[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241118/646d62e6daa923e1ebbe2f399ce37b75.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/be538267-f17f-4df0-8d48-f84c98b27ad4.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] It had been one long galactic year since the last war of reclamation or whatever the other nations wanted to call it. The Lokoid had a different word in mind to describe those wars - the firestorm wars. Wars so intense they burned brighter than that of the flames when the Lokoid and their allies scoured their galactic sectors of any Yrrani presence. What was it all for? Pieces of lost technology on Tar Yrra? The Lokoid had already broken down and learned what they could on Yrrani settled worlds during the Yrrani civil war and the subsequent rebellion of the auxiliaries. What kind of technology did the Yrrani withhold and kept so close to their hearts as to stay only in their home world? If it was a weapon, was it so destructive that even in their final moments they did not dare think to use it? Was it a miraculous power source that would never run out? What other possibilities were there? Araq pondered this in his mind while his chelicerae chittered and chattered, a gesture akin to humans rubbing their hands together to think and ponder. That was when the other Ruling Heirarchs entered the council chamber. There were others of course, the lesser Heirarchs were present via holoprojections. There were hundreds of reports, things that the Lokoid could easily sift through, their unique physiology and biology facilitated better information processing and handling even if there were multiple unrelated tasks at once - true multitasking. In mere hours, several lesser Heirarchs governing different sectors had their concerns addressed by the ruling Heirarchs, directives, objectives, and other such things were then distributed. Sectors that had failed their tasks or had not lived up to the expectations of the Ruling Heirarchs had their governing Heirarchs reviewed. Actions of replacement or addressing their weaknesses that had been overlooked. Afterwards, as each of the lesser Heirarchs moved out of the council chamber, the Ruling Heirarchs began looking at the overall push of the Heirarchy at large. The five convened by the center console of the chamber with Araq speaking first, “Tar Yrra cannot be conquered. Too many eyes. Too many restrictions. Multinational peace keeping corps and research team outside of system under Supremite threat. We overlook when we can, however, Augustan presence make relations… Difficult on both sides.” Gorn, the Heirarch of research and development speaks, “Cannot lose privilege for research on multinational station. Suggest repositioning defense contingent with multinational fleet away from potential confrontation with Superiority forces to defense of station proper.” “Not viable. Defense contingent near station may draw incorrect conclusion from Augustan force and other members. Putting forward for discussion suggestion: Communicate with Supremacy. Inform discreet passage past multinational force. Information provided in return for profit for Superiority and Hierarchy interests. If not, negotiate other means.” Araq presents the idea to the council. All around the center console of the council chamber there was not one objection. Araq then begins to create an encrypted message to be delivered via physical transportation towards supremite controlled space aboard a delivery fleet containing Lokoid undesirables and raw materials for supremite conversion. Araq then waves one hand and the console projects holo documents for the Heirarchs to view, as two other interesting matters pop into view, “... Aside from Tar Yrra, Sector Heirarchs under Commerce and Industrial caste propose limited clearing of Scorched Line. Too many valuable resources left behind. Reclamation deemed possible.” The Heriarch of commerce, Kaloth seems intrigued, “Possible. Intriguing. Recuperating losses and recovering lost equipment is paramount in proposed venture. Methodology?” Heirarch of industry, Zasz, and Heirarch of War, Dagoth start to present their holo documents sliding the ones on the forefront into the background temporarily. “We send an Annihilator class super dreadnought outfitted for scrap collection. Reclaim, reforge, repurpose. Melt down what cannot be used into new material.” Zasz clicked. Dagoth twitched his antennae in approval, “We send smaller destroyers and cruisers for escort. Super dreadnought to act as mobile space station for collection operation.” Kaloth’s hands perused the documents available to him. There was a long pause before he finally buzzed with approval, “Methodology sound. Collection group adequately armed and equipped. Expected losses during collection, minimal. The commerce caste approves.” Araq hearing his Heirarchs and seeing all presented facts was also pleased, “Limited collection mission approved.” Araq brought back the third document regarding the ghost region. Whisper drones sent to the region have detected something interesting. “Augustan force spotted entering ghost nebula and disappearing off sensors. Ghost nebula navigation, challenging. Augustan, enemy, must observe, must obstruct. Options?” Around the council table they chittered and chattered and clicked and clattered. Finally, Dagoth addressed the Supreme Heirarch, “Modified battlegroup move into ghost nebula. Follow Augustan force. Support group stationed outside nebula with beacon for reinforcement point. Engage Augustan force. Armistice does not stipulate hostilities outside Tar Yrra.” Araq screeched in disapproval, “League of Nations will question hostility. Conflict unnecessary, conflict avoidable. Require deniability. Options?” Dagoth revised his plans immediately, “Exploratory battlegroup, Hive class super carrier as flagship. Four antennae class destroyers for detection and navigation, four brawler class cruisers, four mauler class cruisers, three hailfire class cruisers. Fire power adequate, deployment options plenty. Revisions necessary?” “Heirarch class battle carrier, Eight antennae class destroyers, three stinger class destroyers, six instigator class destroyers, four brawler class cruisers, three mauler class cruisers, three hailfire class cruisers. Detection needed, firepower needed, threat unknown. Do not repeat mistake with bio-mech union, must be prepared, must be organized. Support group stationed outside of nebula is agreable. All details now agreed?” Araq replies to Dagoth’s request for revisions. Once again, around the console, they all remain silent. Araq then says, “Council deliberations decided. The Heirarchy moves forward.” [hider=Missive to the Supreme] The Heirarchy recognizes its friend of steel and flesh, the Superiority. The Heirarchy would like to present an opportunity for the Superiority. Coordination is necessary for both parties to benefit. Discreet means of communication required for further cooperation. The topic is considered sensitive for the position of the Lokoid and so cannot be discussed in the form of missives. A formal meeting between delegates may be required. May profits find you honored friends. The Hierarchy expresses regrets for any inconvenience caused. [/hider]