[hider=Urses Mallory] [h3]Character Description[/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Urses Mallory [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Nationality:[/b] Favis [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/10/32/f6/1032f66a0c688f930688fb7ae9c211da.jpg[/img][/hider] Slightly taller than average at 5'10" and well-built thanks to his career of military service, with naturally unruly dark brown hair pulled back into a scruffy ponytail to keep the worst of it out of his grey-blue eyes. [b]Personal Effects[/b]: [list][*].303 Favis Rifle No.1 MK III (and appropriate ammunition) [IRL Equivalent: SMLE Rifle MK III][*]7.8mm Favis Pistol No.5 (and appropriate ammunition) [IRL Equivalent: Bergmann No.5 Pistol][*]Leather Satchel containing medical supplies 'recovered' from military stores[*]Casual Civilian attire[/list] [hr] [h3][b]Background:[/b][/h3] [b]What is your job[/b] Combat Medical Technician, Royal Favis Army [b]Backstory[/b]: Originally from a lower-class background as the son of a labourer and a nurse, Urses had done what many young men in his position had done before him; he had enlisted in the army to improve his lot in life, leveraging his mother's career as a nurse to get himself into training with the Medical Corps on the idea that skilled positions merited higher pay. He had a fairly unremarkable early career, aside from frequent but minor clashes with officers over protocol vs practicality and moral disputes. Until recently, Urses had found himself in Inbur as part of a unit of the medical corps sent over to take part in joint training with the Empire's own military medical corps, sharing medical techniques and new technologies in the name of maintaining co-operation between the two nations. He had actually been on temporary leave when the insurrectionists struck and barely had time to get back to his post and recover whatever equipment he could grab before they could overrun his position, before then looking to make his way to the only means of escape he would see: the floating behemoth still docked to the Zeppelin Mast... [/hider] Sorry for the delay, this has been sat half-written for far too long and I finally got round to finishing it off. Fun fact, his last name was originally Carter, but I saw that we now have a Carter already and decided to change it to avoid giving someone a distant cousin they didn't ask for haha