[center][H2][color=gold]Eilidh Chiron[/color][/H2] [hr] Location: Building 2, Courtyard Interactions: [@Xaltwind] Mentions: [@BunniesOfDoom] [hr][/center] Miyuki's suggestive comment may have gone over Eilidh's head if it wasn't then followed up with the fox lady staring at her as an uncomfortable silence descened upon the conversation. She breathed a sigh of relief when Miyuki began having a regular conversation. Eilidh had never considered her own sexuality too closely but one thing she did understand was that she had no attraction at all to non-centaurs. She would be happy to make the aquaintance ofMiyuki. Possibly even friends in time. But flirting was always going to make her ever so slightly uncomfortable. Miyuki then introduced herself, and bowed, which caused some...motion. Where did her confidence that there would be no wardrobe malfunctions come from? Did she have hidden clips or something? Eilidh once again felt a little inadequate. [color=gold]"I'm Eilidh Chiron. A Centaur from Scotland. I've actually lived here for nine years, but I usually only leave Building 2 to jog in the morning. I was actually going to grab some breakfast now. I usually eat at Building 2 butI might eat at Building 1 today, just for the change."[/color] The werewolf she spotted earlier ran past her with a real wardrobe malfuction. Now she got a look at her human form, she realised that it was Iris, her neighbor across the hallway. Eilidh considered calling out, but Iris did not hang around to stop for a conversation. The Centaur realised that she'd never really seen her wolf form before now. She should really make more of an effort to socialise with the other residents more, but the internet was just too amazing. Five minutes sirfing (or what feels like it) becomes 12 hours in the real world.