[center][h1][b] [color=fff200]Valkyrie AGR Sport Headquarters[/color] Tuesday, April 18th, 2094 [/b][/h1][/center] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/IPXIgEAGe4U?feature=shared] High Hopes - Panic at the Disco [/url][/b] [hr] Alexander had finally gotten some sleep last night. He was still not sure what karma he had accrued in another life to deserve Mabel Brown in his life. He was grateful that he had her in his corner though. Alexander was struggling to see a way out of this crisis. Especially as they had less than 2 weeks till the Portugal Grand Prix. Somehow Mabel had managed to give him a potential miracle. Now it was up to him to seal the deal. He was dressed in his typical working uniform of jeans, a button up shirt with the Valkyrie logo on it and his favorite work boots. He and Mabel were waiting in the lobby for the Mitchell family. Alexander shook his head with a rueful smile. [color=00aeef]“Mabel, I don't know how you do it. Hiring you is still one of the best decisions I ever made. You are still pulling my ass out of the fire.” [/color] Mabel just laughed and winked at him before responding. [color=f6989d]“Well Alex, it is a special skill learned from dealing with hard headed males like you.” [/color] Alexander chuckled and looked up as one of the company vehicles pulled up. Alexander walked forward to greet the Mitchell family. [color=00aeef]“Well it looks like they are here. Let’s get this show on the road.” [/color] Mabel followed at Alexander’s side and waited as he got the door. They stepped out into the sunshine as people began to climb out of the vehicle. Mr. Mitchell was seated up front with the driver. He had hopped out and was opening the door behind him and helping his wife out to her feet. Clambering excitedly out of the vehicle behind them came bounding a strapping young lad and a sweet looking girl. Pete was the driver who had been dispatched to get them. Mabel stepped forward and greeted Pete. [color=f6989d]“Good Morning Pete. I hope the airport was not too bad of a drive.”[/color] Pete gave Mabel a warm smile and shook his head. [color=00746b]“Good Morning Miss Mabel. It was no trouble at all.”[/color] Mabel smiled at the handsome polite boy. [color=f6989d]“Can you please take their luggage and drop it off with security? They will take it to their room.” [/color] Pete nodded and moved to the rear of the vehicle. [color=00746b]“Anything for you Miss Mabel.”[/color] Mabel got a winked look on her face and a mischievous twinkle in her eye. [color=f6989d]“So have you worked up the courage to ask Valerie out yet?” [/color] Pete looked embarrassed and scuffed his shoe against the ground nervously. [color=00746b]“Aw shucks Miss Mabel.”[/color] He sighed with a wistful and sad look on his face. [color=00746b]“She is so far out of my league. I lost my nerve.” [/color] Mabel smiled encouragingly at him. [color=f6989d]“Remember Pete, nothing ventured, nothing gained.” [/color] Pete blushed and nodded as he pulled a large suitcase from the rear of the vehicle, two kids backpacks, and a briefcase. Mabel turned to the Mitchells. [color=f6989d]“Hello! You must be the Mitchells. I am Miss Mabel Brown. Please call me Miss Mabel. Pete is going to take your bags to security. They will be in your room waiting on you for later. Does everyone have what they need?” [/color] Cavan was standing with his arm around his wife. His wife was holding the hand of their little girl while their son stood next to his father. Cavan blinked at Mabel and turned his head to look questioningly at his wife before turning his head back to Mabel. Mabel laughed. [color=f6989d]“Maybe I went a little fast. We are going to take you on a tour of the facility. We didn’t think you would want to carry your luggage everywhere you go. Our security staff will take it to your room for you. It will be waiting for you there. Do you need anything out of it before we get started?”[/color] Mrs. Mitchell smiled at Mabel. [color=f7976a]“The children will need their backpacks. The rest can go to our room.”[/color] The kids bounced over to pick up their backpacks and slung them on. Almost in unison they told their mother. [color=a187be]“We are ready Ma.”[/color] Cavan sighed and stroked his beard. He was still not sure how he got railroaded into this. He had never been on a job interview where they asked him to bring his family with him. He felt uncomfortable and out of his depth and that made him irritable and grumpy. Cavan just gave a nod to Mabel. [color=82ca9d]“It appears we are ready now.” [/color] Mabel pulled out a visitor security pass for each of them on a lanyard. Mabel: [color=f6989d]“Before we get started a few things of note. The campus has tight security. You will need these to access your room, the building, the gym, and the cafeteria. Please keep it with you at all times.” [/color] The Mitchells just nodded as they hung them around their necks. The kids looked at their passes with curiosity. Mabel: [color=f6989d]"We are going to tour the facility. Then we will have lunch in the cafeteria. Then we have arranged a trip to the zoo for the kids. Mrs. Mitchell if you would like to stay with your husband we can arrange for one of our childcare workers to go with the kids. We do have an onsite childcare facility if you would rather the children stayed here. We can also wait and send you all to the zoo tomorrow if you prefer. You had asked me to arrange something for them. Will that do?”[/color] Mrs. Mitchell beamed at Mabel. [color=f7976a]“That’s perfect! Thank you Mabel.”[/color] Mabel smiled at Mrs. Mitchell. [color=f6989d]“Allow me to introduce you to my boss, Alexander Knight.”[/color] Mabel waved Alexander forward. Mabel: [color=f6989d]“Alexander this is Cavan Mitchell, his wife Mary, their son Harry, and their daughter Abigail.”[/color] Abigail blinked and looked awed. She tugged on her mother’s hand. [color=a187be]“She knows my name!”[/color] She then giggled a little. [color=a187be]“And she talks funny.”[/color] Harry beamed at his sister. [color=7ea7d8]“That’s what I said!”[/color] Mabel just chuckled as she knelt in front of the children. She held her hand out to Harry. [color=f6989d]“It is nice to meet you in person, Harry.” [/color] Harry looked at her confused for a minute and then shook her hand with a smile. Harry: [color=7ea7d8]“Nice to meetcha Miss Mabel.”[/color] Mabel turned on her heel and held her hand out to Abigail. [color=f6989d]“It is a pleasure to meet you as well Miss Abigail.”[/color] The little girl shyly took her hand and gave her an awkward hand pump. Mabel just smiled and rose back to her feet. Alexander stood by as he watched Mabel work her own brand of charm on the family as she greeted them. Alexander smiled and stepped forward and offered a hand to Cavan Mitchell. Alexander: [color=00aeef]“Mr. Mitchell, thank you for coming to at least hear our offer. I hope you and your family will at least have a nice time while you are here.”[/color] Alexander shook Mr. Mitchell’s hand before turning to address his wife. [color=00aeef]“And Mrs. Mitchell thank you for being available and willing to come with him. I know this is unorthodox but I am not the typical team principal. I know how much my family means to me. I know that any decisions made impact you all. Which is why I wanted all of you to come.” [/color] Cavan regarded Alexander with a raised eyebrow. He was suspicious and was withholding judgment until after he heard what the man had to say. He couldn’t help but wonder if this was some kind of slick recruiting tactic. He had a hard time taking Alexander at face value after his experiences with Fitzroy. Cavan nodded his head in acknowledgement of Alexander’s greeting. [color=82ca9d]“I have to admit I was very surprised by the phone call. It was the strangest request for an interview that I have ever received.” [/color] Alexander just smiled. [color=00aeef]“Mabel has a way of leaving an impression.”[/color] Alexander chuckled and waved his arm towards the door. Mabel:[color=f6989d]“Shall we begin the tour?”[/color] The tour began as Alexander and Mabel escorted the family around the campus. They showed them every department. They walked past the apartment building and showed them the playground outside. They explained that apartments were used by key staff that needed to be onsite. The pilots who traveled a lot but trained at HQ for instance stayed here. Harry was enamored of the research and development labs. He was awed by all the equipment and gadgets. He bubbled with excitement over the training simulator as he asked if he could try it. Alexander explained that this simulator was set up for pilots and that Harry didn’t have the right augmentations to use it. He smiled and promised that there would be something for him in the suite. Abigail loved the gardens on the grounds. The tour had taken about an hour. They ended the tour in the cafeteria. Everyone ordered off the menu of the day and sat down. The Mitchells were surprised when there was a special short menu for children. Alexander smiled. [color=00aeef]“Well we ended our tour here on purpose. Across the hall is our onsite Childcare Center for our staff. This cafeteria is open to all staff. We encourage work life balance here. We encourage our employees to eat lunch here with their children, especially if their children are enrolled in the onsite daycare center. Meals are prepared from scratch by the team’s chef Jaques Auclair. Employees may bring their own meals and eat them in this space or they can charge meals to an employee account and they are deducted from their paycheck. When we are done eating, we will show you the childcare center and leave the kids for some playtime. Is that okay with you all?”[/color] Mrs. Mitchell looked surprised and contemplative. Mr. Mitchell still looked guarded. The kids looked excited. Everyone enjoyed a pleasant and deliciously leisurely lunch. Once everyone was done. Alexander led the way out of the cafeteria to the childcare center. The childcare center was state of the art and decorated with children in mind. The lounge entry area had a lot of seating. Couches lined the area with an interactive colorful play area in the middle. There was a pedestrian gate in the half wall next to a large receptionist desk. The center had separate rooms that were split along age and care needs lines. A red headed woman with a bright smile welcomed them. [color=fff200]“Hello! Welcome to Valkyrie AGR Sport’s child care center. My name is Susie. How may I help you today?” [/color] Alexander stepped forward and shook Susie’s hand. [color=00aeef]“Hello Susie. I don’t believe we have met. I am… “ [/color] Alexander was cut off by a laughing Susie. [color=fff200]“Alexander Knight. I know who you are sir. What can I do for you?” [/color] Alexander blushed because he should have come in here and introduced himself to the staff a long time ago. Because he didn't have school age children didn’t mean he didn’t appreciate all the work these people did to take care of the children of the staff. Alexander stumbled a little but then recovered his composure. [color=00aeef]“Right. Of course you would know who I am. I must apologize for not having been by to introduce myself sooner. I want you to know that I appreciate all your hard work in taking care of the children of our staff members. I have a family of VIPs with me today. We would like to leave Harry and Abigail here for a few hours in your care. Would that be okay?” [/color] Susie just giggled and nodded. [color=fff200]“Of course Mr. Knight.”[/color] Susie turned to the Mitchells. [color=fff200]“You must be the anxious parents. Can I get you to fill out a visitor form for me? It is so I can reach in case of any accidents or issues. I need some basic information like allergies and any health conditions we need to be aware of such as asthma or diabetes. We want to be sure we take excellent care of your children.” [/color] Mrs. Knight stepped forward and took the tablet and began to quickly fill out the information required and sign it with a thumb print scan. Susie looked it over and nodded. [color=fff200]“Everything seems to be in order.”[/color] Susie opened up the gate and moved into the doorway. She knelt down to be on the same level as the children. She held out a hand to each of them. [color=fff200]“Hello Harry, Abigail. Would you like to stay here with me and explore some of the fun things you can do here?”[/color] Harry and Abigail both stepped forward with some excitement and a little trepidation. Susie just waited patiently. [color=fff200]“Harry I bet you would like our Lego room. You can build anything you want! We have motor so you can make them move!”[/color] She turned to Abigail with a tilt to her head. [color=fff200]“Abigail we have a doll room or we have an arts and crafts center that might be to your liking. If at anytime you start to feel uncomfortable and want to leave, I will call your mom to come and get you. Does that sound good?” [/color] Susie again waited patiently for the children to nod in agreement. She then stood up and opened the gate wide so they could walk by her. [color=fff200]“Then in you come. Let’s go have some fun.” [/color] The children each allowed her to take them by the hand and lead them into the hallway behind the desk. The children asking all kinds of questions without once looking back at their parents. Mrs. Mitchell was amused. [color=f7976a]“Well that makes me feel not needed.” [/color] Alexander chuckled. [color=00aeef]“Nah, they will go and have a great time. They are excited to explore a new place. But then they will be excited to tell you all about their adventures today.”[/color] Alexander’s face became unreadable for a moment before he added. [color=00aeef]“Good mothers can never be replaced Mrs. Mitchell.” [/color] Mrs. Mitchell regarded Alexander with a startled look. Mr. Mitchell wrapped an arm around her shoulders and hugged his wife. [color=a2d39c]“Mary, you are an amazing mother. Never doubt how important you are to me or the children. We would fall apart without you.” [/color] Mrs. Mitchell gave her husband a quick peck on the lips in gratitude. [color=f7976a]“Thanks darling.”[/color] Alexander waited until they felt comfortable leaving their children. [color=00aeef]“Let’s go to my office to talk.” [/color] The Mitchells nodded and Alexander led the way to his office with Mabel bringing up the rear. Alexander opened the door to his office and motioned for them to make themselves comfortable in the small seating area in his office. They took a seat together on the sofa. Alexander and Mabel took the chairs across from the sofa. Alexander took the lead in the discussion. [color=00aeef]“Mr. Mitchell you know I asked you to come to discuss the possibility of you taking over Valkyrie AGR Sport’s engineering department. You have had a tour of the facility. As you have seen for yourself it is top notch. You also know I lost my head engineer, Felix Burkhart yesterday. I am in a serious time crunch and bind. You are the only person who has the skills I need to turn what could be a catastrophic season for Valkyrie around.” [/color] Mr. Mitchell shrugged. [color=a2d39c]“I don’t see how that is my problem. I am very flattered by the offer. But I don’t see what you can offer me that would entice me to come to Germany.” [/color] Mrs. Mitchell’s body language stiffened next to her husband on the couch. Alexander’s sharp eyes noticed it. He leaned back in his chair with a thoughtful look. [color=00aeef]“Mr. Mitchell can I call you Cavan?” [/color] Cavan nodded. [color=a2d39c]“I would prefer it. I am not a very formal man. I prefer plain speaking than flowery words.” [/color] Alexander smiled and nodded. [color=00aeef]“Then call me Alexander. I feel the same way. Let me ask you a question then. Forget that Valkyrie is in Germany for a moment. What would cause you to hesitate to take the position? Is it the money? Do you have a bad history with Team Valkyrie or some of its people? What’s stopping you?” [/color] Cavan leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. [color=a2d39c]“Bluntly Alexander, I don’t know if I can trust you. I just spent two years working without adequate funding, parts, personnel. My staff bore the brunt of it with salary cuts and layoffs. They had to work in the same difficult conditions that I did. Always on edge wondering what the next work week would be like. We would rob parts off one ship to keep the other going. It wasn’t pretty. It was exhausting. Now you are asking me to save Valkyrie’s sinking ship. I don’t know if I have that kind of energy left. I love being an engineer in Formula AG. I loved leading my team and seeing things done correctly. I refuse to go through that kind of humiliation and stress again. I won’t subject my staff to it either. What guarantees do I have that my salary won’t start being cut or the resources I need to do my job? How do I know things would be any different here at Valkyrie?” [/color] Mrs. Mitchell was frozen in place, her eyes flicking between Alexander and Cavan. Alexander nodded.[color=00aeef] “That’s fair. I may have gotten my start as a racer but after I left racing. I became an engineer. I understand your job. The only guarantee I can make you is that I am not Fitzroy. If things get that bad, we will both be out of a job. I know you don’t know me. I get that. The only thing I can offer is my word to treat you with respect. That doesn’t mean that I won’t take you to task if you screw up. It won’t be because you don’t have what you need to do your job. I believe in a team environment Cavan. Are you an engineer that likes to take the credit for the whole team? Or are you the type that leads the others and lifts them so that they can all fly?” [/color] Cavan looked at Alexander contemplatively and shrugged. [color=a2d39c]“It doesn’t matter. I took the job at Fitzroy so that I could raise my family where I grew up in Sheffield. Germany is not Sheffield. I love where I grew up. I love my community. I don’t see how this can possibly work.” [/color] Alexander nodded at him. [color=00aeef]“The only way it could work is with some compromise on your part. I can’t move the team to England. What I can do is offer some solutions. It is a 40 minute shuttle flight from Aachen to Leeds. You could commute home every night but that is a long commute. You would have to consider the drive after you landed too. You could move your family to Germany. We can offer your family an apartment here on campus. It comes with a daycare center on site. You could have lunch with your wife and children every day. Aachen has culture and history. It might do your kids some good to be exposed to it. You could have your wife and kids live in Sheffield and you go home on weekends and stay in an apartment here on campus during the week. You could keep your house in Sheffield to return to while you are working here in Germany. You could all go home to Sheffield on weekends. Or you could do a combination of all of those.” [/color] Cavan looked thoughtful. [color=a2d39c]“I just don’t know.” [/color] Alexander: [color=00aeef]“I can’t give you long to think about it. But I can offer you something no one else can.” [/color] Cavan looked at Alexander: [color=8dc73f]“What?”[/color] Alexander looked Cavan in the eye. [color=00aeef]“Valkyrie lost three other engineers yesterday who walked out with Burkhart and a mechanic. I can bring over your staff that Fitzroy fired. I also understand how important family is to you. I have taken hell in the media for just trying to do right for my daughter after her accident. I understand that your family will always come first. Your devotion to your team and your leadership skills is why you are my top choice to replace Felix Burkhart. I believe only you will be able to turn this clusterfuck around. My apologies ladies for my language.” [/color] Cavan’s eyes widened. He had no idea what to say to that. Cavan would be able to help those still looking for jobs. He could keep the ones who had deserved a chance at a future in this sport. He was torn between duty to his team and his family. He turned to look at his wife who was looking at him with questions in her eyes. Cavan sighed before giving his answer. [color=a2d39c]“I need at least a day to think about it. I need to talk to my family about it.” [/color] Mabel interjected. [color=f6989d]“Mrs. Mitchell I understand the children are out of school till next Monday. Is that correct?” [/color] Mrs. Mitchell was startled to be addressed and turned to Mabel. It took her a moment to process her question. [color=f7976a]“Yes they are out on Easter Break.” [/color] Mabel smiled at Mrs. Mitchell who clapped. [color=f6989d]“That’s splendid! Why don’t you stay for another day. Take tonight to discuss things and think about them. Tomorrow you can get up and all go to the zoo here together. Have a nice day for their holiday break. Then on Thursday we can meet for breakfast to get your answer. How does that sound?” [/color] Ever the practical mother Mrs. Mitchell protested weakly. [color=f7976a]“Well I only packed for an overnight trip.” [/color] Mabel waved a hand to indicate that was not a problem. [color=f6989d]“There is a washer and dryer in your room. You can wash what your not wearing. It is only one more day.” [/color] Mary looked at Cavan who shrugged. [color=a2d39c]“Well the kids are having a great time. It would give us some time to discuss it as a family.”[/color] Cavan’s eyes narrowed as he turned his head to regard Mabel and then Alexander. [color=a2d39c]“You two are sneaky! This is why you had me bring my family with me.”[/color] Cavan swore. [color=a2d39c]“I have to admit damn it, that it is working!”[/color] He frowned at Alexander and gave Mabel a dirty look. Mabel just grinned unrepentantly as she winked at Mrs. Mitchell. [color=f6989d]“I told you on the phone Mr. Mitchell. We are wooing your whole family.” [/color] Cavan’s deep startled laughter boomed out across the office. [color=a2d39c]“So you did!”[/color] Mrs. Mitchell just chuckled. [color=f7976a]“I think now would be a good time to fetch the children and go check out our room. What do we do for dinner tonight?”[/color] Mabel grinned. [color=f6989d]“You can ask Chef Jaques to have something delivered to your suite. Or come over and eat in the cafeteria. If you would prefer to go out. We can make a car and driver available to you. The choice is yours?” [/color] Mrs. Mitchell smiled and winked at Mabel. [color=f7976a]“I can get used to being waited on hand and foot.” [/color] Mr. Mitchell sighed. He had a suspicion which way his wife was leaning. [color=a2d39c]“I agree with Mary. I think it's time we have a private chat. I want to check in on the kids as well.” [/color] [hr] Mary and Cavan left Alexander’s office. They followed the directions on the tablet Mabel had given. They could use it for the duration of their stay. It was set up for visitors to use. It had a campus map on it. It had links for calling security, Mabel, and the car service. They stopped by the Child Care center to get their children. Who were full of excitement and tales of what they had done while away from their parents. They walked with the children to the apartment building and found their suite. Mabel had made sure to give them a three bedroom suite set up for families. The Mitchells began to explore their family suite. The little boy was awed by the entertainment system and games in the living room of the suite. There was a gift basket of homemade cookies in the middle of the dining room table. It had a small welcome note from Mabel informing them she had baked the cookies. There was a wine bucket with a bottle of wine in it for the adults in the room. The large open concept living room and dining room were decorated in the latest appliances with a sleek modern esthetic. The refrigerator and kitchen had some snacks, juice, milk, and snacks in them. The kitchen was fully appointed with everything you would need to cook with. The master bedroom had a king size bed and an en suite bathroom and large walk in closet. The other two rooms had queen size beds. There was a guest bath off the living room. There was a utility room with a full size washer and dryer unit. Cavan and Mary left the children playing a video game and sat down in the kitchen to talk. Cavan sighed and looked at Mary torn and troubled. [color=a2d39c]“I don’t know Mary. It is a generous offer. I have a good feeling about Knight. I can see myself working with him. But to give up Sheffield…” [/color] Mary: [color=f7976a]“Cavan, would we really be giving up Sheffield? We barely see you now because you are commuting to work in a larger city. When you worked for Fitzroy, yes we were in Sheffield but you were so stressed and trying to keep things afloat short handed that we hardly saw you. You left before the kids and were home after they were in bed most nights. Like Alexander said though, we could keep the house in Sheffield. I kind of love the idea of you being able to have lunch with us every day. I love that they have good quality on site child care services as well. You know I love you Cavan. I love being a mother. I miss doing my own thing though. I miss my photography.”[/color] Cavan: [color=a2d39c]“It would mean uprooting the children. They would miss their friends. Is that fair to them?” [/color] Mary: [color=f7976a]“Why don’t we ask them how they feel about it? We could try having you commuting every day but I am not fond of that. You would be back to the same hours you were pulling at Fitzroy. I am not a fan of being away from you all week. I like having my man with me every night.” [/color] Cavan smiled and squeezed his wife’s hand. [color=a2d39c]“Oh yeah? And why is that?” [/color] Mary just gave him a soft chuckle. [color=f7976a]“Behave! The children are right there.” [/color] Cavan sighed and looked over at his children. [color=a2d39c]“Abigail! Harry! Can you join us please?” [/color] There was some grumbling as the game was paused. The children came running over to the table where their parents were sitting across from one another. They both took a seat with Abigail struggling to move her chair in. Cavan gave her a helpful push. Abigail: [color=a187be]“What’s up da?”[/color] Cavan explained the job offer to the children and the ramifications. Cavan: [color=a2d39c]“Kids I have been given a very nice job offer. However it would mean we would have to move here to Germany. I would be traveling again with a racing team. Your ma and I discussed it and we wanted to know how you would feel about that?” [/color] Harry looked thoughtful. [color=8493ca]“Well I could still see my friends when we went home right? I could make new friends here. I liked the Childcare Center. It was fun. School is school dad. I am not going to like school no matter where we live.”[/color] He shrugged. Abigail looked at her father. [color=a187be]“Would this job make you happy again Da?”[/color] Cavan could feel the tears in his eyes. They say out of the mouths of babes. Mary looked surprised. [color=f7976a]“Abigail what do you mean by that?” [/color] Abigail sighed and looked at her dad. [color=bc8dbf]“Well you have seemed sad lately and worried. I won’t miss my teacher. I don’t like Miss.Taylor. I will miss my friends but we can video chat and like Harry said. I can make new friends. I already made a new friend! Miss Arianna came and played with me in the doll room. She is Mr. Knight’s daughter. And she is way older than me. But she was very nice and lots of fun!” [/color] Cavan had to look away from his daughter or he was gonna cry a river of tears. He had no idea that she had been watching him so closely. Harry looked nervous before he looked over at his mother. [color=8493ca]“Da has woken me a few times. I hear him pacing in the hallway late at night.”[/color] He looked down at the table afraid he was going to get in trouble. He knew he was not supposed to be up late. Cavan gave up and put a hand over his face as tears leaked out of his eyes. He wiped his eyes and took a deep breath. [color=a2d39c]“Are you guys sure? You would be willing to do that for me? There are options. I could stay here during the week and see you on weekends.” [/color] Mary was the one who quietly reminded him. [color=f7976a]“We would only see you every other weekend because you would be away at the races. Cavan the best option is for all of us to move to Germany. It is the only practical option. That doesn’t mean we have to give up our house in Sheffield. We can still go back for visits and holidays. It is not like we would never be there again.” [/color] Cavan sighed and nodded. [color=a2d39c]“I will think about it. Now who wants a cookie?” [/color] Mary got up and poured them all glasses of milk to go with the classic chocolate chip cookies. Mary almost cursed. [color=f7976a]“That is one of the best cookies I have ever eaten!” [/color] Harry giggled and patted his tummy. [color=8493ca]“Yummy yummy to my tummy.”[/color] Abigail giggled at her brother’s antics. [color=bc8dbf]“Miss Mabel bakes good cookies.” [/color] [hr] Cavan had gone to the zoo with his family the next day. They all had an amazing time. The children had been excited and run from exhibit to exhibit. Cavan and Mary had come back exhausted. They had all slept well that night. They had come back to more cookies on the table. The family was due to meet Alexander in the cafeteria for breakfast at 8am. Alexander was waiting in the cafeteria with pancakes and sausage. He was sipping a black cup of coffee. He smiled at the Mitchell family as they all trooped in. Everyone helped themselves to something from the buffet. Alexander smiled as Abigail ran across the cafeteria to Arianna and gave her a big hug and was chatting excitedly to her. Telling her all about the zoo. Arianna was sitting next to him. Arianna: [color=ec008c]“Wow that sounds like it was so much fun! You know we need to get you some food.”[/color] She rose to her feet and took Abigail by the hand and led her back over to the buffer where her parents were helping Harry. Arianna helped Abigail with some country potatoes, a piece of bacon, and a biscuit. She poured her a glass of milk and helped her carry it over to the table. Everyone said hello to one another and began to eat. The conversation was kept light and all about the family’s day at the zoo. Once breakfast plates had been cleared away the negotiating began. Alexander: [color=00aeef]“Well it sounds like you all enjoyed the zoo. I am glad you had a nice break.”[/color] Cavan and Mary held hands under the table. Mary: [color=f7976a]“It was a nice break. It was nice to see more of the area. Aachen is a pretty place.” [/color] Cavan: [color=a2d39c]“I will take the job. I want a contract. I want to bring my people from Fitzroy. I want the salary. I want the apartment we are staying in, access to the child care center for Harry and Abigail. I also want access to one of the company’s shuttles so we can visit Sheffield when we want too.” [/color] Alexander had been expecting something along these lines. He nodded and looked thoughtful. He turned to Mary. [color=00aeef]“Do you have anything you want added for you?” [/color] Mary blushed a little but nodded to Alexander. [color=f7976a]“I want him here. I don’t want him to travel with the team unless you really need him too. I want to point out that it is a great place to start training other engineers on how to lead a team.” [/color] Alexander was a little surprised but nodded. [color=00aeef]“Okay.”[/color] He turned his attention to Harry next. “What about you Harry? Any requests?” Harry’s eyes were wide and he had a gleeful expression. [color=7ea7d8]“I want to keep the games and entertainment system while we are living here.” [/color] Alexander nodded thoughtfully and winked at Harry. [color=00aeef]“I think that one can be arranged.”[/color] He then turned his attention to Abigail. [color=00aeef]“What about you Abigail? What do you want to get out of this?” [/color] Abigail gave him a very sweet smile. [color=bc8dbf]“I want my daddy to be happy again.”[/color] She looked thoughtful for a moment. [color=bc8dbf]“Oh I want doll play dates with Arianna.” [/color] Alexander threw back his head and laughed. He turned to Arianna and smiled at her. [color=00aeef]“Well I bet you didn’t see that coming when you decided to drop in and play dolls yesterday.”[/color] He smiled at Abigail and whispered loudly to her as if he was sharing a secret. [color=00aeef]“She always wanted a sister growing up. You give her an excuse to play with dolls at her age.” [/color] Arianna blushed and nudged her father in the side. [color=ec008c]“Hush you. Or I won’t agree to your terms and your negotiations will fail over the request of the seven year old.” [/color] Alexander chuckled and shook his head. [color=00aeef]“Well I think most of that is doable.”[/color] He turned to Abigail. [color=00aeef]“I can’t promise that Arianna will always be available for playdates. I am pretty sure that she would be happy to do it occasionally with you though. Would that be okay?”[/color] Abigail nodded and looked quite pleased with herself. Alexander turned to Cavan. [color=00aeef]“You can have access to a shuttle if one is available. Is that fair? We might have to limit the number of trips to no more than 3 a month. Would that be fair?”[/color] Cavan looked around at his family members. He got nods from everyone. He held his hand out and shook Alexander’s hand. [color=a2d39c]“I will take the job. I want to see the contracts first. I want my own legal counsel to read it over.” [/color] Alexander smiled at Cavan. [color=00aeef]“Welcome to Team Valkyrie Mitchells.”[/color] The kids cheered and Mary smiled. [hr] [color=gold][center][h1][i][b]Social Media[/b][/i][/h1][/center][/color] [hr] [center] [b]Team Valkyrie AGR @TeamValkyrie:[/b] Team Valkyrie AGR Sport wants to wish Felix Burkhart well in all his future endeavors. Mr. Burkhart has decided to leave Team Valkyrie. His expertise, professionalism, and leadership will be missed. Good Luck Felix! We are proud to announce that Team Valkyrie’s new Lead Engineer is Cavan Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell started his career at Silver Apex before moving to Fitzoy. He has found his new home here at Team Valkyrie! Please join us in welcoming him to the team! [/center] [hr] [color=fff200]OfficeDrone#12:[/color] Burkhart has been seen in the building! [color=fff200]SuperfanAGR54:[/color] OMG! Knight moved fast! [color=fff200]DantheMan:[/color] I did not see that coming. Welcome to Valkyrie Mitchell! [color=fff200]BatDave:[/color] I am Batman! [color=fff200]Superfan2075:[/color] I am not sure how I feel about this. [color=fff200]DadBod89:[/color] I am weeping over here! No…. Felix don’t go! [color=fff200]Hater101:[/color] Mitchell is not on Burkhart’s level. [color=fff200]Papabear34:[/color] Hmmm I am unsure if I feel happy or sad. [color=fff200]Nana2050:[/color] #knightwins [color=fff200]GeorgeFly:[/color] I will have to wait and see. [color=fff200]ValkyrieFan56:[/color] But will it be enough? [color=fff200]Weedhead81:[/color] Woah! Did someone lace my joint with shrooms again? Burkhart really left? And Cavan Mitchell is replacing him? [color=fff200]SexyM@m@5:[/color] The sun is shining again. [color=fff200]Paulmulder4eva:[/color] @valkyriepaul Call me! [color=fff200]Britball12:[/color] I am speechless. Burkhart left. [color=fff200]!YouSlow!:[/color] Mitchell is a good choice. [color=fff200]xImFasterthanUx:[/color] Mitchell is a talented engineer. He has been hamstrung at Fitzroy. I can’t wait to see what he does at Valkyrie. [color=fff200]AGInthusiast:[/color] Mitchell is no Burkhart. [color=fff200]micheal650004:[/color] It could be worse. Mitchell is not necessarily a bad thing. [color=fff200]KingKofiFan:[/color] Whiplash! Mitchell is moving to Valkyrie! [color=fff200]$erwa: [/color] Any rumors about where Burkhart is going yet? [color=fff200]Jan2084:[/color] They didn’t say where Burkhart was going. [color=fff200]Bertha:[/color] Mitchell is not as talented as Burkhart. [hr] [hider= Team Valkyrie Characters] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zrLx5XUgYiVm6KjTpFTWZtJvXc0MX77enkLzINHujKw/edit?gid=0#gid=0 [/hider]