The old man opened his mouth to talk but was cut of by the leering noble. "Don't bother acting like we're not just taking anyone who applies. You are both in. As for what we do, yes there will be money. Lots of money eventually, but we do what ever we must to prove that I am the greater guild master and our guild deserves that monster hunting license. We may just be [i]couriers[/i] for now..." He eyes the rest of the tavern and let's his thoughts trail off. "Yes, yes." Adds the old man. "What he means to say is we are highly ambitious. We will make money [b]while[/b] helping people and we are [b]both[/b] very glad to have you." He gets his old creaky bones up out of his seat and reaches over the table to offer each his hand. "They call me old Al, and this here is Gallen."