[color=red][h2]Battle:[/h2][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/8k5yxsv.png[/img] As Saur offered the ichor to the flash beetle, its shining light immediately grew duller as the insect's probing mandibles searched within Saur's claws for the substance. After devouring the offering, the beetle seemed to no longer register the presence of Saur or the others with any real interest, so focused was it on cleaning the sticky ichor from its mandibles and claws. The beetle skittered up the wall and stayed there, completely preoccupied with its work of getting every last morsel of ichor from its body. The beetle just South of Saur filled the place of the now pacified beetle, its mandibles clacking as it did so. This beetle was a little larger than the others, maybe the size of an adult human's palm. As it moved closer to Saur, it's wings reared up and a brilliant flash erupted from its thorax. [color=yellow]Action 1: Stride to Saur.[/color] [color=yellow]Action 2: The Beetle produces a brilliant flash requiring Saur to make a Fort saving throw, the target DC is 17, or he will be Dazzled (but only to Beetle 4).[/color] Then, the flash beetle moved in to take a snap at Saur's shoulder. [color=yellow]Action 3: Mandible attack. Attack roll was 23, and with Saur's AC at 18(-2, so 16) (he's also off-guard as he's being flanked from the North), this is a hit. Rolling damage, the attack lands for 4 points of piercing damage.[/color] [color=green]Next up Flash 3, but this beetle has been pacified![/color] Next up Flash 2, flanking Saur from the North. The flash beetle to the North of Saur takes the opportunity to attack him from behind, seeing that he's preoccupied by the other beetles to the South. [color=yellow]Action 1: Mandible attack. Attack roll was 25, with Saur's AC at 16 (for off guard) this is only a regular hit (not quite crit). Damage roll was 4, inflicting that much piercing damage to Saur.[/color] [color=yellow]Action 2: Mandible attack MAP -4. Attack roll was an 8, missing Saur.[/color] [color=yellow]Action 3: Mandible attack MAP -8. Attack roll was a 10, missing Saur.[/color] As the flash beetle to the North darted in, its mandibles found purchase on Saur's leg at the calf. The beetles jaws were exceedingly sharp, but Saur reflexively moved to counter. As it was swatted away, it darted in for two more attacks, however, Saur, having felt the sting from that direction, was not so easily caught by the beetle. It landed on the wall to get outside of his immediate reach, then crawled back onto the floor beside Teacher Ot's chair. [color=red][h2]Storyteller's Aside[/h2][/color] [color=goldenrod]Initiative order: Saur: 28 Flash4: 20 Flash2: 13 Jenk: 11 Fleur: 7 Starfinger: 7 Flash1: 7 Ele: 6[/color] [h3]In summary: two beetles Flash4 and Flash2 attacked Saur, inflicting 8 damage total![/h3] [@rush99999] is up! Then [@PatientBean]!