[hr] [color=00ff66][h3][b][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5573493]Gabriella the Silent (Gabs)[/url][/b][/h3][/color] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] Tavern/Helpings Hands recruitment table [hr] Gabs nodded, slightly mollified at the promise of money, then glances over at the smith. The man smelled like rusty nails, sweat and Sulphur. "So, you hiring on, too?" she asks Taxian. "What's your story, then? Or is this just a social visit?" A smith with a shop could be very handy - very handy indeed. All that metal, all those tools.... But why would a smith with a shop want to go after monsters? [hr] Notifications: [@Affili][@Cyrania][@Forsythe][@Dark Light]