"I'm an ex-army scout," Gabs replied, then waved at herself to point out the armor, then shrugs. "I'm having a problem with the army paymaster, they thought I was dead and discharged me, and I've got to wait for them to sort it out." She sighs. "I'm good with my sword, knife, and bow, and can pick a lock if you don't want to take a warhammer to the lid," she adds, remembering when her former squadmate Iggy smashed through the top of a chest of potions. When she woke up, her leg was broke and the guards had found them except for Iggy. Weird how they found his hammer and his shadow burned into the wall.... "Anywho, just what does 'The Helping Hand' do?" she asked, biting her lip. "It's not like charity work, is it?" Charity work paid bupkis.