[hider=Erin][b]Name:[/b] Erin Williams [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Major:[/b] General Science [b]Year:[/b] 2nd [b]Appearance:[/b] In regards to her physical appearance Erin was neither particularly lucky nor particularly unlucky in the genetic lottery. Brown hair, brown eyes, average height, not particularly attractive but not ugly either. Physically Ada is average in almost every way. [b]Personality:[/b] Most people who meet Erin would probably describe her as excitable, easily distracted, and scatterbrained, as she is at her core an intensely curious person with her attention often rapidly jumping from subject to subject as they draw her interest. It is worth noting, however, that this is largely a result of lacking a novel subject that she can truly delve deep into and given such a muse she can instead become hyper-fixated, often to the detriment of everything else. [list] [*][b]Perks:[/b] Erin is a quick learner and creative thinker. Her tendency to jump from topic to topic has allowed her to learn a little bit about lots of things. [*][b]Quirks:[/b] Hates doing nothing. Dislikes incurious people. Has a tendency to neglect her own needs in favour of more interesting pursuits.[/list] [b]History:[/b] Despite her best efforts and much to her vexation, Erin’s life has thus far been one largely devoid of notably interesting events. Perhaps above all else, Erin craves to discover and understand truly interesting things, whether that be in a lab or elsewhere. [hider=RP Example]Erin slammed the door behind her. Her muscles ached and her lungs defied all attempts at controlling them, as she was finally forced to stop and catch her breath. Even just a few moments after coming to a stop, Erin could already feel her body starting to shake; the adrenaline from her encounter, finally catching up to her now that she was resting – paradoxically insisting that she could run further still, even while her muscles screamed at her that she absolutely could not. What the hell was that thing? It certainly looked like a person, but it acted more like the villain of a cheesy slasher flick. Erin knew enough about biology to say that a person shouldn’t just be able to shrug off a wound like that, and while she couldn’t say the topic had ever held her interest for long enough to call herself anything but an amateur, she was pretty certain that what she’d seen wasn’t some kind of magician’s trick either. She’d literally seen bone, and yet the man – or whatever that thing actually was – had kept on coming at her like its wounds were non-existent. How on Earth did that work? As Erin thought about that question, she didn’t notice as she slowly stopped shaking. As the abject terror of just moments earlier was replaced by a growing sense of excitement. As she pondered a truly interesting subject.[/hider][/hider]