[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5568688][color=00ff66][h3][b]Qaymu[/b][/h3][/color][/url][img]https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/117x117q90/924/oUoOJg.png[/img] [hr][i]Courtyard[/i] [hr] [color=00ff66][i]That was weird,[/i][/color] Qaymu scowled, coming down the stairs and towards the entrance to the courtyard. He was in his normal clothes, including the red smoking jacket. Iris ran by in a state of undress, trying desperately to cover herself up, making his right eyebrow quirk up. It had taken him days of practice in front of a mirror to perfect it after watching Mr. Spock on Star Trek do the same thing. He couldn't help but to turn and stare at her as she ran. [color=00ff66]"Okay, that was weird,"[/color] he muttered softly to himself. As she wasn't covered in someone else's blood, whatever happened was not an attack. Suggestion list [list] [*] Large bottle of blood to be kept at reception for Velvet's late nights [*] A couple bathrobes kept near the courtyard entrances [*] ...? [/list] There had been something else, he was sure. He looked around, seeing only a few of the other residents, and moved towards the nearest bench and sat down. Pulling out his pipe, he began to smoke. One of these days, he ought to put actual tobacco in the pipe, rather than using it as his own personal chimney. A lick of his dragon fire appeared over the edge of bowl. His Max, not the guy in reception, died. And now, that... [i]being[/i] showed up inside his apartment. Was it mocking him? The smoke coming out of his pipe was becoming heavier....