[center][h3][colour=ffd700]Itzi[/colour][/h3][/center] [i]Away[/i] Throwing herself aboard as the airship started to move, dodged and weaved through the other escapees as she made her way forward. "Zoe, you and anyone who’s not a fighter, make yourselves useful. Spot for obstacles, check for leaks, anything that looks like it could go wrong. If you’re not sure, just yell. It’s better than sitting around." [colour=ffd700][i]At least someone is trying to run this show.[/i][/colour] She thought as she ducked a bit to look out windows as she reached the bridge. The layout was both foreign, this being a military Zeppelin, and familiar, her having years aboard various styles of airships. [colour=ffd700][i]”WINDMILL. TEN DEGREES OFF PORT.”[/i][/colour] She called out, scanning the area. [colour=ffd700][i]”WIND SOUTHEAST THREE KNOTS.”[/i][/colour] She added, looking at a flag near the aforementioned windmill. Others rushed about, tending to various aspects as she approached the man on the helm. [colour=ffd700]”Itzi.”[/colour] She said by way of greeting, scanning the various instruments to get a feel for how things were going. [colour=ffd700]”You got this? I’m a certified helmsman if you want to spell off.”[/colour] Though the fellow seemed understandably nervous, all things considered, he appeared to have everything well in hand. Instead of trying to butt in, she simply stood by to assist if needed.