[hider=Arkadios Andreaou] Name: Arkadios Andreaou Gender: Male Age: 49 Nationality: Inburrian Appearance: 6'1'', dark eyes and rapidly greying hair [hider=My Hider] [img]https://i.ibb.co/dQXqLfg/1.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personal Effects: - A single Makarios C94 Pistol. - A sepia photograph of his family. - A slightly grimy Captain's uniform Background: What is your job: Captain in the Inburian Military Backstory: Arkadios Andreaou comes from a family of gentry and as the second of three sons, (and two sisters), Arkadios was not expected to inherit the family estate but rather was groomed to enter the military and, having completed his studies was sent to the Officer's Training College at Grendell, where he graduated without any particular merit or failings before being assigned as a 2nd Lieutenant to the East Morktree Regiment of Foot. For the last 28 years, Arkadios has remained with the regiment. He married, and has four children of his own, three boys and a younger daughter, Elodie, whom he dotes on. During all this time, the Regiment has seen no action aside from quelling the occasional outbreak of communalist unrest in the central provinces of the Empire. Aside from the odd border skirmish with Xak-Shariq, the Empire has remained peaceful. Arkadios rose through the ranks slowly as other officers retired, eventually reaching the rank of Captain, Commanding one of the Regiment's Companies. When it became clear the Calarians were mobilising, Arkadios and the East Morktreee were given transfer orders to the border, though the Calarians attacked before the regiment was in position, breaking the Inburian lines and driving towards the capital of Inbur itself. The East Morktree fought an action to delay the Calarian advance at the bridge at Picmylos, which was a gallant but ultimately costly defeat with only 70 men of the East Morktree escaping the field to join the retreat towards Inbur. The survivors arrived with the enemy hot on their heels and with some units joining the Communalist uprising and the Inburian command structure in a shambles, orders were received for all units to retreat North to Grendell. Arkadios relayed the orders to his troops but was shortly separated from them during an artillery barrage. Arkadios is a worried man. He is worried for his troops, for his family but also for his own neck. The Calarians are nearby, Communalist rebels are in control of some quarters of the city and everyone remembers what happened to the Nobles during the Calarian revolution. There has to be a way out... [/hider]