[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xSxQafm.png[/img][/center] [hr] Lina was skipping. Not exactly the most [i]dignified[/i] way to move, especially for one of her station. If her family saw her skipping through a place as 'hallowed' as Atutania, their hearts would collectively explode, she was pretty sure. She could almost hear them: [i]This is not how a scion of the Ariesca family should act! Have some dignity and decorum, and remember that while you're there you are representing all of us![/i] And, like, she [i]could,[/i] but like...why? She was still a little miffed at her family. She'd never left Itenaire. She hadn't even spent much time out of her family's estate. So when there was a festival all throughout the street like this, well, what was she supposed to do but enjoy it? As she meandered through the streets, eyes wide, it slipped her mind for a moment that she should [i]really[/i] get to the trials right about now. The smell of Hahral spices floating through the air! The hustle and bustle of the crowds all around her! It was wonderful, she should really get to the trial but oooooh, was that stall selling meat and vegetables on rolled-up flatbread of some kind? It smelled heavenly! Way better than all the boring meals she'd had back home! It hadn't taken long for Lina to arrive at Atutania; living in the middle-west of Itenaire as she did, it was a relatively short trip of just a few days and nights until she'd stood before the gate, thrown open to allow for free traffic on the Day of Heroes. She'd gone in with the full intent to immediately head to the Order's training grounds, honest. To present herself as a potential knight with her martial skill. But she'd been cooped up in her family's compound [i]forever,[/i] and now she finally had a chance to wander around a real street festival? There was no way she was missing this! Maybe she'd just go down a street or two to see what it was like before she headed up? And that plan lasted exactly as long as the plan to miss it all and just head straight up. While the small guard her father had sent with her had asked to come inside, she'd dismissed them as she entered the city. They'd all report back to father; which meant that in the end, they'd be just as boring and stodgy as he always was. She'd be yelled at if he was there, but he [i]wasn't![/i] And he wouldn't be for who knew how long? So she wouldn't need to deal with all of his stupid lessons! She was going to become a knight! This was a [i]good[/i] day! She didn't need a bunch of sticks in the mud dragging along behind her and pulling her mood down when things were so great! And so: now she was skipping. Catching a few dirty glances here and there when she needed to dart through the crowds proper, but mostly keeping to the sides, she deftly wove around people as she wended her way further into the festival. Another smell wafted across her path then; and taken a long, appreciative sniff, she ceased her skipping and came to a stop in front of a wooden stall roofed with fabric patched into every color of the rainbow. A pair of Hahral behind the counter were cutting chunks of meat off a large steak and sticking them along with roasted vegetables onto long wooden skewers. Oh man, it looked and smelled [i]amazing![/i] As they turned to her, she placed a few coins on the counter and gave her best bright smile: "[color=FFC0CB]Two, please![/color]" [hr] She was still working her way through the second, popping a chunk of roasted pepper into her mouth, when she stepped up to the registration table. Not [i]skipping[/i] this time, but certainly not garden-variety walking. Bouncing, almost; a big smile on her face and her toes curling in and out in her boots. The bored-looking mousy woman behind it looked up at her flatly, raising a single eyebrow. Likely at the fact she was still eating, even as she came to the trials. "[color=gray]Name?[/color]" She swallowed, then gave a bright smile. Her loud voice came out almost as a chirp: "[color=FFC0CB]Ariesca! Lina Ariesca![/color]" The woman's eyebrows shot up in a moment of surprise before she composed her face again; and even after, her eyes remained [i]much[/i] more alert, and her back was ramrod straight, like she'd been electrified. [i]Ariesca[/i] was quite a well known name in this part of the world, after all, and having one show up to the trials of the Order likely wasn't expected by any measure. Her eyes strayed down to the twin swords on the girl's hips, and she pointed down at a wall of dummies and a big ol' sparring ring. "[color=gray]Uhm--Miss...Lady--over there for close quarters weapons.[/color]" Nodding at the attendant with a quick "[color=FFC0CB]thanks![/color]", she trotted over to the area in question. Swords, maces, flails, there was even a girl with a pitchfork sticking out like a sore thumb! In no hurry to start swinging, either at dummies or the person who'd stepped into the practice ring (she hadn't even finished her food yet, after all!), she elected instead to stand and watch for a while as she polished off her meat and vegetable stick that the Hahral had called a "kebab." No fun fighting on an empty stomach, after all, no matter [i]what[/i] Dad said about it making you stronger, and with food this tasty, why rush?