[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/339cd402-4709-43b1-bb80-26bc84bcf2ee.png[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/42328e22-03db-4a4b-84c1-d6668390ae72.png[/img][/center][hr][b] [color=9e0b0f]Locations:[/color] Bldg 1, Restaurant → Courtyard [color=9e0b0f]Interactions: [@CitrusArms][/color][/b][hr] As Yumeikos frame started to transform, Ryū stared as if transfixed. She could of course alter her appearance too, her current human disguise being proof enough, but it was exciting to see a new way to do it. She particularly enjoyed the clothes disappearing in flames. Ryū would have to ask the fox about that later - perhaps she could learn to do something similar herself. Flames and fire fit her style, after all. When the transformation completed, Ryū couldn't help but gasp. The spirit fox was absolutely adorable. Her fingers twitched with need to fluff that soft, golden fur, but she managed to keep them at her side. [color=9e0b0f]Is that the real you?[/color] she chirped, [color=9e0b0f]That's awesome! I can do that trick too, but I don't turn into a cute little foxie. I could show you sometime, but we'd have to be in the tranquility room or in my place. I'm a big girl, can't fit in the cafeteria or the courtyard, heehee~[/color] The dragon followed the fox through the foyer, her eyes locked on the tantalizing tails. The moment they came outside and the sun hit the foxes fur, Ryū gasped again. It lit up like molten gold, casting a soft heavenly glow, shining like an aura of royalty. The addition of the gold to the equation made Ryūs need spike to an irresistable temptation. It was one of her favourite things in the world, after all. She inched slowly closer, her yellow eyes wide and reflecting the glow, her hands slowly raising as she came closer. She wanted to touch it. Needed to. Just thinking about what it must feel like to have that golden fur slip through her fingers had a shiver run down her spine. [color=9e0b0f]I-[/color] she began, trembling and stuttering, [color=9e0b0f]I want to... Can, uh, may I, eh, p-please give you a little, uh, p-pet, sweet foxy lady? Please, please, please?~[/color]