[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve - Red Light District[/h3] [/center] “Oh, ok?” Rayne replied to the news that Sanae often got ‘over zealous’ which she didn’t really understand. Maybe, given that they’d both happily dived head first into the mess they had had to be divinely bailed out of, this should have been telling., This wasn’t exactly the moment for introspection however. Instead the Knight Witch focused on making sure she supported Sanae’s weight with all her might, which was, due to her short stature, not exactly a lot. Still, her levitation would add to it, and she needed to use it to get up to a useful supporting height anyway. As such she floated upwards with one of Sanae’s arms slung around her shoulders and held lightly by the wrist, while her own arm went around the woman’s back to further help hold her up. She then did her best to act as a support/armrests while the priestess completed her conversation with her goddess, before said goddess focused on Qing'e with some familiarity. “Wait. Is she from your world as well?” Rayne asked Sanae in place of the goddess, due to the latter having vanished right after giving the woman she was talking about a combination of warning and threat, before calling over to her “hey, are you alright?” because no matter what the situation, or what trickery might have gone, she was still glad that Qing'e was alive. She was also concerned that she might not be as unharmed as she appeared. For all she knew she might just be enduring the same sickness Sanae was suffering better, and that is before she thought about whatever fate she’d survived might have done to her.