[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PGcdOmg.jpeg[/img] [h2]Iris Madril[/h2][/center] [hr] Location: Building 1, Courtyard Interactions: [@Xaltwind], [@Silver Carrot], [@Red Wizard], [@Expendable], [@CitrusArms], [@Dragonydas], [@LupusIntus], [@Massasauga], [@Lugubrious] [hr] No, no, no, no. Iris's hopes to just slip through the front doors and into the lobby were quickly being bashed against a rock with each new person that was making their way out into the courtyard. First, it had seemed she had succeeded. She could feel her fellow residents’ eyes on her as she tried to slip past but they seemed to give her the lack of attention she was obviously striving for. They didn't stop her or call out to her and for that she was so very grateful but before she could enter into the building, the dragon man pushed through the front door. [color=#925419]“Excuse me,”[/color] she muttered quietly to him as she went to squeeze by. She could feel his eyes on her and when she passed him, she could physically hear him turning on his heels to watch her go. She felt a flush encompass her at the thought of this man watching her run past in this state. She silently cursed the wolf. Why couldn't she just have gone to their bedroom like a decent person! Instead she just had to go to sleep out here in the damn courtyard for all to see. And of course, now would be the time everyone and their freakin mother decided a bit of fresh air would do them some good. She could feel a spark of anger boiling in her chest at the wolf for putting her in such a predicament. Iris was finally so close to the entrance to the lobby. She was just about to grab the handle, her hand outstretched to grab a hold when it opened once more. She cursed loudly and ripped her hand back as a golden fox and a small woman with bright red hair came into the courtyard. Iris crushed her ill fitted clothes up against herself so that the tiny critter wouldn't accidently get an unintentionally, very inappropriate view of Iris's bust if it were to look up. The likely odds that the golden fox wasn't somehow a resident were very, very low. So better to not accidentally flash a possible resident and stay out of the trouble she most definitely should have gotten into the moment her teeth fell on the vampire woman. She quickly stepped to the side to let the two past but they had stopped right in front of the door! Iris's lips thinned to a line as she watched the two interact. The girl was going on and on about how she wanted to pet the fox, proving Iris's point that the golden canidae was indeed a resident. She would have just stepped around the two or, hell, over them if she had to but the front door opened outward and if she tried to open it, she would only end up hitting the small girl with it. [color=#925419]“Excuse me, if you could just-”[/color] she gently opened the door, stopping it just before it touched the girl to show how she needed the girl to move. [color=#925419]“I can't open the door. If you wouldn't mind-”[/color] but the girl seemed so fixated on the fox, it was as if Iris didn't exist. [color=#925419]“I just need you to move just a few steps forward. Just a little.”[/color] She reached out but kept from placing her hand on the girl. Some residents did not take kindly to being touched but Iris really, really needed to get inside. So with a deep breath, she reached out and shoved the girl out of the way. Loudly chanting the word sorry, over and over again, Iris hurried her way into the lobby, pulling the slowly closing door shut behind her. She paused a moment to peer out to make sure the red haired woman wasn't chasing her before she turned to face the lobby, finding Theria, Max, a resident that she hadn't a chance to personally meet yet and one she hadn't seen around before. She situated her clothes as best she could as she pointed over her shoulder with chuckle. [color=#925419]“Busy courtyard. Oh Theria, before I forget! Can I get video footage of last night's full moon from tranquility room 2 building 2? I was trying something out with the wolf and it seemed to kind of work until, well it didn't. Also, does anyone know how to get cash quick? Cause I need to buy a new phone. The wolf ate mine.” [/color]