[hider=Damon] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zB7gEYq.png[/img] [hider=Theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIpOxa5hxOw[/youtube][/hider][/center] [b][color=1055E5]Name:[/color][/b] Damon Uccello [b][color=1055E5]Age:[/color][/b] 19 [b][color=1055E5]Major:[/color][/b] Chemical Engineering [b][color=1055E5]Year:[/color][/b] 2nd [b][color=1055E5]Personality:[/color][/b] High strung and pessimistic, with a habit of overthinking things and mind-gaming himself. He can come off as cynical, and he definitely is to an extent, though his doomsaying is more internal than external, and he's more of an obsessive planner than someone who blames or complains about a situation. He tends to treat the choices other people make as variables to predict and plan around, and prefers to live in the present or look towards the future, rather than dwell on the past. He's not quick to anger, and while he can be prickly and abrasive, any harsh words are usually said without malice, if not with outright endearment. [b][color=1055E5]History:[/color][/b] Damon's history is, by his own reckoning, utterly irrelevant and uninteresting. I mean, sure, he was orphaned at a young age, but he got adopted at a young age too, so it wasn't that big of a deal in the long run. He's met his biological parents, and has zero interest in kindling a relationship with them. His adoptive parents had a divorce a few years ago, but they're both loving, and he respects that they each had mismatched personalities where the other could not provide for their emotional needs. No drama, no bloodshed, just the cacophony and stench of a slightly sub-standard upbringing. [b][color=1055E5]Perks:[/color][/b] "You killed a guy? Dang. You already get rid of the body, or do you need some help with that?" [b][color=1055E5]Quirks:[/color][/b] Hates the sun, authority figures, the smell of tobacco and the hours of 6 AM to 12 PM. Suffers from chronic insomnia, takes at least an hour in the shower every day, and is physically incapable of letting other people win a game against him on purpose. [hider=RP Example] On one hand, death. The cold, sucking agony of becoming a member of the living dead and shambling off alongside his friends. On the other, isolation, not so great a disaster were it not for the inevitability of their impending doom without his assistance. This was their last chance, and all his well made plans were at risk of being torn asunder like the tower of babel, with just as much ensuing confusion and division hence. Could he even help them given the sheer unfiltered weakness he would suffer? Was there a way to reduce their fall from grace by remote means? Probably not, given a certain someone's inability to grasp basic trigonometry, yet perhaps he could still- "They serve coffee now." Well, that solves that dilemma. "Fuck, alright, I'll be there in a minute."[/hider][/hider]