[center][h3][color=green]Lewa[/color][/h3][/center] As Lewa advanced alongside the others into the dark passage, he remained alert and ready. He did not jump at shadows, though, or peer about with nervous restlessness. After proving himself amongst his peers, whose remarkable abilities scarcely needing demonstration by now, he felt like he could afford to be more brave--though never cocky. Though much better than a claustrophobic squeeze through cramped nooks and crannies, this spacious tunnel offered its own dangers by virtue of the sheer numbers of angles attack could come from. Furthermore, such huge swathes of inky blackness could be home to unseen behemoths, waiting just out of view to pounce on any prospective intruders and devour them whole. All that meant that any carelessness on Lewa's part could lead to dire consequences, but the toa nevertheless strove to keep his head on straight, and not feed his pessimistic side any further. After all, his travels through this bizarre world had it bloated enough already. After a few minutes' suspense, the otherworlders' uneventful advance came to an abrupt end. From the darkness loomed two enormous figures, chillingly silent and still. Just when Lewa was beginning to get somewhat used to basic human anatomy, these monstrous bipeds went and defied it, with heads and legs arranged in all the wrong ways. Much more worrying, though, were the huge polearms that the pair soon hefted to wield with lethal intent. Lewa leaped backward as the minotaurs took their first ferocious swings, putting as much distance between them and himself as possible. As impressive as his axe was, those heavy halberds made his own weapon look like a matoran's plaything, and the toa didn't even want to [i]chance[/i] blocking a cleave from one. Luckily this wide-open cavern gave him plenty of room to move, and jumping happened to be something of a talent of his. Assuming that one of the others could put up enough of an up-front fight to get the minotaurs' attention, he hung back in order to support the team effort from afar. With a whirl of his off hand he manipulated the air pressure in the cave, creating a strong current from behind him that would buffet the monsters head-on. Any projectiles -or people- thrown toward them would fly with greater speed, while the two would (hopefully) be harder-pressed to rush the otherworlders down. Next, he gathered his power and began to hurl handfuls of highly compressed air that would rupture on contact with his foes, knocking them askew with blasts of concussive force. With Lewa's full attention on the main event, he did not notice the stealthy assailant come from behind, though perhaps his currents would interfere with rogue projectiles.