[color=goldenrod][i][h2][center]Gerard Segremors[/center][/h2][/i][/color] [@Eisenhorn][@VitaVitaAR] [color=goldenrod]"Perfect. We'll take the direct route."[/color] Gerard nodded, fine with this arrangement and hearing nothing in the way of objections. Time was of the essence if they wanted to make this save, this Enfys's survival being an open question or otherwise. Additionally, provided they could preliminarily scout out the sight of the attack, the main party on their heels could be quickly brought up to speed and act effectively. It'd be a more agile stance to take than delaying the information until all fourtysomething of the knights present were on-site, at any rate. Plus, even this small division of theirs was noisy enough simply by way of their armoring— two or three harnesses could move with the wind and minimize jangling passably, provided their skill levels were all roughly equivalent. After a dozen or more, it was much, much further from feasible. Really, another reason he'd brought Sir Rolan's name up in the "return to base" part of the division of labor was that he had to work with what he was given— Ideally, he and the other scruffy black-haired knight would push out ahead, known quantities to one another and both at least servicable in their bushcraft. If the goal was simply to prowl the forest to try and get the drop on this beast, Gerard had plenty of cause to suspect their pair the strongest. But putting it as simply as possible, he didn't for a moment believe the other two would let them get away with that. So he had to work within that frame. [color=goldenrod]"We have a fair idea of which way Thomlin's Rest lies from this point per the briefing— There should be a split in the path that would take us there. I intend to just keep things to an 'investigation' and not an 'engagement' unless a fight comes upon us first— though with that said, we're burning daylight. Move well, Rolan, and Reon guide you. We'll do the same."[/color] He shifted his gaze back to the buzzing little Aessyr, another torn-off fragment of pastry on offer. [color=goldenrod]"You'd best stay with us if that monster you speak of still prowls nearby. Safety in a pack, right?"[/color]