[sup][h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xxoXDgI.png[/img][/center][b][center][color=black] ヒーロー[/color] [color=#66CDAA]ヒーロー[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HXTzssT.png[/img][/center] [center][sub][sup][color=66CDAA][b]D.O.B[/b][/color][/sup] 17th of March | [sup][color=66CDAA][b]Age[/b][/color][/sup] 19[sup] y.o[/sup] | [sup][color=66CDAA][b]Class[/B][/color][/sup] 2A [/sub][/center] [hider=Akizuki Reiji] [sup][center][color=black] Mimoto[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Mimoto[/color][/center][/sup][center] Akizuki Reiji[/center] [sup][center][color=black] Shigoto[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Shigoto[/color][/center][/sup][center]Teknus Agency[/center] [sup][center][color=black] Joretsu[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Joretsu[/color][/center][/sup][center]A[/center] [sup][h2][b][center][color=black] 由来[/color] [color=#66CDAA]由来[/color][/center] [/b][/h2][/sup][center]Origin[/center] [Sub][color=66CDAA]Rising[/color][/sub] Reiji was born to Akizuki Kyoko and Akizuki Daigo. Akizuki Kyoko is a stay-at-home housewife, though occasionally, she uses her quirk, Glass Manipulation to make beautiful stained glass as a profitable hobby. Akizuki Daigo, is a 1st Generation Pro Hero, Shardbreaker, his quirk is Crystalline, allowing him to emit highly malleable crystals that can be used offensively and defensively. Reiji does not inherit the ability to emit crystals in such high volume to be used as a direct weapon, however, in combination with his mother's quirk that manipulates glass, Reiji is born with a unique combination that allows him to emit crystals that can affect the light that passes through them, the quirk is named Photonic Crystal. While Daigo never explicitly pushed Reiji to pursue hero work, he did encourage his son while growing up to follow in his footsteps. Reiji, recognizing the potential of his own quirk and the fact that his father is a popular and successful Pro Hero, thus opening up many doors for him in the career track of Pro Hero, decided to also be a hero and sign up for his father's alma mater, UA. A decision that proves to be correct, as during his High School Year, he manages to requisition the hologun, a gun that helps him utilize his quirk as well as interning with the Pro Hero Snipe through his father's connection. Both his parents are currently in America, due to Daigo receiving an offer from one of America's top heroes to join his agency, to which Daigo agreed. After graduating from UA High School, rather than joining their college division, Reiji found himself not liking the constant spotlight placed on UA's students—as well as their motto of Plus Ultra—and thus transferring to the Eirei Academy, which has more focus on being incognito, changing his hero costume and name. Reiji then ended up picking Teknus Agency where he will work as part of the academy's curriculum. Reiji's reason for picking the Teknus Agency was due to him having an idea to utilise his highly malleable Photonic Crystals in photonic computing, but he had no idea on the technical side that would allow such a thing to happen, and so he went to the genius billionaire quirkless hero, Yotsubashi Tomatsu. When he conveyed the idea during the interview, Tomatsu laughed, before agreeing to hire Reiji and lead the project himself. With Tomatsu's resources and technical expertise, they managed to induce manipulation of the photonic crystals without Reiji's input, utilising them for photonic computing. As a result, the computer systems utilised by heroes in the Teknus Agency received a substantial upgrade, as well as the creation of the raywatch, a powerful compact computer in the form of a watch that is more powerful than many supercomputers. Tomatsu is currently researching how to manufacture the crystals without Reiji as well as considering how to introduce the product for civilian use. As for Reiji himself, while he is more than happy to donate the crystals and acquiesce to some tests in order to find out how to manufacture them, he is satisfied with leaving the finer details to Tomatsu and focus on his hero work. [sup][h2][b][center][color=black] 性格[/color] [color=#66CDAA]性格[/color][/center] [/b][/h2][/sup][center]Individuality[/center] [sub][color=66CDAA]Personality[/color][/sub] Akizuki Reiji is a rather private person. If his peers are to be asked, 'What is Akizuki Reiji like?' most probably can only answer 'Oh. The quiet guy, right? Eh...he's dependable enough during hero work,' or some facsimile of it. That does not mean he is socially inept, Reiji is mostly cordial with his peers and can work in a team well enough, but he is the type to not mix business and pleasure. In this sense, he is someone who sees pro-hero work as a career path, a job. Nothing more, nothing less. That said, he is someone who holds professionalism to a very high degree, someone who would absolutely remind the teacher that they had homework. Despite everything, however, pretty much everyone knew that if you wanted to get things done, you go to Reiji. As a hero, this translates as someone who dislikes heroes being put on a pedestal as a paragon of virtue, someone who would tirelessly work for peace even without compensation—as being a moral exemplar isn't part of their job description—however, as long as properly compensated and reasonable, Reiji would absolutely do his best on his work. [sup][h1][center][color=black] 能力[/color] [color=#66CDAA]能力[/color][/center][/h1][/sup] [center] Meta Ability[/center] [sup][center][color=black] Quirk[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Quirk[/color][/center][/sup][center]Photonic Crystals[/center][Sub] [color=66CDAA]Quirktype[/color][/sub] Emitter [Sub][color=66CDAA]Quirkodds[/color][/sub] Awakened [Sub][color=66CDAA]Quirkwork[/color][/sub] Photonic Crystals allow the user to produce crystals made from unique materials that allow the crystals to be highly malleable in terms of various facets that affect light passing through them, namely the pigmentation, refractive index, and photoconductivity. These highly malleable emitted crystals are then able to be manipulated by the user, moving it telekinetically as well as altering the aforementioned light-affecting properties. Essentially, this allows the user to 'mould' the light passing through the crystals. By controlling the refractive index and pigmentation, the user is able to 'shape' lights into a holographic projection of various colours. By altering the photoconductivity, the crystals become highly electrically conductive when exposed to light, converting light into electricity, thus generating electrical discharge. [sup][center][color=black] Support Items[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Support Items[/color][/center][/sup][center]Tools[/center] [sub][color=66CDAA]Raywatch[/color][/sub] A small, portable computer in the form of a watch. Unlike conventional computing, which uses electronic signals, raywatch uses photonic computing, allowing it much greater processing power than conventional computers. This watch was developed by the Teknus Agency with the resources of its founder, Yotsubashi Tomatsu, making use of the crystals emitted by Akizuki Reiji's quirk. The highly malleable crystals of the Photonic Crystal quirk allow it to change its refractive index and pigment, allowing the formation of lights in various shapes and signals that act as a logic gate for computing, bypassing one of the challenges to fully realizing photonic computing. This novel technology replaces the conventional electron with protons for greater processing power, allowing data processing up to terabits per second compared to the gigahertz of modern computers, and even all but the most advanced of supercomputers. The high processing power of the raywatch allows it to perform futuristic functions such as a holographic interface and advanced AI to control tentacle fibres from the pauldron in Reiji's armour. The tentacles are equipped with a high-powered small bulb and photonic crystals, allowing them to emit electrical discharge at enemies that come too close. As sort of a prank, Yotsubashi Tomatsu programmed the AI to be in the form of a 'cultured 2d woman' named Prisma in order to embarrass Reiji. [hider=Prisma] [img]https://i.imgur.com/069G2CM.png[/img] [/hider] [sub][color=66CDAA]Hologun[/color][/sub] A gun that uses shards of Photonic Crystals as the projectile. When fired, it emits bright light and shoots shards of the crystals, moulded to be highly photoconductive. As a result, the gun launched electrified crystal shards at high speed. If Reiji chose to alter their refractive index before shooting, the light emitted could be launched in the form of small holograms. After joining the Teknus Agency, the gun was upgraded by being able to interface with the raywatch, allowing AI assistance to perform trick shots. [sub][color=66CDAA]Lumos and Spectra[/color][/sub] Two of the raywatch's peripherals are in the form of drones, acting as both 'eyes and ears' as well as 'limbs' of the raywatch. The raywatch drones can manoeuvre with great precision in an automated logarithm. However specific orders can be given via the raywatch. The drones are equipped with a camera, sound recorder, holographic projector, as well as a durable armour. Most importantly, they are also equipped with adaptors that can allow the raywatch to interface with conventional technology, allowing Reiji to hack into various systems with a processing speed of advanced supercomputers. They also have a compartment containing shards of Photonic Crystals that can be deployed and then controlled by Reiji for various purposes. The drones are named Lumos and Spectra. [sup][center][color=black] Fighting Style[/color] [color=#66CDAA]Fighting Style[/color][/center][/sup][center]Handy Skills[/center] [sub][color=66CDAA]Hacking[/color][/sub] Though most of the hacking is done by Prisma, the AI on board the raywatch, advanced AI parallel processing utilizing photonic computing is still a work in progress, and thus the amount of tasks Prisma can do is limited. Therefore, to maximize the use of the raywatch's processing power, Reiji learned to hack himself to be able to hack into various systems while Prisma was doing other tasks. [sub][color=66CDAA]Sharpshooting[/color][/sub] In order to be able to use Hologun effectively, Reiji took up sharpshooting. During high school, before joining the Teknus Agency, he interned with the Pro Hero Snipe as his first internship, where he learned how to handle a gun. [sub][color=66CDAA]Engineering[/color][/sub] While far from being an expert, like many heroes working in the Teknus Agency, they are encouraged to know enough engineering to decently make field repairs and jury rig their support items without tech support if needed. [/hider]