[h2]Chamer[/h2] [code]And manservant[/code] [hr] Amidst the chaos of the city, the burning buildings the roaring of rifle and machinegun fire near the aerodrome one vehicle stood out from the others. On any other day the appearance of an ivory coloured, gold trimmed Iktani Motors Tochtli Roadster speeding recklessly down the thoroughfare would've spurred angry shouting, perhaps even a police response. Today no one batted an eye. Rather what set it apart was it leaving the main thoroughfare to drive directly through the fencing to the aerodrome, taking fire from further up the street. One of the occupants was huddled, hands over his head, ducking behind the side-panels while the driver steered the vehicle precariously onto the zeppelin grounds, veering to avoid fire with one hand while firing a pistol over the back of the roadster with the other in the vague direction the rifle rounds had come from. The zeppelin, it seemed, was already off the ground still tethered by its mooring lines even as people scrambled aboard. The roadster veered towards the rope ladder on the ground, tires and struts protesting as the vehicle squealed and drifted to a halt next to the ladder. "Get on!" The driver insisted. The passenger, looking up looked at the ladder, than the enormous travel trunk in the backseat of the roadster. "There's no way to can carry it up there!" He protested. "Just climb sir." "That's my life's work Miquiztli, I can't leave it behind! I'd rather die!" Miquiztli, the driver was already out of the vehicle circling to the passenger side as the rope ladder continued to uncoil. "Get on." It wasn't a question, he hoisted the smaller man by the collar out of the passenger seat and towards the ladder, which the younger man obligingly clung to. "What's even the point of continuing!? I'm ruined!" The young man exclaimed, looking miserable as the rope ladder began carrying him up into the air. Miquiztli didn't listen to him, having already leapt back into the driver seat. "I'll see to the mooring lines!" Hitting the gas, the roadster's wheels kicked turf out behind it as the vehicle sped off towards the first set of mooring lines.