[color=purple]"I might have to get me one of those pitchforks! Thank you for all your help today."[/color] [color=c4df9b]"Thanks for thanks."[/color] Jenk said happily. [color=c4df9b]"Though Jenk must say that while pitchfork [i]part[/i] why Jenk caught fishies, [i]real[/i] reason is because power of faith. Jenk have to go see Teacher Ot now. But next time you see Jenk, remind Jenk to tell you aaall about holy power of angry mob. Ok. Jenk have to go now. Byeee!"[/color] After departing from Alandri's place, Jenk became distracted and just followed the group. Eventually, he was snapped back to reality by the sound Saur exclaiming something about giving something to a bunch of shiny bitey bugs. Unsure of what to do, Jenk decided to just do what Saur was doing. Staying out of reach of the bugs, Jenk moved to stand un front of the desk, picked up some of the stuff that Saur picked up, then moved back up to the northern most wall of the room to where the bug that looked the likeliest to move next was. There, Jenk finally closed the gap between him and the bugs to offer the insect the ichor. [hider=OOC] Jenk collects some ichor, then presents it to Flash1. [/hider]