[center][h3][b][color=ec008c]JURI HAN[/color][/b][/h3] Level 5: 44/50 Location: Dead Zone Word Count: 1 point Points Gained: 1 (+10 defeated one wrestler i forgot) New EXP Balance: Level 6: 05/60[/center] [hr] To Juri it became apparent that everyone liked her plan over the so-called tactical genius. Thus she smirked smugly, crossing her arms and shrugging. No big deal. Juri said all kinds of smart things, all the time. She was a genius, and somewhere floating around in the multiverse was the paperwork to prove it. Who wasn’t a genius by Juri’s standards was the clumsy knight who nearly got them all caught already. [b][color=ec008c]”Do I even have to say anything, Queen Clutz?”[/color][/b] She whispered harshly. [b][color=ec008c][i]”Tchuh,”[/i][/color][/b] With a shake of her head she moved away. Juri herself was doing just fine. Since their enemies were blind she didn’t waste her time with crouching, standing up with her hands behind her head. Her Sombra influenced bodysuit was more socks than shoes. The artificial cyan toenails were strange, but she liked them. And it allowed her freedom of movement of her feet like normal. She stepped over rocks and didn’t slip or do anything stupid like that. Juri was a sneaky spider. Walking over some mud was a walk in the park. Soon they had to evaluate their next options. Juri was interested in the spaceship. [b][color=ec008c]”Maybe there’s some sweet ass alien loot in there that could help us.”[/color][/b] She ventured. [b][color=ec008c][i]”Plus, like, I dunno. Looks pretty safe?”[/i][/color][/b] But obviously if the main team with the big shield was going in one direction, she'd follow it. Juri was confident in her own ability to remain stealthy and steady, so she didn't care where she ended up.