[center][h2]Kochiya Sanae[/h2][h3]Nieve — Red Light District[/h3][/center] Once the goddess had disappeared in her entirety, Sanae let herself slacken ever so slighty. Supported by Rayne as she was, the young woman felt enough leeway now to let herself relax, if only for a moment. The Knight Witch's prompt about the nature of their helper here, however, promptly reminded Sanae that they weren't quite out of the proverbial woods yet. "Ah... Yeah, she certainly is. I had the, uh... [i]Pleasure[/i] of having to fight her in the past, and even under danmaku rules..." the shrine maiden trailed off before sighing. "...I'll just say that my feelings about her are a bit complicated for now and leave it at that." It was at this point that the hermit had chosen to introduce herself to Rayne proper, and in so doing caused an expression of mixed distaste and frustration to cross the young woman's face in turn. "I can't say you didn't help us out there or that this wasn't going to be a problem that we'd have to deal with eventually, but I feel like you had other reasons to bring us here," Sanae replied in turn, giving the blue-haired woman a bit of a side-eye as she mentioned trying to make use of the ghost that they had only really scraped by fighting. With the building free of it's wrathful resident, though, there seemed to be little reason to linger for much longer. Despite her misgivings about Seiga, though, the shrine maiden could not deny that spending some time resting would do her some good. Given that they still didn't exactly have much money to throw around—especially after purchasing that tome which had somehow escaped damage during the battle—it was hard to deny the offer. "...Thank you for your hospitality," she remarked as she slowly floated towards the hole that Seiga had carved in the wall. "I'll be in your care. [center][h3]Nieve — Odd Cemetery[/h3][/center] Though traveling through Seiga's hole in the ground was a bit disconcerting on it's own (especially with little more than her words to go off of), the trio soon emerged out of the ground akin to moles popping out of a tunnel. The trip certainly took a while longer than Sanae would have liked (that is, to say, any longer than a few seconds), but she couldn't deny that the hermit was nothing if not efficient in her method of escape. The question of how the owners of the brothel would deal with the new, perfectly-carved tunnel that led straight towards a graveyard did cross her mind, of course, but the shrine maiden was far from any position to wonder about covering things up any more than that for the moment. Once they [i]had[/i] emerged, though, the first thing that Seiga would lay eyes upon—and the others in turn—would be the charm-less jiangshi laying face-first on the ground nearby. The doors to the mausoleum behind her were visibly ajar, but the fact that she had been dispatched in the first place... "...I assume you had some guests while we were handling that mess," Sanae remarked as she attempted to shift her body into a slightly more comfortable position while still leaning on Rayne for support. "Should we get ready for another fight? I'm still a bit queasy, but..." [@DracoLunaris][@VitaVitaAR] [hr][center][h3]Nieve — Beneath the Mausoleum[/h3][/center] Despite her own apparent misgivings about so casually entering the house to begin with, Carol soon followed both the two white-haired girls (and Suguru, who seemed just as nonplussed as the other two) into the house. Instead of the same sort of revulsion that Youmu presented, however, the small girl would simply regard the preserved corpse with a bit of mild interest. "I suppose the owner must work with the deceased regularly to be so willing to openly treat and embalm a body," she remarked before skimming over the body proper. "Cleaned, free of more biodegradable matter before preservation... I'm no expert in matters like these, but at the very least I can say that there was at least some deliberate methodology in how this was handled. Whether or not it was the owner who did this or if it was taken from the graves above is a different matter, but I'm not sure if I'm all too willing to meet someone willing to work on corpses in their own home..." Suguru, however, seemed to be less than pleased with the contents of the house. It wasn't the body that had distracted him so much as the same orb that Youmu had found herself drawn to. Unconsciously, the monk strode forward and, ignoring the talismans surrounding it, moved his hand towards it out of curiosity. "Don't you dare," Carol remarked as she continued to peruse the rest of the goods littering the shelves, causing Suguru to turn to face her with a mildly annoyed expression on his face. "Even [i]I[/i] can feel the malignant energy coming from whatever that is, and trying to do anything with it without analysis is asking for trouble." With that, the cloaked girl walked over to examine the orb in turn. Slowly, she began to pace around, craning her neck on occasion in an attempt to get different views of the object in question before nodding her head. "Hm... Unfortunately, I don't believe that I can do anything of the sort without risk, either. I do have to wonder how this got here to begin with, though; if this space didn't exist before the arrival of it's owner to this world, then why would she possess it to begin with?" There was a brief pause before Carol turned to face both Youmu and Mokou with a question of her own. "Is there a possibility that your [i]acquaintance[/i] could have made this? If so, it might be prudent to try and neutralize her before trying to handle this here." [@VitaVitaAR][@Raineh Daze] [hr][center][h3]Nieve — Underground Caverns[/h3][/center] The chaos that erupted in the cavern as the two massive undead heaved their weapons at the group seemed to shake the cavern itself, stones and dirt falling to the ground as both the shadowy magicks from the darkness and one of the undead fighters' arms went flying into the walls in quick succession. For what little it was worth, the group of four (five, if you counted the fae in Anne's arms) did not seem too much worse for wear after the initial clash, and Lewa's buffeting winds providing cover combined with Fran's unrelenting rampage against the sole undead she hadn't already dispatched would have meant that the battle ended as quickly as it had began. Unfortunately, the cavern, though large, was not necessarily [i]quite[/i] as stable as one might have otherwise hoped for. It certainly didn't seem to be made for handling the barrage of blows that the Berserker was doling out as she smashed the undead minotaur into a mess of metal and guts and created a crater as it slowly began to fail to even attempt to resist. The telltale rumbling of something quite [i]concerning[/i] starting to arise would be coupled with the fae child [i]desperately[/i] grasping onto Anne's arm for dear life as a group of the very same enemy that had fired that first blob of magic seemed to slip in and out of the shadows and fired away. For what it was worth, Lewa's winds [i]did[/i] seem to slow the projectiles enough to make them nowhere near as lethally quick as the first had been, but with an impending cave-in hanging over their heads (quite literally, in a sense), the group would have to make a decision soon: push forward or retreat, lest they die in indecision here and now. [@VitaVitaAR][@Drifting Pollen][@Rezod92][@Lugubrious]