[@shallow grave] At risk of potentially cluttering up the OOC... [hider=My answers]Like ERode said, since these are the opening posts its way easier to freely write without worrying that you're going to mess someone else up. Exposition, character thoughts and feelings, etc. added to their actions just kind of naturally build the post out too. I'm actually the same as you. It takes me hours to write a paragraph sometimes. I was looking up the history of sugar for my own post, making notes on travel, culture, etc. in our real world to sort of apply them to this fantasy one. I do a lot of research too [s]and still get tons of shit goofed up[/s], and I write slow. And I get easily distracted. So it sometimes takes me days to write even short posts, just working on it in chunks. Either that or a whole day. The one I just posted took me a few days for sure (that I then had to slightly adjust as other people posted ahead of me. I even got sniped by ERode writing this lmao). [quote]Do you just trust each other to read everything multiple times and look for stepping stones to your next posts?[/quote] Yes! I do that, at least. I love reading everyone's writing, I've reread all of the opening posts in this RP quite a few times already. It's half "I want to read this again" and half "I want to make sure I didn't miss something." Which leads me to... [quote]Do you send your responses accepting that large parts of your post simply won't be addressed as other players perform their characters in incongruent ways?[/quote] Also yes! If everyone always responded to every single other action it probably wouldn't flow as nicely. Well, I'm sure a lot of people could make it work. I can't without my writing become stilted I feel, even if I want to. Depending on the character I'm playing, I'll just focus on what I feel I have to respond to then pick a few other things that I think might jump out to my chara. Anyway, if you feel there's a learning curve then just lean into it. I'm sure you'll do fine! There are also some decent guides in the Articles section of the forum you could look into, or just jumping in and finding a group or partner will prob work the best at judging what's too much and what's too little. It definitely depends on who you are writing with, too. [/hider]