[right][h3][i]An Auspicious Work[/i][/h3][/right] [right] [hider=Yooooo] [url]https://youtu.be/JBqxVX_LXvk?si=tC8fQPMfDoTZY5oe[/url] [/hider][/right] There's a right odd situation in the base halls. Many of the staff gathering in small groups. Snippets of chatter. "Hey you hear? The man is in a good mood for once." "Yeah man, I hear he's even wearing like part of his paint! And he's smiling." More besides. "Yo yo yo! You gotta hurry! The man is in the kitchen! He's kitted up and he's ready to do work!" Several of the staff go stomping. To arrive in the kitchen and dining room. No less then thirty maybe more of the staff gathered. As Ban, in a chefs outfit, his forehead tied over with a cord of braided silk. He spins in place, as a trio of the staff stack onions, leeks and potatoes. Several stacks of cabbage as well. At the same time Ban spins another of the base soldiers examines the Kingo blade closely, running a cleaning towel over it and a edge stone over it as well. Another of the staff call out, "So what are you going to do this time Ban-san? Pork? Chicken? Beef?" Ban hums and stops spinning looking a little dizzy. He staggers abit catching himself on the counter, "Ahhh, yosh Jeremy-san, I don't go into moments like this with expectations. Tony-san and Craig-dono are the ones who picked out today's protein. I shall merely put my skills as a blademaster and a chef to the test to make for you, the best food I can." The soldier with the blade nods, and tosses it to Ban, "It checks out, it's clean. Show us your stuff Kingo-sama. I was off shift when you were last here I missed your cooking. I want to see now." Ban snatches the blade out of the air by the handle. Turning it in a slow circle, twirling it. "Ahhh Hector-dono, I shall do my best to make us a meal of excellence! Yosh, let us heat the stove!" With a flourish he reaches down to his side and flips on all eight burners on the stove. And he comically jumps back, as flames shoot high, "Yoooo! Little too much!" And he turns the burners down. this gets a round of laughter around the group, and a raise of cans or bottles of chosen libations. Ban huffs and motions to the side, where some of his friends have glasses of sake laid out already, "Here, if a man must perform and cook he must be properly marinated...or is that the meat? Ahhh no matter!" He quaffs back a cup of sake with a hiss, "Ahhh it burns!" Which gets another cheer. Two soldiers come out with a flourish, one a tall dark haired asian fellow, while the other is a heavy and broad shouldered norse fellow. They set trays out. One speaking, "And we bring you, the meat of the issue!" They pull aside the covers and pose like The Chairman from Iron Chef, the second of the two shouting, "Bass and Pork!" The tray leaden down with fillets of bass fish, as well as bass steak cuts. And on the other, pork in various cuts. Roasts and chops and cutlets and medallions. Ban hums and looking the meat over, "My my, yes this will do. But first." He takes a step back, and with a motion that can barely be seen, the Kingo blade flashes out, and slashes and cuts. And the stacks of veggies fall, ready to be used in the cooking. And the cooking begins. With a flourish and a set of the best of Ginsu blades, Ban begins to work his craft. His blades flash, cutting, and flaring. Spices and sauces rain and flash. And for the first time since he arrived with Skye, he actually looks happy. The lone yakuza ronin, who until recently had family and lost the last one he has contact with, actually shows a small amount of joy. Meat in the pans sizzle, a pot fille to the brim with stock bubbles as ingredients and spices fly. A rice cooker burbles, noodles boil, vegetables sizzle and cook. This is the work of a virtuoso. The scent fills the building. And the soldiers there to partake cheer the man on. Drinks are raised. Cheer sections break out. Even a good natured division between those who want fish or those who wish for pork on their plates breaks out. And Ban gets into it, weaving his knifes like a conductors baton sparking good natured cheers and light debate over which section seems to be turning out better. The scent of a good meal wafting out over the base. And for a moment, the Yakuza feels like a normal human being for a time.