[center][h2][i]Miyuki no Suzuyami[/i][/h2][/center] [b]Lcationn:[/b] Umbra Rose Condos, Between Bldg #1 and #2, Courtyards [b]Time of Day:[/b] Early Morning [b]Relevant Cast:[/b] [@Silver Carrot] Eilidh, [[@BunniesOfDoom] Iris, [@Yankee] Varlam (sort of) [hr] [color=violet]"Miss Eilidh Chiron."[/color] Miyuki let the name of the young centaur roll off her tongue, speaking alout as if to try and manifest the sound into a corporeal form within the material plane. That, or she was just trying [i]real[/i] hard to not accidentally forget it. At the mention of the going to the first building for breakfast though, Miyuki wrinkled her nose and furrowed her brow. [color=violet]"I can't say I had a very pleasant experience eating there this morning. Some crass woman tried to call me over as if I were some pet dog."[/color] The fox spirit complained with a huff. [color=violet]"But if you're going to get food then I won't keep you. It was a pleasure meeting you, young lady."[/color] She continued, and finished, in a polite and obviously practiced manner, giving the horse-woman another short and small bow. A friendly smile and then she slowly turned to head towards Building 2. After all, there was more of this condo-place to explore and look at, and she and Yumeiko hadn't really done much exploring of the enclosure since their arrival, other than a brief tour that the kyuubi had - at the time - been largely disinterested in. Still, she was going to live here now, in this western country, in this unfamiliar architecture, with these unfamiliar faces and beings. So at the very least she should get a feel for her new home and see what it had to offer and where everything was. Just as she had finished with her conversation though, a peculiar sight caught the corner of her eye. [i]That's.... The violent wolf...[/i] The sight of the woman from earlier today, the one who had berserker-charged the shorty who'd bitten her neck... Her supposed [i]Knight in Shining Armor[/i]... Or, well, more like fur... She was now out here... And was trying to run past the centaur and the kyuubi, in tattered apparel, while doing her best to try and keep herself decent and unexposed. What a silly concern. She'd been exposing her chest and most of herself when she transformed earlier, so what was the point of trying to cover herself up now? Oh well, the kyuubi had no interest in trying to stop or get in the way of the one running away with her proverbial (and literal) tail between her legs. As the black-haired fox spirit moved on though, she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her from somewhere. But perhaps that was just her imagination and anxiety from being in a strange new place, with strange new creatures. [hr][hr] [hider=TL;DR:] [list][*]Miyuki said Eilidh's name in order to remember it. [*]The fox complained about her run-in with Ryu in the Building #1 cafeteria. [*]Miyuki watched Iris run past herself and Eilidh. She made no attempt to interfere with the werewolf's escape. [*]Miyuki started to walk towards Building #2 to go explore the condos and facilities. She felt like someone (Varlam) was watching her from somewhere.[/list][/hider]