[center][h2][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color][/h2] Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (75/130) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: less than 750 [/center] Blazermate found that no one really wanted to carry her, none really had the broad shell back bowser did, so she guessed her time of being lazy were over. At least as she moved through the mud, she found that her feet didn't clank like she thought they would. At least unlike her heavier compatriots, her light weight meant her metal body didn't sink in the mud. Still, she wasn't happy about having to walk on it. At least climbing over all the stuff in the way wasn't too difficult outside of getting filthy... And after all that time last night she spent cleaning herself... She wasn't completely silent though, as her medi beam let out a low healing hum as she kept it on her team mates to generate ubercharge in case something happened. The rain mostly drowned this sound out though as you had to listen carefully for it. As they got to a split in the road, an area apparently infested with BTs, a downed ship, and a chasm filled with demons, Sectonia conjured a platform to help cross the chasm. Considering that path was both the fastest path out of this rain and seemed the safest as they could handle demons, Blazermate elected to take that path. Granted she had to fly a bit which would cause noise, but she could help one of the medium weighted people cross the gap in that time if they came with her. As for the demons or those dealing with them, Blazermate did what she mostly did, kept them healed and overhealed. She didn't deploy her projectile shield though or use any other abilities yet as they were very, very loud if she used any of them and she'd rather not make too much noise if she could help it. [hr] [center][h2][color=d7d7d7]Roland[/color][/h2] Level 6 Roland (37/60) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Being one of the BB carriers, Roland had to stay near the parameter of the emitter. The rain worried him far more than the BTs at this point though, as thanks to his gloves he could move through the area completely silently. Even the splashes of him stepping in mud were silent with only the splashback of the mud being heard as if it was a very, very distant sound. Besides the few BTs that they passed and one close encounter, so far things had been going pretty well. Being one of the more athletic members of the group, getting past most to he obstacles around the area wasn't too difficult for him although much like some of the others, he wasn't keen on getting muddy with what could be millions of year old mud. Come to think of it, T Corp would love this place, but he doubted they'd harvest a natural form of time like this as it didn't involve any human suffering. Once he reached the three forked road, the chasm, the ship, or the BT filled area, Roland would've preferred to go the opposite way of the BTs if possible even if he was sure he himself could go through that area without much difficulty. At this point the giant bee conjured a pink crystal platform over the chasm to help everyone cross, which didn't surprise Roland anymore considering a giant bee seemingly obsessed with beauty was right there in his face so of course she can do weird things. Being one of the BB holders, Roland elected to be one of the last to cross himself in order to keep the parameter. There were some mumbling of some wanting to go to the ship, but Roland was much in the mind of Sectonia; get out of this rain and danger as fast as possible. At least the demons didn't view him as a big threat when he did cross unlike everyone else, his mask making them care more about the others than himself. He wasn't about to shoot a gun at them either, as those did make noise even through his gloves if he hit something.