give her any space on this particular issue. She had almost suggested that Damian could be trained on the job for this duty as well but it would take up another guard’s time. Not to mention her father would probably get suspicious of her motives at this point. She did not get her wish. She was assigned one of the older guards, a tall black man named Winslow. Arianna was pleasantly surprised as Winslow reminded her of her father. He was fun to hang out with and let her set the pace and what they did. He only stepped in if he felt it was necessary. She had picked up some warm winter clothing that would look good, was comfortable, and would hold up for a prolonged outdoor outing. Arianna intended to get her cable car tour, but she also really wanted to see the forest. She intended to make the most of her time in Italy. She had spent Friday afternoon shopping. She had needed the right winter clothes if she was going to be traipsing into the forest here. It was very cold here in the Dolomites. She also needed the right kind of footwear. She had arranged for tickets for the cable car tours. She had confirmed that one of them had a walking tour into the forest that talked about the conservation efforts in the area. Arianna was confident of her ability to keep up with the tour. The tour guide had said it was easy walking on this tour to accommodate the most people. She was confident she could do it and it fit the parameters her father had given her technically. It was part of the cable car tour. Her father had insisted a guard go with her even though not many had recognized her the day before. She still did not quite understand his worry. She had been stopped by a few fans who had recognized her. Most of them had simply asked her how she was doing or wished her a speedy recovery. A few had asked for a photo. She had not been mobbed though which is what her father seemed to worry about. None of the press had approached her. After a hearty breakfast at the hotel, she had dressed for a day of adventure. She had dressed warmly with thermal lined chocolate brown leggings tucked into black mid calf fur lined snow boots. She had a long cream colored sweater tunic with a v neckline. She had a long heavy thermal lined tan coat over the top of it all with a faux fur trimmed hood. A blue scarf was around her neck in case she needed it. She had pulled a black beanie with a poof on top down over her blonde hair to keep her ears warm. She had pulled on soft supple black leather gloves that were lined with a reflective fabric that turned body heat back towards your hands to help keep them warm. She met Winslow in the lobby of the hotel they were staying in. Arianna greeted Winslow warmly and they were off to start the first tour. The first cable car tour met and the cable car took you halfway up the mountain to a plateau about a third of the way up the mountain to one of the smaller mountain passes. There was a restaurant and gift shops there. You could board the cable car for the next section of the mountain that would take you over part of the glacier and crevasse in the valley below. It had a nice view of the alpine forest. The cable car ended at another mountain plateau that was wedged on a valley floor among the trees. There was a small village at this stop with all kinds of shops and restaurants. This was the beginning of the short walking tour into the forest. Arianna was having a great time. The tour into the forest was not very crowded. She didn’t feel rushed. The tour guide answered as many of her questions as they could. Arianna had obviously studied for this kind of thing. The tour guide couldn’t answer any of the more technical questions she had. Arianna had been recognized by a few people on the tour. A few had wished her well. A few had asked if they could take her photo. Several took photos without asking. She was in public and it was not like she could prevent it. She did notice Winslow stepping in front of her to block cameras at times. She just gave him a warm smile of acknowledgement. Arianna and Winslow had lunch at a charming Italian Bistro with traditional red and white checkered tablecloths. They both had a warm Italian soup with fresh baked bread for lunch. They had chocolate tiramisu with espresso before starting on the final cable car tour that would take them to the pass at the Forcella Pordoi. The views on the ride up were absolutely stunning. The cable car was full but not overly crowded. Arianna sat on one of the benches in the cable car in front of the window. Arianna’s passion for conservation and appreciation for nature had been engaged all day. It was mid afternoon when the cable car arrived at the station. This route was popular as it overlooked the race track. Many fans had booked the cable car tours to catch some of the ships in practice today on the track. The qualifying race was happening today. The cable cars offered a different view of the fast antigravity ships as they raced down the mountain roads and left the track in jumps from one section to the other. This was a great vantage point to watch the racers from. There was a little excitement as the doors opened as fans pushed to get out and pick out spots to watch the qualifying runs. There was an energy to the crowd that seemed to surge as the doors opened. Arianna stepped out with Wilson offering a steadying hand. It seemed the Italian AG had set up a fanzone space up here at the cable car stop. There was site security around. There were food and drink vendors around. There of course was merchandise tables. If teams wanted to sell their merchandise here they were responsible for setting up their own little area. The beautiful views of the area along with the qualifying races happening made for a lovely way to pass some time. This option seemed popular with the locals. Who seemed to be enjoying a nice day outside. She made her way over to the outlook viewing area. She found a decent seat that gave a good vantage point of the mag track. Excitement among the crowd rose as qualifying started. The crowd seemed happy and cheerful. Every ship was being cheered as it passed by. Arianna added her voice to the mix as one of the now familiar dark gray and gold Valkyrie ships roared past. She lifted an arm and waved even though she was pretty sure whoever was piloting was too busy to notice where she was sitting so far away. Winslow teased her a little as the two enjoyed the late afternoon sunshine as the racing was going on. She looked down at the track spotting what she thought was a Nordic Call ship going by. Its rainbow colors flashing in the sunlight. It was moving so fast it was a colorful blur to the naked eye. Not far behind it was the turquoise ship of one of the smaller teams. Arianna smiled a little. She could almost see what had drawn her father to racing. There was an edge of danger and speed to it that caused your heart to speed up and race even just watching it. It was a rush all its own. It was no wonder that Formula AG was so popular. She had to admit being here and seeing the ships go by in person was a very different experience to watching it on television or online. Here when the ship went by you could hear the roar of the engines, smell the biofuel in the air, and feel the pressure wave from the ship passing. It was a physical experience. She watched the remainder of the qualifying race. She had a lovely view of the mountainside and valley below. Qualifiers were over but the crowd had not dispersed. She asked what was going on. Evidently there was some big sponsored fan event happening after qualifiers. Arianna conferred with Winslow as the heaters in the area kicked in as the sun was setting. The fan event would be starting in a few hours. They opted to get dinner from one of the food trucks present. Arianna was curious what happened at a sponsor event. She was unsure which team or even what sponsor was hosting the event. But it sounded like a fun thing to check out. They had a fun dinner as they tried something from every food truck. They jokingly critiqued and scored what they tried from each truck. It ate it up the time before the event started. It has been a fun and pleasant evening so far. [hr] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/Hyk-Vdd_Qrk?feature=shared] Bad Day - R.E.M. [/url] [/b] They still had a little time before the event was set to kick off. If anything the crowds had grown heavier since qualifying. Arianna was standing at the rail looking up at the stars. The air was so clear here. The view of the stars was magnificent. She could see so many! The outdoor patio area had heaters on and spaced around the area for people’s comfort. There was also light from lamp posts around the area lighting up the night. Winslow was at her side. Arianna was tapped on the arm by someone. She turned around with an inquisitive look on her face. [color=ec008c]Arianna: “Can I help you?” [/color] A short blonde woman with a press pass swinging around her neck thrust a microphone into her face. A man with a shoulder mounted video camera stood at an angle recording them. Winslow stepped in front of her and pushed the camera away. Winslow scowled at the man. [color=82ca9d]“Turn it off! You need to at least ask first. Poor manners.”[/color] The cameraman turned the camera off and let it drop from his shoulder. He just looked expectantly at the reporter. The woman gave Arianna an excited smile. [color=ed1c24] “Hello, You are Arianna Knight aren’t you?”[/color] Arianna frowned a little, caught off guard. [color=ec008c]“Yes I am Arianna Knight. Who are you?”[/color] The woman pasted on that serene look all reporters seemed to have before she continued in an excited voice. [color=ed1c24]Lauri: “Hello Arianna, I am Lauri Ivan with Victory Laps Racing News. Would you mind doing a short interview with me?” [/color] Arianna turned to Winslow who indicated it was her choice. That was one of the reasons she had appreciated him earlier. Now if she said no it would make her look like she had something to hide. Arianna was a little annoyed to be ambushed but she had been through training with Katherine and knew enough to play nice with the pushy reporter. Arianna gave Winslow a nod. [color=ec008c]Arianna: “A short interview and I reserve the right to not answer any questions and to stop at any time.” [/color] Winslow moved aside and allowed the cameraman to lift the camera again. Lauri once more lifted the microphone and stood facing Arianna at an angle. The picturesque views behind them. Not that you could see much other than a faint starlight reflected off the snow and ice. Lauri looked right at the camera: [color=ed1c24]“Hello race fans. This is Lauri Ivan with Victory Laps Racing News. I am here in Italy at the qualifying races. Look who I found! Arianna Knight.” [/color] Arianna put on a smile and waved at the camera. [color=ec008c]“Hello everyone!” [/color] Lauri kept the fake smile on her face. [color=ed1c24]“Can you tell us why you are here in Italy Arianna?”[/color] Arianna: [color=ec008c]“I came with my father to cheer on the team. They have all been very supportive and helpful during my recovery. I still have a ways to go but as you can see. I am getting around on my own now. I am doing much better. I would like to thank everyone who has sent me warm wishes for a speedy recovery. I did receive them. Your messages of support were appreciated and helped me push through a dark time.” [/color] Lauri’s expression softened somewhat but then hardened into a serious one. [color=ed1c24]Lauri: “Are you aware that there are those who believe that your father misappropriated team resources to help you? What do you have to say about that?” [/color] Arianna looked startled. She had heard the rumors of course but to be so bluntly asked about them while being interviewed by a member of the press was a little daunting. Winslow tensed next to her. She also noticed that she was beginning to draw a small crowd who wondered why she was being interviewed. People in the crowd were taking pictures and began to record video on their cell phones. Arianna’s jaw clenched because she knew that her father had faced some setbacks for helping her. She had not realized how far reaching the consequences had been for him till this moment. [color=ec008c]Arianna: “My father is one of the most honorable men I know. He did the best he could to support me when I needed him. He would never jeopardize the people he works with. Everything he has done has been above reproach and carefully documented. He has paid for my treatment out of his own pocket. Others may be throwing out accusations to tarnish his reputation but there's nothing to these allegations. My father knew how his decision would look and how others would try to use it to their advantage. To try and tarnish his name and Team Valkyrie’s. Yet he did it anyway and with as much transparency as possible for just this reason. He does not deserve to be tried and hung in the court of public opinion. He is a wonderful father and a great team leader.”[/color] Arianna put as much conviction and passion in her voice as possible. A male reporter with a press pass swinging around his neck followed by a cameraman pushed in front of Arianna. [color=f26522]“Arianna, I am Hans Keller with Gossip. Did you know there are rumors going around that your father doesn’t want you to talk to the press. That you are a prisoner at the Team Valkyrie Headquarters. What do you say to those accusations?” [/color] Arianna started to feel uncomfortable and targeted. She blinked a little as the intrusive question. [color=ec008c]“My father would prefer the press leave me alone. He has not stopped me from talking to the press. I am standing here in Italy. I am not a prisoner at Headquarters.”[/color] Arianna shook her head in disbelief. Before either reporter could ask a follow up question an older man speaking a language she could not place was ranting at her angrily. The older man spat at her. Winslow stepped in front of her and blocked the older man from her sight. Winslow began to move her along the rail away from the reporters and back towards the vehicle park. Winslow told the reporters, [color=82ca9d]“Interviews are over.”[/color] The crowd was looking confused. You could hear them asking what was going on. They were making slow progress as their way was impeded by the crowd. More people were attracted by the noise and trying to get a sense of why a crowd had gathered. The people in the back by the railings were trying to follow her while those still coming in from the landing were pushing towards the railing. They were pushed and jostled back and forth. At the edge of the crowd the energy in the crowd began to shift to one of excitement. A tall dark haired man with piercing green eyes was moving through the crowd. The crowd’s excitement followed him as he pushed towards them. The crowd parted before him easily. Just as Harrison was breaking through the crowd a space was opening up in front of Arianna. She was jostled from behind. Her balance wasn’t capable of correcting itself and she started to fall forward. Harrison stepped forward and caught her before she hit the ground. The crowd was calling his name behind him. It was Harrison from the Southern Cross team. [color=6ecff6]Harrison: “What’s the crack?” [/color] There was a surge of noise as everyone tried to talk to the man at once. The crowd had backed up and left a small space around Winslow and Arianna. Arianna found herself falling forward unable to fight gravity. Her body was still building those neural pathways and what would have been an instinctual adjustment to posture with muscles moving reflexively turned in a slow tumble right into Harrison’s open arms. Arianna met Harrison’s piercing green eyes in shock. She recognized him instantly. The noise of the crowd seemed to fade into the background. Harrison was someone she really admired. She followed him on social media. She blurted out the first thing that came to mind which was his name. [color=ec008c]“Harrison?”[/color] It came as a question because she had not expected to see him here. Harrison looked amused as he looked down in a beautiful face. He couldn’t put a name to that face but he knew he had seen it before. [color=6ecff6]“Are you alright?”[/color] Winslow pushed to Arianna’s side. He asked her in a worried voice. [color=a2d39c]Winslow: “Arianna, are you hurt?”[/color] Arianna was feeling like reality had tilted a little. She found herself blushing crimson as she realized she was in Harrison arms. She tried to catch her balance and straighten up. Her body was feeling shaky and clumsy. Her concentration was not where it should be. She should be focusing on her body and her cybernetic connection to it. Instead she was focusing on the feeling of strong arms around her. She had no right to think about those arms because he was just being gallant. They were not dating and this was the first time she had met him. Her blush intensified. She once more tried to disentangle herself. She almost did it but lost her balance again. She wobbled and Harrison tightened his arms once more. Harrison looked concerned now. [color=6ecff6]“Are you okay?”[/color] Harrison was still struggling to figure out what was going on here. He had heard the older black man ask her if she was injured. He turned to him and raised an eyebrow. [color=6ecff6]Harrison: “Why would you ask her if she was injured?” [/color] Winslow tilted his head respectfully. He knew who Harrison was too. [color=a2d39c]“Mr. Makara I appreciate you helping Miss Knight out. She is still recovering from injuries and is still a little unsteady on her feet at times. She was being jostled in the crowd. We were moving away from reporters who were hounding her with disrespectful questions. I was worried she may have reinjured herself from the jostling.” [/color] Harrison made the connection finally. Arianna Knight. He loosened his hold on her. He looked down into a pair of amazing hazel colored eyes that looked almost like a soft teal with golden flecks in them. Harrison gave her a lazy smile. [color=6ecff6]“Can you stand on your own now?”[/color] Arianna hastily nodded as her face got even redder if that was possible. She finally got her body to corporate. Arianna muttered a hasty, [color=ec008c]“Thank you for your help Harrison.” [/color] Harrison was just about to let her go when flashes almost blinded him. He heard questions coming from the crowd and there were obviously some reporters in the crowd. [color=ed1c24]“Harrison, are you dating Arianna Knight?”[/color] [color=f26522]“How do you two know each other?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Is Arianna attending your promotional event?”[/color] Arianna heard the questions and pulled away from Harrison completely. [color=ed1c24]“Can you help us get out of this crowd?” [/color] Harrison offered her his arm. He wrapped her hand around it and placed his other hand on top of hers. He began to walk towards the vehicle park. Harrison simply ignored the crowd reporters and all. [color=6ecff6]“So why are you here Arianna?”[/color] Arianna was trying to untie her tongue. She was starstruck bad. Harrison was talking to her and guiding her out of a crowd. Her hand was wrapped around his arm. [color=ec008c]Arianna: “Well I am a big fan. I follow you on social media. I am studying botany with a specialization in ecosystem revitalization. I came on the cable car tour because I wanted to see the alpine forest. I am not up to a full blown hike yet. I am still struggling over uneven ground.” [/color] Arianna blushed as she rambled on at Harrison. Winslow looked amused and followed, blocking the crowd from Arianna’s other side. Harrison grinned to hear that she was a fan. Alexander Knight’s daughter was a fan of his. [color=6ecff6]“Why are you a fan?” [/color] Arianna blushed again. [i]She couldn’t tell him that he was handsome. That was too much of an admission from her.[/i] [color=ec008c]“I follow you for all the work you do to promote environmental restoration projects. I like that you use your fame to help change the world.” [/color] Harrison looked surprised by her answer. The crowd kept moving out of their way. They were helped by two of Harrison’s security guards who moved anyone who tried to impede his path. They stopped at the edge of the vehicle park. The crowd was still following them but the way into the vehicle park was clear. Harrison gave Arianna a warm smile even as he removed her hand gently from his arm. [color=6ecff6]“It was nice to meet you, Arianna. I am sure I will be seeing you around the paddock more often. I have to go back to work now. This is one of my sponsor’s events.”[/color] Winslow moved in and took Arianna’s other arm. [color=ec008c]Arianna: “Thank you for your help Harrison. I would love to chat with you when you have more time.”[/color] She gave him a big beautiful smile. Harrison gave her a lazy wave and turned and walked back into the crowd. Winslow pulled Arianna into the vehicle park. There was supposed to be a vehicle and driver waiting on them. He spotted the Valkyrie rental and hustled Arianna into it and away back down the mountain. [center] [h1][b] Italian AGP Sunday, April 16th, 2094 [/b] [/h1] [/center] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/siwpn14IE7E?feature=shared] Danger Zone - Kenny Loggins [/url] [/b] [hr] Paul had gotten a great start. He managed to shoot past Cassie and charged hard towards Bea. Ava Villarosa was right on his tail; she had managed to get past Dorian and Hyeon-Ae. [color=f7976a]Carmella: “Great start Paul. You have Villarosa one second behind you. She is gonna catch up to you in the straight. Be thinking about ELS defense. It helped her in Tokyo. Cassie has Hyeon-Ae behind her. Keep up the good work so far.” [/color] [color=fff200]Paul: “Got it. I will be ready to deploy ELS defense on the strait.” [/color] Paul’s practice with the ELS was paying off. He was able to successfully defend on the strait as Ava closed the gap between them. He kept working the turns hoping to reduce the gap between him and Bea. He managed to get close to her in the turns and chicanes but she would pull away from him in the straits. He couldn’t get close enough to deploy his ELS. Ava on the other hand kept on his toes and defending. He would lose her in the turns and then she would regain her lost distance in the straits. They were on lap four when Paul saw the yellow flag indicator light come on as the limiter kicked in, slowing his ship to what felt like a crawl. [color=fff200]Paul: “What’s happened Carmella?”[/color] [color=f7976a]Carmella: “Astrid and Han collided. Their ships are damaged and having to be removed from the race. The caution is for the jump at Rifugio Pordoi. They are clearing it as fast as they can.” [/color] [color=fff200]Paul: “Are the pilots a'ight?’[/color] [color=f7976a]Carmella: “Camera footage shows Astrid out of her ship on her feet. Movement has been seen from Han as well. They appear to be alive.”[/color] Paul felt relief knowing that they were at least alive. They might be his competitors but he didn’t wish any of them dead. He turned his attention back to the race. He knew that they would all bunch up and be held in position until the wreckage was cleared. When the race restarted he barely managed to keep his lead on Ava. She almost made it around him. [color=f7976a]Carmella: “Paul, be aware that Max made it past Dorian. He is now behind Ava. Dorian and Cassie duking it out behind Max. Max may take some of Ava’s attention off you. But he is even better with ELS.” [/color] [color=fff200]Paul: “Got it.”[/color] Paul was more driven than before. He punched the speed and managed to make up even more time on the hairpin turns and the undulating sections. He was slowly widening the gap between him and Ava. Her attention must be now on defending against Max who was making her work hard for it. Ava had slowed down some. Paul took advantage and charged as hard as he could through the next set of turns. He was hoping to catch up to Bea. Before he knew it, the race was over. He had landed in a respectable P7 and was informed Dorian had finished P10. That was good for their team. At least they both picked up some points. [hr] [center][h1][b] Post Race Interviews[/b][/h1][/center] [quote][color=ed1c24]Aurora: "Paul, congratulations today on your result, it seems like another reliable points haul for Valkyrie. Do you think you got lucky with Cassie dropping back and the crash playing into your favour?"[/color][/quote] Paul was still in his racing suit. He had his helmet tucked under his arm. [color=fff200]“Thanks for having me again Aurora. I would argue I did a better job with ELS defense here in Italy. I can’t deny the restart did work somewhat in my favor. When Max overtook Dorian and Cassie. He was then focused on getting past Ava. Ava was better at the ELS than Cassie. It certainly helped me build a bigger gap once Max was focused on trying to get past Villarosa. Max certainly slowed Villarosa down which helped me build and maintain that gap between us. I have been training hard on ELS defense and I believe that showed here in Italy.”[/color] [hr] [center][h1][i][b][color=ed1c24]Victory Laps Racing News[/color][/b][/i][/h1][/center] “Hello this is Lauri Ivan with Victory Laps Racing News with a hot exclusive! Arianna Knight was attending the race in Italy. She had stopped at the fan zone at the cable car stop that was set up for a Southern Cross sponsorship event. I asked her for an interview. The interview had just started when another reporter pushed in to ask a question. Then an older man stepped from the crowd and verbally berated the stunned woman. Her bodyguard then declared the interview over and tried to remove Miss Knight from the area. The crowd was making that difficult. Miss Knight tripped and literally fell into the arms of Harrison Makara of Southern Cross. Makara helped a stunned Arianna Knight out of the crowd. Is there something going on between Harrison Makara and Arianna Knight? Take a look at our exclusive video! Let us know what you think in the comments.” [Video of reporter with an edited version of the interview with Arianna and Harrison helping Arianna move through the crowd.] [hr] [center][h1][i][b][color=ed1c24]Gossip (an online tabloid publication)[/color][/b][/i][/h1][/center] “This is Hans Keller with Gossip. I ran into Arianna Knight at the Italian Grand Prix. I confronted her with the rumors that her father was keeping her prisoner at Team Valkyrie Headquarters and had forbidden her to talk to the press. Arianna Knight confirmed that her father Alexander Knight doesn’t want the press talking to her. She was vehemently denying those accusations and defending her father when an older fan spat on her. Her bodyguard declared the interview over and began to pull her through the crowd. She seemed to trip and fell right into the arms of Harrison Makara of Southern Cross. Harrison escorted Arianna away from the scene. Is Arianna Knight hoping to date Harrison Makara? Take a look at the video and let us know what you think. This is a Gossip Exclusive!” [Gossip’s video from the fan zone event edited to support their version of events of course.] [hr] [color=gold][center][h1][i][b]Social Media[/b][/i][/h1][/center][/color] [hr] [center][b][color=fff200]Team Valkyrie AGR Sport @TeamValkyrie[/color] [/b][/center] [center][b][color=fff200]Team Valkyrie brought home more points in Italy! With Paul Mulder finishing in P7 and Dorian Hornfleur finishing in P10. Exclusive Team Valkyrie Fan Gear is only available through the team’s online store. Check out the new fan gear from Enigma Lux. [Team Valkyrie Online Store] [/color][/b][/center] [hr] Fan reaction on social media to the events that happened at the Italian AG. [color=fff200]OfficeDrone#12:[/color] Wow, lucky girl! [color=fff200]SuperfanAGR54:[/color] Once again family drama trumps how the team did. #disappointed [color=fff200]DantheMan:[/color]Well they had a solid performance and both of the pilots made the top 10. [color=fff200]BatDave:[/color] I am Batman! [color=fff200]Superfan2075:[/color] What about that crash between Han and Astrid? Astrid was fined but is there a nugget of truth in what she said? [color=fff200]DadBod89:[/color] Well I hope to see even better results in Portugal. [color=fff200]Hater101:[/color] Wow agrees to an interview, fans spit on her in ITALY. Italy is considered a home team race for Valkyrie. What does this say about Alexander Knight’s relationship with the fans? [color=fff200]Papabear34:[/color] WTF? I am so confused. Paul performed well. [color=fff200]Nana2050:[/color] Spitting is disgusting! @ValkyriePaul Nice job P7! [color=fff200]GeorgeFly:[/color] The views from the mountain were amazing. Valkyrie did a good job in Italy. P7 for Paul! He is slowly making progress. [color=fff200]ValkyrieFan56:[/color] Glad to see the pilots do alright in Italy after the disappointment in Tokyo. [color=fff200]Weedhead81:[/color] @Arianna I have the green magic waiting. [color=fff200]SexyM@m@5:[/color] @ValkyrieDorian DM me! [color=fff200]Paulmulder4eva:[/color] Paul looked dashing as always. @ValkyriePaul [color=fff200]Britball12:[/color] I don’t know where to begin. Valkyrie is quickly becoming the laughing stock of the paddock for all the drama that came with Alexander. [color=fff200]!YouSlow!:[/color] Paul performed well. Disappointed by Dorian though. [color=fff200]xImFasterthanUx:[/color] Dorian was outperformed by the rookie, again. [color=fff200]AGInthusiast:[/color] Formula AG has turned into a three ring circus. [color=fff200]micheal650004:[/color] The pilots did okay. Looking forward to Portugal [color=fff200]aglover4life:[/color] Wow! That crash could totally have been avoided. Han could have waited her out. She would eventually have passed her with her superior speed. [color=fff200]ieatAGR:[/color] Is this racing or a dating game show. Good grief! Can we just keep it to the racing? Come on! [color=fff200]Bertha:[/color] I feel discriminated against! Arianna got to have hot Harrison’s arm around her. Why can’t I get that kind of treatment? [hr] [hider= Team Valkyrie Characters] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zrLx5XUgYiVm6KjTpFTWZtJvXc0MX77enkLzINHujKw/edit?gid=0#gid=0 [/hider]