[hider=Himura Shinon, Aqualuna] [sup][h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/RXGooKB.jpeg[/img][/center][b][center][color=black] ヒーロー[/color] [color=#EE82EE]ヒーロー[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup][center]Aqualuna[/center] [center][sub][sup][color=EE82EE][b]D.O.B[/b][/color][/sup] 2112 Jun 26 | [sup][color=EE82EE][b]Age[/b][/color][/sup] 15[sup] y.o[/sup] | [sup][color=EE82EE][b]Class[/B][/color][/sup] 1C[/sub][/center] [sup][center][color=black] Mimoto[/color] [color=#EE82EE]Mimoto[/color][/center][/sup][center][s]Himura Shinon[/s] [sup]Classified Keikaku Information, Locked By Hero Commission[/sup] Mura Yuki[/center] [sup][center][color=black] Shigoto[/color] [color=EE82EE]Shigoto[/color][/center][/sup][center]Guilding Waters Agency Japan's #10 Pro-Hero[/center] [sup][center][color=black] Joretsu[/color] [color=#EE82EE]Joretsu[/color][/center][/sup][center]S[/center] [sup][h2][b][center][color=black] 由来[/color] [color=#EE82EE]由来[/color][/center] [/b][/h2][/sup][center]Origin[/center] [Sub][color=EE82EE]Rising[/color][/sub] Descended from the prestigious Himura Family that reside in Okinawa, Shinon grew up in Kansai, Esuha City & undertaken by the watchful eyes of the Hero Commission. Having discovered her Quirk at age 4, near the beach, Shinon accidentally raised the water level & splitted the Ishigaki waters apart. Although the Himura towered in wealth, the event wasn't swept under the rug in the watchful eyes of the Hero Commission despite the bribes. Shinon was given private education & shadowed in the Hero Agency life at the workplace of her parents, the Guilding Waters Agency. She's cultivated as an Executioner, much like her predecessors, Lady Nagant & Hawks to kill every corrupt Hero, Villains & Politicians alike. Shinon's identity has been wiped off of the face of the planet, her information only serves the elders of the founding clans, its courts & the watchful eye of the Hero Commission. In the Public, Shinon is addressed by her hero name, Aqualuna & alias, Mura Yuki. The populace only knows Shinon on a surface level with the aforementioned fake identity, a sensational V-Grapher on the internet as a Koreanesque Idol, Yuna Min Park of the Wonder Heroines, All Girl Artist. [sup][h2][b][center][color=black] 性格[/color] [color=#EE82EE]性格[/color][/center] [/b][/h2][/sup][center]Individuality[/center] [sub][color=EE82EE]Personality[/color][/sub] Shinon is like a seal, bubbly and sweet, keen to detail around her surroundings like fluid water and a ditz, prone to swaying people into aggro competitions. Adaptive to situational social cues, Shinon find it embarrassing and awkward by applying her acting knowledge to de-escalate tensions. Shinon is shy around girls and easily flustered while indifferent to boys in a not-so condescending manner. [sup][center][color=black] Support Items[/color] [color=#EE82EE]Support Items[/color][/center][/sup][center]Tools[/center] [sub][color=EE82EE]Tidal Priestess Patented Hero Gear[/color][/sub] The Detnerat Patented: Tidal Priestess Hero Gear is also called Prophetic Priestess by Shinon, the outfit changes its color to match her environment. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f1/61/85/f16185f02e71230466bfe3a33441485a.jpg]The Soothing Sea Harp[/url] is a support item that soothes her and her nearby allies. It calms the storm raging in her but gives her nearby allies that listen to it. Every note played on the Soothing Sea Harp reinvigorates her allies by healing them, but she has to stay playing the harp for six minutes. Soothing Sea Harp has a 5 to 10 feet radius, giving the full effects for six minutes to nearby allies. [sup][center][color=black] Fighting Style[/color] [color=#EE82EE]Fighting Style[/color][/center][/sup][center]Handy Skills[/center] [sub][color=EE82EE]Idolmaster[/color][/sub] Aidoru: Shinon's known for her K-Pop like persona, Yuna Min Park, an Idol who sings, dances and plays the harp. [sup][h1][center][color=black] 能力[/color] [color=#EE82EE]能力[/color][/center][/h1][/sup][center] Meta Ability[/center] [sup][center][color=black] Quirk[/color] [color=#EE82EE]Quirk[/color][/center][/sup][center]Lunatic Sea[/center][Sub] [color=EE82EE]Quirktype[/color][/sub] Imaginary [Sub][color=EE82EE]Quirkodds[/color][/sub] Gen 6 — Awakened [Sub][color=EE82EE]Quirkwork[/color][/sub] Lunatic Sea allows Shinon to conjure conceptual moons that waxes-and-wanes with gravitational pulling to weave water & breathe underwater at will. Shinon makes an image of moonlight water, swaying her body and hand gestures resembling folkloric Japanese dance to bend water against prospects. The activation of Lunatic Sea has enough pressure to raise bodies of water and during moony conditions, Shinon's hair turns white, enabling a freezing temperature aspect. Heal ailments to be nursed but not from fatal ordeals. [hr][/hider]