[center][h1][color=lightblue]Kalina Kovalic[/color][/h1][/center] Kalina very carefully said nothing as the checkpoint guard were about to ask for the princess's papers, and therefore, ruin the entire charade. A bead of sweat dripped down her neck as she tried to consider their options here. Pull rank? Impossible. They were fresh out of training, and Director Veld would have their heads if they tried to contact him about this. Violence? Counterproductive. They'd be mistaken as deserters at best, traitors at worst. Fleeing? The truck was well and truly stuck in the line. They'd have to pull a runner on foot, and that would lead to the same end as the violent option. She tried to catch Justice's eye and see if their squad leader had any backup ideas in mind for this shitshow, but a second later, it turned out she needn't have bothered. The guards were lax. In any other situation, Kalina would've been extremely displeased at their lack of discipline. Right now? She still was, to be certain. But also, they needed this break. And a backup plan in the future in case something like this happened again. For now, she gave the checkpoint guards a curt nod and started the truck moving forward again, rolling the windows up and waiting until they were well away from the city entrance to start speaking. A glance over towards the telekinetically floating phone had Kalina frowning. Judging by the map... [color=lightblue]"You're right."[/color] Kalina admitted to Gerard, turning the corner. [color=lightblue]"We'll have to park and disembark at some point."[/color] A beat passed as she thought. [color=lightblue]"...There any free parking? Or at least somewhere we won't be ticketed?"[/color]