[center][h2][color=ec008c]Samantha Dalton[/color] A Hangry Chaos [/h2][/center] [right][h3][i][color=fff200]An Auspicious Work[/color][/i][/h3][/right] Samantha had not really had much chance to meet Ban or get to know him at all. She knew there had to be more to him than met the eye or he wouldn’t be working with Skye. Samantha was curious about him. She knew he was Japanese and Yakuza if rumors around the base were to be believed. Samantha was still mending from her battle on the blimp. She was still moving stiffly and nursing some really tender ribs. She had heard that Ban was going to be cooking and that it would be an amazing show. She was curious so she made her way into the kitchen. She arrives to find quite the crowd hovering in the dining room watching the kitchen in the open concept area. The only thing separating the chef from his crowd was a long wide kitchen island and the stove. There was a range hood above with pots and pans hanging down. Samantha was shorter than most of the team and quite petite at only 5 feet 4 inches tall. She carefully made her way forward so she could see what was going on. All she could see from the back were the back of people’s heads. She tried to go around to one side instead of pushing through the tight crowd. She pushed in around one end and took an elbow to the chest. She cried out in pain and doubled over. The soldier standing there looked surprised and quickly turned to check on her. [color=f7941d]“I am so sorry. I didn’t see you standing there. Are you okay?”[/color] The man held her elbow like she was about to fall over which was probably fair considering she was reeling. He was hovering anxiously. Samantha swore in three different languages as she tried to get a handle on the pain. The elbow to her midsection hit a particularly painful bruise. Samantha slowly began to straighten back up. She was gritting her teeth hard. She finally managed to suck in a deep breath. [color=ec008c]“I will be okay. You just happened to hit an injury.”[/color] [color=f7941d]“I am so sorry. Here you can stand in front of me. I can see why you were trying to move to the front. You are tiny!”[/color] The soldier was tall and muscular like most of the men around here. He had at least 6 inches of height on her and probably 100 pounds of muscle. Samantha started to thank him for allowing her to move in front of him but then he had to pull the height card. The look on his face was that typical male attitude that a small petite woman could not be a threat to them due to their size. At least that is how Samantha chose to interpret it. Maybe she was moody from almost dying, being in pain, or just hangry. Whatever the cause, the soldier didn't know what he started. Samantha narrowed her eyes at the man and glared at him. She wasn’t feeling up too much and if she tore those skin grafts Sophie would have her hide. She smiled sweetly at him. Anyone who knew her would know that was a warning sign that trouble was going to follow. They had attracted the attention of the men around them. While there were some women in the crowd as well, it was mostly men around Sam. The man smiled back at her with a glint in his eyes. Samantha's voice dripped in an overly sweet tone as she replied. [color=ec008c]“That would be awfully kind of you.” [/color] Samantha stepped forward as if she was going to move past him. She grabbed his wrist at a pressure point and applied the necessary pressure. The soldier dropped to his knees in excruciating pain and froze in place. He cried out in pain as his knees hit the floor. [color=ec008c]“Especially considering that you clumsily elbowed me hard enough to reopen an injury. You clumsy ox! You know a gentleman would have spotted me sooner and offered to do it anyway.”[/color] The soldier was wincing in pain and on his knees. His wrist in Samantha’s grasp. The soldiers around them just laughed. Samantha leaned forward and whispered in his ear. [color=ec008c]“Never believe that just because I am smaller than you, that I can’t kick your ass.”[/color] She released the man’s wrist in disgust and took a step past him so she could see what was happening. The soldier grunted as she had dropped his wrist and stepped past him. The man regained his feet and moved back behind her a few people. She could hear the comments and snickering around her. She heard him ask one of his buddies. [color=f7941d]“Who is she?”[/color] His buddy was still laughing at him. [color=8dc73f]“You don’t know?”[/color] His buddy sounded frustrated. [color=f7941d]“I wouldn’t have asked if I did.”[/color] His buddy laughed even harder. [color=8dc73f]“Samantha Dalton.”[/color] She heard him ask [color=f7941d]"Who?"[/color] Then his buddy laughed even harder. [color=8dc73f]“Oh man no wonder you got your ass handed to you. That is Samanatha Dalton, AKA Sam Dalton, AKA Raven Squad member, callsign Chaos.”[/color] Samantha was amused as she heard his response. [color=f7941d]“That’s Chaos? I thought Chaos was a man.”[/color] She was more amused as his buddy informed him he was an idiot. She giggled as the man next to him informed him [color=7ea7d8]“And rumor has it, that she is recovering from almost dying on their last op. She got electrocuted and has broken ribs. She still managed to immobilize you and barely lifted a pinky to do it. Think about that before you insult her again.”[/color] Samantha put a supportive arm across her ribs. She didn’t need any blows to that area. She finally managed to put her attention on what was happening in front of her. There was Ban wearing a chef’s outfit with piles of cut up vegetables on the counter next to a stovetop with 8 burners on. He was sharpening a Kingo Blade. She watched as he answered questions from his audience. Ban looked relaxed like he was having a good time as he tossed back a sake before inspecting the meat that had been brought to him. Samantha began to shift uncomfortably from foot to foot trying to ease the pressure in her chest. The blow to her midsection had really jarred her ribs and the healing bruises on her chest. She did not want to leave. She had been spending enough time alone. She needed a distraction from her thoughts. She kept replaying what had happened to her as Skye was trying to save her life. She kept reliving what it had felt like to leave her loved ones behind again. She almost wished she had stayed with them. She felt the pain of their loss all over again. She really missed them. She couldn't help but think about the few people she had left in this life, Kameko. She now had team members that made up found family, Skye and Freya. Watching Ban cook was a good distraction. Samantha had to admire his bladework. He knew how to use that whetstone and proper blade maintenance. He knew what he was doing. She knew that those moves didn’t come from cooking alone. She saw the artistry, grace, and confidence that came not just from practice alone but from training. She saw the foundation of some kind of blade style martial arts maybe. Samantha did her best to breathe deeply but the pain in her chest stopped that. The scents wafting her way told her that Ban was cooking a masterpiece. She loved Asian food. Samantha's smile was genuine for the first time in a while. For the first time since she returned to base her thoughts were not on almost dying. The friendly atmosphere and rivalry between the fish and pork contingents had her laughing. She cheered for Ban every time not taking a side. She waited to approach him till he had begun to serve food up. She waited till the crush was gone so she didn’t get trampled again. It was not that hard to do since she was way off to one side. She approached after most of the others had taken their plates and left to eat. She smiled as she approached Ban. [color=ec008c]“Hello Ban. It smells amazing. I think we were introduced quickly when Skye returned. I just wanted to once again welcome you back to Raven Squad. In case you forgot I am Samantha Dalton, Chaos. Most of the team calls me by my nickname Sam. I would like to try a little pork and a little fish if you have any left. It looks so good.”[/color]