[color=C0C0C0] The alarm had been blaring through the corridors of the Basilisk for nearly ten minutes. Five rebels had gotten aboard one of the most secure ships and somehow managed to escape. The lieutenant stared at the data pad, then looked up to see the security officer who seemed to be shaking. As he should be, the lieutenant thought. He swung both arms behind him, grasping the opposite wrist with a hand. He paced, two troopers stood quietly next to the door. [I] “Sir, I sounded the alarm as soon as the incident on the med floor. [/I] The officer begged. [I] “Yes but you and your team seemed to have missed details when they boarded. The Admiral cannot have this again. Your abilities are no longer required above this ship.” [/I] The lieutenant turned and stepped from the room. The door hissing closed behind him. As he sharply turned, several blaster bolts muffled the pleading screams before silence fell. The bridge was quiet, soft hums and beeps heard as the lieutenant stepped his way toward the Admiral, who seemed to have his attention elsewhere. [I] “Excuse me, sir?” [/I] He cleared his throat, holding out the data pad toward the Admiral, which was taken with a delicate pass off. The Admiral looked down at the report as the lieutenant started his report. [I]”Sir, it would seem that we had a breach in security. One of our Lab Techs must have authorized the other four onboard. A local boy. Harmless at best. A female. We are sure, she was a former ISB Agent. No doubt hired to pass our security clearances. The other two were still hidden in old trooper armor. We are working to find out who they are.” [/I] Quiet. Delicate fingers flipped through the pages. [I] Did they take anything? [/I] The Admiral stated. [I] “Two crates… ZY5-232 and ZY5-233…" [/I] [I] “Ah, not important. Though I am surprised, those were in my personal cache. I want them found. No reports have been detected through the blockade. That means they are still on this planet.” [/I] The Lieutenant nodded, taking his data pad from the Admiral before he headed off the bridge. [hr] Aellyn stepped onto the ramp, making her way back into her own little room. She was happy to be back on board the little pile of junk. [color=AE91B8] “Never will I sign up for this kind of travel again.” [/color] The ship jolted left as she grasped the bunk above her. Stupid droid, the thought rambled in her mind. Worse than the owner. Speaking of, Fel’s voice barked orders over the comms. She wished they would get off this trashy planet already. Aellyn moved outside her room, noticing the med tech head into the cockpit. Better him than her. Grabbing the nearby ladder, she climbed down into the lower ventral cannon. Settling herself in, she pulled on the comm piece. [color=AE91B8] “Not going to try to talk you out of this little side piece mission, but we need to hurry. They will already know we are still on this planet and two, tie fighters are going to swoop the area. Much like…” [/color] Like clockwork, several storm troopers filled the streets, aiming their blasters toward the UA. [color=AE91B8] “Hope that droid knows what he is doing. Keep us steady, Wrench.” [/color] Aellyn prepped the cannon and started to fire. Wrench beeped in her comms [color=AE91B8] “You bucket of bolts! I am going to dismantle you at the first chance….” [/color] The UA turned ninety degrees as she slammed against the window. [color=AE91B8] “Dank Farrik! Fel! Get your stupid droid working….I’m trying to not get us killed.” [/color] [/color]