[center][h3][u][color=#cbc66d] Roslyn Wicke [/color][/u][/h3][/center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vzhDyH3.png[/img][/center][center][color=#cbc66d] "I’m not even sure where we are or how we got here.”[/color][/center][h1][center]It Came from the Bog[/center][/h1][center][sub]Location: Viiqii - Qarii’Muuna, Mycormi to ???[/sub][/center][h2][u]Left Behind[/u][/h2][hider=*********]A familiar itch crawled across her arm as she recognized the source. A portal. Those allies, able to run, rushed for it and left the rest behind. [i][color=78CBE8]“Do you trust every single member of your group unconditionally? Do you even know who most of them are?”[/color][/i] A voice from the past came back to haunt her. [i][color=#cbc66d]I thought I did...[/color][/i] She realized she knew nothing at all. Then came Esmii's apologetic shout, adding more salt to the wounds. One of her best friends had simply given up. No fight or resistance, just a flat cold acceptance of the situation. Would Sven have wanted this? Roslyn might've not known him nearly as well as Esmii, but she knew one thing. She wouldn't simply accept this without resistance. Demons couldn't be trusted, she'd seen the evidence and she doubted it would be better to let one 'lift' her up. [color=#cbc66d]"It's kind of you to offer..."[/color] Roslyn struggled to push back the temptation. Her head became dizzy as she dug in her heels, [color=#cbc66d]"...but no...thank you." [/color] Using whatever she had left, she channeled all of her gift into the arcane spell 'Light of Ahn-Shune'. The girl hoped it might distract him or break his hold. This was her last chance. She pressed her thumb to her middle finger then snapped them together, activating it. [colour=#b08cc9]"Rose I’m not going to let that thing have you.”[/colour] Esmii's words cut through the air. The red haired Yasoi raised her pistols and fired. [colour=#b08cc9]"Balthagor, you may have taken my love from me, but I will not let you take my best friend without a fight."[/colour] Meanwhile, Niallus continued to clash with Evil Smile. He looked ragged and torn, his body pushed past human limits toward the end. The demon's hand extended into a powerful beam that erupted forward at his prey. Lips curled back into an unnaturally wide grin filled with hungry teeth. Suddenly, a surge of mana gathered. Niallus' arcane lance punched through the attack and right into the demon's mouth. A gurgling wail came before the demon slumped forward, dead. Despite Roslyn’s hope, she watched her spell fizzle then died. It hadn’t even reached the Grand Demon. That was it. A familiar numbness snaked its way from the back of her mind and swallowed up any remaining hope. There was nothing she could do now. Her limbs grew heavy with exhaustion as her arms dropped down to her side. Helplessly, she watched Belthagor turn to Niallus. He lowered himself and scorched the vast emptiness with each step, approaching her best friend. Like puppets on a string, both Esmii and Roslyn twisted about and followed him. Despite the wasted effort, the young girl tried to stop herself. Her body didn’t listen to her anymore. Gradually, her gaze lowered to the ground. Her tears, born of anger and frustration, streaked down her cheeks. [colour=1B0A2A]"You,"[/colour] he admitted, [colour=1B0A2A]"are stronger than I thought."[/colour] When Roslyn heard Belthagor acknowledging her friend, she doubted it was a good thing. Her head tilted up in time to see the man open his mouth and release a thick, strange smoke. It spread toward all three of them. As it started to curl about her, her skin prickled at its presence. She forced herself to speak. [color=#cbc66d]“I-I want you two to know, I’m glad I‌ met you. You both showed me what it’s like to have real friends and I wish it didn’t end like this.”[/color] The girl braced herself for what was to come. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6DvH-DJpbo[/youtube] [colour=1B0A2A]"I think I shall need a replacement for my underling,"[/colour] he declared. [colour=1B0A2A]"Perhaps you'll do."[/colour] Time seemed to slow, leaving her to watch the haze swallow Niallus. Many regrets came to mind before the foul vapor finally recoiled from her friend's form. He stood upright then caught her eyes. Something inhuman writhe behind the once warm gaze. Roslyn's breath caught in her throat. She noticed the Grand Demon turned his angelic guise upon them next. The smoke raced from Niallus toward Esmii and her. It snaked itself around her boots then climbed her surface until she saw nothing, but white. The wispy tendrils burrowed into her pores. Something dark and oppressive weighed in her chest at first, then webbed out across her veins. The weight became sharp, painful pricks that pushed her into a tiredness. Her focus began to slog as memories began to flicker across her mind. [color=#cbc66d][i]Wake up, please wake up. I have to stop this. This can't happen![/i][/color] As if it heard her, the sensation stopped. She hung there like an exhausted fly forgotten by a spider. Her mind lingered in an eerie place between death and sleep. At some point, time passed and melted into the back of her head. No sense of it existed... until she sensed approaching figures.[/hider][h2][u]Salvation?[/u][/h2][hider=**********] Their power exceeded her own, but she didn't know why they were here. Then, suddenly, Belthagore's host body twitched. Bones cracked and wrenched back, distorting from their natural angles. Seemingly an involuntary and painful act. A colossal flash cut through the hazy veil. Roslyn shot backwards when the light touched her. The familiar darkness of unconsciousness followed as her mind slipped from awareness. Something had gone wrong in the demon's plan. Whatever that was, she'd never know. At least the nightmare was over, giving her a peace of mind that she didn't expect. When the cold seeped into Roslyn’s skin, the girl twitched to life. She jerked upright, the vertigo hitting her harder than she expected. Her right hand pressed into her temple as the dizziness passed. When her blurry vision began to sharpen, her attention turned to her surroundings. Gone were the swampy scents and flora. In its place stood a cozy, underground room from its stone floor to its decorative ceiling. Her lips pursed. She had no faint memory or sense of familiarity over this place. Where was she? She took a deep breath and tried to recall her last moments. Figures approached then a flash of light before she found herself here. Was there some sort of clash or fight? It still left questions on how she ended up here. A voice, heavy and faint, caught her attention. Her head turned to see Sven laying not far from her and looking like himself. She relaxed then glanced about. No signs of Esmii or Niallus. Were they the only two to escape this nightmare? In the distance, she caught the voices of the others that left her behind. A bitterness coiled about her heart as she turned her attention to her friend. She weakly pushed onto her feet and walked toward him, checking him over for wounds. When she lowered down beside him, she spoke. [color=#cbc66d] “No. Afraid not, it's just me. Roslyn.”[/color] Uncertain if he suffered any internal wounds, she reached out with her gift and prepared to heal with her binding. She continued to speak, holding back the emotional cracks in her voice. Right now, it is better to focus on anyone other than herself. [color=#cbc66d] “I don’t know where Esmii or Niallus are. I’m not even sure where we are or how we got here.” [/color] She licked her lips nervously and took a deep breath. [color=#cbc66d] “I’m sorry, I don’t recall much. Do you remember anything?”[/color] Sven shook his head regretfully, wincing partway through. [color=385403]"She wash with me,"[/color] he groaned. [color=385403]"She hash to be here shomewhere."[/color] He appeared utterly consumed with his concern for Esmii, stumbling to his feet and walking, trancelike, around the well-appointed room. [color=385403]"Eshmii?"[/color] he called desperately. [color=385403]"Eshmii!"[/color] It was not very long before he stumbled into the others... at least [i]some[/i] of them. Roslyn remained seated when Sven rose up, her hands retreated into the folds of her skirt. The calm in her eyes weakened before she closed them and inhaled. As she collected herself, she heard him call for Esmii and her heart ached. Her fingers tightened their grip on her dress then released. [color=#cbc66d][i]I don’t understand, how did we escape? What happened?[/i][/color] A thought occurred to her. The skull… was it still there? She reached for her bag and pulled it open, searching through the interior. When her fingers hit something hard and covered in cloth, her breath stilled. She cautiously pulled the wrap aside to reveal white bone. Her whole frame relaxed instantly. [color=#cbc66d][i]Thank the Gods. I didn’t lose it.[/i][/color] She reflected on the new set of questions rushing through her head. If she tried to talk with Esmii, and her friend was alive, would it fail? Would that prove her best friend was at least alive? But what if Esmii’s voice came out of the skull? Her stomach churned at the possibility as she bit her lip. No, they had to be alive. They had to be. She pulled the wrap back over the skull as her hand took out the compass. Her mind envisioned Esmii’s dual pistols. While eyeing the needle, she got onto her feet. She looked up from her item when Laska was the first to arrive. [color=#cbc66d] “Didn’t expect to…”[/color] She struggled with the words for a moment then finished her thoughts, [color=#cbc66d] “... see you all again.”[/color][/hider][h2][u]Underground Reunion[/u][/h2][hider=***********]Roslyn ignored Laska’s glance in her direction. It wasn't like she mattered to any of them as her attention fixated on the compass needle, half listening to things. The thing jittered but didn't move. Frowning, the girl spun in a circle. It didn't change direction and still twitched. Sven's face lit up momentarily upon seeing the door open and people stream through, but it quickly fell and he slumped to the floor. [color=385403]"She ishn't here,"[/color] he mumbled, [color=385403]"ish she?"[/color] Edyta's face softened and she shook her head. [color=f26522]"I'm sorry, Sven."[/color] [color=385403]"And Niallush too..."[/color] Sven moaned, utterly bereft. Everything about his appearance seemed to mourn his loss. [color=6ecff6]"I am... sorry... it happened,"[/color] she tried, [color=6ecff6]"but Mother Eshiran will care for all of them. This, I promise."[/color] Laska struggled with consoling him.[color=6ecff6]"For now -"[/color] She was quick to move on. [color=6ecff6]"- we need to find our way out."[/color] She clicked the compass lid shut, giving up on her endeavor for now. [color=cbc66d] "Well, I'm confused. I'm wondering if this thing has a sensing range or something." [/color] Her eyes turned to see Sven on the floor, grieving over Esmii and Niallus. A hard lump swelled in her throat as she considered what to say. From her own personal experience, words did little to spare the pain one felt from losing loved ones. Her footsteps drew closer to draw his attention. [color=cbc66d]"Esmii is not dead."[/color] Perhaps it was denial or something more, only those who had gotten to know her could tell. [color=cbc66d]"But I don't think she's here. Once we get to Ersand’Enise, we’ll figure out what to do next. If there’s any chance Esmii and Niallus were saved, I won’t stop until we find them." [/color] At the stone wall’s sudden movement, Roslyn froze in place. She couldn’t handle any more surprises today. Her fingers held on tightly to the bag strap as she waited to see what was behind it. The familiar stench of dragon dung hit her first. She wrinkled her nose and turned to follow Laska through. [color=cbc66d] “Three dragons, five people. That means two people are carrying an extra…”[/color] Her voice trailed off, knowing there was a chance they might leave Sven and her behind. After all, no one knew how they had escaped the Grand Demon’s grasp. [color=cbc66d] “I have to confess, I’ve never ridden a dragon. Mainly just fed them and focused on keeping all of my fingers..”[/color][/hider]