[center][h2]Sunday April 18th, 2094, 13:00 Marmolada, Italy[/h2][h3]Italian AGP[/h3][/center]By all rights - and Alistair’s recommendation - Bea should’ve been taking an experienced racer like Cassie sitting behind her more seriously than she was. The Zygon ship was only marginally worse where it mattered on this track and every corner they’d spend fighting would be playing right into the frontrunners’ hands, but race drivers moved in the direction they looked, so she let Cassie be Cassie and looked to the ship directly ahead. Well, it was a nice thought, shame it only lasted about twenty seconds before the frontrunners started building a notable gap. And then Cassie… well, was Cassie and before long Paul was the ship behind her. [color=#1EFF24]”Gap?”[/color] Bea asked. [color=#129914]”Point oh-two-six.”[/color] Alistair replied immediately. [color=#1EFF24]”Gap ahead, you muppet.”[/color] She snarked with a hint of a smile. [color=#129914]”Right,“[/color] He chuckled, [color=#129914]”Point eight-six-six”[/color] A deep sigh in response. Maybe she had big eyes before the race. Or maybe she’d get another chance. [color=#129914]”Yellow yellow, sector one. I think that’s gonna be a safety ship.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Who and where?”[/color] [color=#129914]”Astrid and Han, past the jump.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Shite, no barriers there. How does it look?”[/color] [color=#129914]”Tumbled off the track, but there’s debris. Astrid is out and walking… The woman looks on a mission.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”And Hyeon-Ae?”[/color] [color=#129914]”Definitely moving… And out.”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Good, good. Alright, back to work.”[/color] And then Layla and Amy walked away from her the second time. Paul also tried it again at the restart, but the temperatures being what they were meant she could push the engine as hard as she wanted to without worrying about overheating. [color=#1EFF24][i]’Not today, mate.’[/i][/color] She thought with a grin, continuing to focus on hitting her marks to minimise time loss in corners, sneaking the occasional envy-filled glance back at Paul’s rock-solid ship and leaving the Belgian in her wake on the straights only for that dance to repeat corner after corner, lap after lap. But Bea was content with Alistair’s calm voice reporting the gap behind more or less the same every lap, even though the gap ahead wasn’t changing either, but in P6 in a ship like theirs, not falling back was still a win and before she knew it, 45 minutes came and went and the chequered flag flew. [color=#129914]”That’s P6 for you and P8 for Ava, fantastic drive today.”[/color] Behind Alistari’s voice, she could hear the cheers from the garage. [color=#1EFF24]”Oh, you’re still awake there?“[/color] Bea laughed, [color=#1EFF24]” Top job to you as well, mate. Where did Cassie go?”[/color] [color=#129914]”P11. Want the whole roster?”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”The nerve of that woman.”[/color] Bea grinned inside her fishbowl, [color=#1EFF24]”To fumble that bad and make [i]this race[/i] feel boring.”[/color] [color=#129914]”Look who’s getting cocky? Maybe she hasn’t settled into her new team yet.”[/color] Alistair offered with a chuckle. [color=#1EFF24]”True. Not everyone can be as welcoming as you merry band.”[/color] [color=#129914]”Our driver takes us to expensive restaurants when we exceed expectations in races, we have good reason to be.”[/color] He chuckled. [color=#1EFF24]”All according to plan. I’m wrapping all of you around my fingers.”[/color] She joined in on the fun, slowing down and letting Paul pass to line up side-by-side with Ava, giving her teammate a few excited fist pumps and a thumbs up. [hr][color=gold][center][h1][i][b]DELTΔ HYPER[/b][/i][/h1][/center][/color][color=gold][center][h2][i][b]Episode Four: Azzuro Alpina[/b][/i][/h2][/center][/color] [hr] [quote]"Bea, an outstanding result today! It seems like you managed to put down some impressive bankers- and are putting Carrera firmly into the midfield. How do you feel that this projects for the rest of the season?"[/quote] [color=#1EFF24]”I don’t know. Someone smarter does the thinking, I’m just the stick-and-throttle linkage.”[/color] Bea shrugged with a mischievous grin, [color=#1EFF24]”Not sure about me putting the team into the midfield either, admittedly I’m not great at math but eight was just one point short of half of 18 last I checked. On a more serious note about going forward, we’ll be hitting tracks that require different ship characteristics soon so we will have to adjust in time if we want to keep this going, but since León hasn’t put a foot wrong since I’ve been with the team and the engineers have likewise been doing an incredible job turning us around, I have no reason to doubt either. But as you said, today was an outstanding result.”[/color] Bea nodded agreement at Aurora’s opening statement of the question, [color=#1EFF24]”I told you the whole team will have a reason to celebrate here.”[/color] She finished her segment with a smile. Ava was smiling before the mid season and both Condors did well in Italy. Let it never be said she wasn’t a woman of her word. [hr][center][h2]Monday April 19th, 2094 Marmolada, Italy[/h2][h3]Chalet Vites Mountain Hotel[/h3][/center]A fortunate combination of León being busy with something, a very good finish and the team’s off-track pace since the start of the season led to a free day for the whole away team as the usual debriefing was held remotely, with Suárez taking point in the team principal’s absence. [color=#D81A1A]”Everyone on the engineering team is delighted with Sunday’s performance. Integrating the upgrades into the ship hasn’t always been smooth sailing, but we’ve made it work and you and everyone on the ground delivered.”[/color] Ronaldo started after the usual good-mornings and other pleasantries, both pilots addressed looking at least a little bit smug. [color=#D81A1A]”Unfortunately, the pace of upgrades as well as the intensive work on developing the Alicorn engine is unsustainable…”[/color] [center][h3]Over at the factory at that very moment…[/h3][/center] “I am [i]this close[/i] to laying down and never getting back up again.” Jesus, one of the propulsion engineers, collapsed onto the break room’s sofa before the door could even close behind him. “It did it again?” Naomi, his colleague on loan from Pridwen Solutions, asked in an exasperated tone, the first “it” a well-known boogie man in the factory by now. “Fucker did it again.” Jesus replied to a round of groans. “Is it too soon for another asado? When Alonso is found again?” Rosario, an Argentinian machinist, spoke up from the vending machines. “Yeah, we can roast the food on the damn engine. Grill quick, before the fucking thing melts.” Jesus grumbled. [center][h3]Back in the meeting[/h3][/center] [color=#D81A1A]”...and therefore, after discussing this with León and Alejandra, the factory gets the rest of the week off. León and Juan are going to be out for a few more days as well, so given the time lost, the specific characteristics of the track, the marketing exposure of it and the need to give the engineers a rest, León, Flávia and I have decided to focus on the Lunar AGP at the cost of Portugal. So, if you have anything that needs to be settled with anyone at the factory you have until two in the afternoon, Argentina Standard, to do it. Flávia will call both of you on Thursday with details about the promotion we discussed last week. Ava, since you have been to the Moon before, we’ll see you on Monday. Beatrix, we’ll need you to come in on the weekend so we can start you on the gravity sim.”[/color] He finished the important part of the truncated debrief before moving onto some housekeeping. With the meeting concluded, Bea logged off the remote app and started noting down reminders and buying tickets when she heard snickering behind her, turning around to see Eva in the doorway. [color=#E100DB]”No weekend for you, you’re learning to [i]walk[/i]!”[/color] [color=#1EFF24]”Still get to go to the Moon and get paid for it.”[/color] Bea shrugged in response. [hr][b][center][h3][code]11:20 JEN LOWRY [Battery: 89%][/code][/h3][/center][/b] [center]———— Saturday - 27/09/2092 ————[/center][color=#1EFF24]> Did I hear right, your qualifying time got deleted because your GPS transponder wasn’t working?[/color] > Yeah. In a single-ship session. [color=#1EFF24]> It’s not even in the MEL for crying out loud.[/color] > We also said that in the protest. [color=#1EFF24]> They need to get Argyris out of the stewards’ room, this is embarrassing.[/color] [center]———— Sunday - 12/10/2092 ————[/center]> Did you fall asleep on the start or wot? Good recovery though. [color=#1EFF24]> No, I confused your hair for the start lights and thought we were still red.[/color] > I can set you up if you ever want to replace those blonde highlights you’ve been wearing since you were 15. [color=#1EFF24]> Hey, not everyone can pull off your hair.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> And at least the screamsheets can’t date my photos by my hairdo.[/color] [sup][“Jen Lowry” reacted with 😆][/sup] > Touché. [center]———— Wednesday - 15/10/2092 ————[/center][color=#1EFF24]> Heard [i]someone[/i] landed a main series seat? Congratulations! You can add that to the list of things you’ve beaten me at.[/color] > Hah, thanks! Mam actually cried when I told ‘er. Shoot, I almost did. [color=#1EFF24]> I’d say “understandable”.[/color] > Hard to even describe it. > You still waiting on word? [color=#1EFF24]> Valkyrie is no-go, but plenty more fish.[/color] [center]———— Sunday - 09/11/2092 ————[/center]> Mind explaining what you were doing in turn 10 on lap 21? [color=#1EFF24]> Yeah, sorry about that. The photosensor on my helmet failed and for safety it turns the visor transparent.[/color] > There’s a “but” coming [color=#1EFF24]> Safety my left foot, I was driving T9 to T14 half by memory because I saw nothing but glare until I had time to adjust it manually on the striaght. I had no idea you were there until the proximity alert.[/color] [center]———— Wednesday - 10/12/2092 ————[/center]> Just read about MMR. Still waiting on Condor, right? [color=#1EFF24]> Nope. They pulled the plug yesterday.[/color] > Sorry to hear. > So what’s next? [color=#1EFF24]> Don’t know. Thought to drown my sorrows, but wiser heads overruled that.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> I’ll sleep on it.[/color] [center]———— Friday - 17/07/2093 ————[/center]> What’s this paddock talk about a reshuffle at Carrera? [color=#1EFF24]> Not under an NDA, that’s what! You weren’t joking about it being hard to describe.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> Not how I wanted it to happen and already getting hatemail, but something, something, gift horse’s mouth![/color] > Nice! See you at the back of the pack. [color=#1EFF24]> See you there.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> Maybe feel a bit bad that you got in on talent alone and still ended up in a worse team.[/color] > Maybe you age like wine? [sup][You reacted with 😆][/sup] [center]———— Sunday - 21/03/2094 ————[/center]> That hit must’ve been big, how are you holding up? [sup][You reacted with ❤️][/sup] [color=#1EFF24]> Cleared on neurals and physicals, just cybernetics left. Thanks for asking.[/color] [sup][“Jen Lowry” reacted with: 👍][/sup] [center]———— Yesterday - 15:18 ————[/center][color=#1EFF24]> Hey. Didn’t catch you after the race, think I was too busy picking up my jaw off the ground after seeing a Fitzroy AG ship in P13. Beautiful drive yesterday, glad you weren’t bringing this game to races back in the Junior league.[/color] [color=#1EFF24]> And on behalf of the Jamie Hart Headache Club: Welcome.[/color] [sup][“Jen Lowry” reacted with: 😆][/sup] > Hey! Appreciate it! It was a solid race for sure. > You’re catching on quick. [center]———— Today - A few seconds ago ————[/center][color=#1EFF24]> One more thing: Sometime around the British AGP, don’t yet know the specifics, Paul, Nora and I (more may join later, don’t know) are renting track time and some drift cars for a few hours in London, want in?[/color] > Thanks for the offer. I don’t know what me schedule will look like then, but it does sound great. Can I let you know when I know? [color=#1EFF24]> Of course, two months is a long time.[/color] [sup][“Jen Lowry” reacted with: 👍][/sup] [hr] [center][b]Bea Ward @MadBea[/b]: [i][Image of both #3 and #18 crews seated around several tables in an expensive restaurant, raising their drinks in toast toward the camera.] P6 and P8 for a total of 12 points, all in a day’s work. Here’s to everyone in the picture and back at the factory, who made it possible, and to the fans who make it worth more than just the money it pays. Thanks to the staff and owners at [b]@PalazzodiGusto[/b], now my second favourite place in Italy after the track itself. Glad that both Astrid and Hyeon-Ae are in one piece, going down a hillside like that. That was a bold move, [b]@HHAZygon[/b]. Shame it got wasted. #FormulaAG #CarreraCondorAG #Italy #MarmoladaAGP[/i] [/center] [b]GalwayGirl:[/b] Call it “the first supper” because there will be many more! [b]MadBea:[/b] And unlike Judas, the amateur, we’re not settling for silver. :P [b]CarreraCarmen:[/b] Wonder how many teams are looking at Bea like “Fuck, we could’ve had her last year…” [b]UrbanMaverick:[/b] Now imagine those who looked at the second offer with the Pridwen funding and still went “Nah.” :D [b]AndesAG:[/b] AVA FUCK YEEEEES! [b]Hotstuff:[/b] so much enthusiasm for P9 [b]AndesAG:[/b] its not about the destination, its the journey! the potential! Its not a shitbox anymore! [b]Crossfit_Crusader:[/b] Actually, fair. [b]TruckerTim:[/b] Lowry showing up with different coloured hair every weekend: Taking the term “clowning on Hart” to its peak. For real, someone help him or put him out of his misery, but this is just cruel. [b]GaryFromIndiana:[/b] Poor Cassie can be his +1 on suicide watch. [b]MrSmooth:[/b] Gotta be some fuckery going on at Zygon. This is NOT Cassie. [b]DohnJoe:[/b] zygon can’t have an outsider beating their golden child. Simple as [b]NineIron:[/b] This is what I call a season. God, let it never end. [b]Sol_de_Mayo:[/b] OK, I’m starting to see a pattern emerging here that I still don’t really like but can’t deny at this point. [b]ForzaGl0ria:[/b] No clue what the shit Haenae was doing. [b]Xinny:[/b] Passing. Kinda the point of the sport. What I wonder is how Astrid didn’t see that coming. [b]CloroxEnjoyer:[/b] Probably dipped into her own supply before the race, that’s how. [b]MissedApex:[/b] And it’s “Hyeon-Ae” [hr] [center][url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TrLdbYUu7LJQf9_6F1zblN3WfwvCU8R3W8Xskd8b3vI/edit?usp=sharing]Carrera Condor NPCs[/url][/center]