[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/1znkZVFf/image.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h2]Sagamiyama[/h2] [h3]Late Evening[/h3][/center][hr] Night fell upon the small Japanese town tucked away in the central mountains of Japan, the cool breeze of the waking Spring undercut the heated tones left behind by the warm day. The smell of flowers still lingered in the refreshing night air, yet those who could see the unseen would feel unease stemming from below the surface. Shadows lurked at every corner and the watchful eyes of those robed in black would take notice, the unwary and the inexperienced would expose themselves and be cut down in the street, and then disappearing like ash in the wind. Yet those that did not expose themselves, would become a looming threat that could yet be identified. Each night, signs of such would increase in frequency, the shadows that suggested a hidden foe, the leftover carnage of another hunter amidst the town's open streets, and the fear expressed by would-be prey. There was something more than just the usual quarry. [hr] [center][h2]Sagamiyama[/h2] [h3]Saturday - Midday[/h3][/center][hr] The small Japanese town of Sagamiyama had a population of around 300,000, it was situated somewhere in the Chubu region closer to the Kansai region. It boasted a beautiful mountain view, traditional shrines with history, and an easy trip to Kyoto, Osaka, or Tokyo by shinkansen. It was far enough away from the big city to be a quiet, peaceful town, but also has great access to the amenities and luxuries of those very same things. Truly a gem of a place to live. Over the last few months however, a select few who had a run-in with death itself, were given a second chance, in exchange their souls and their lives were dedicated to helping the other realm, the afterlife, as substitute Shinigami they would help souls move onto the other world, and slay Hollow who threatened to devour them. Shinigami from the world beyond, Soul Society as they had called it, were there to assist and teach them. When needed for their duties on short notice, they would take a Konpaku that implanted their bodies with an artificial soul to act as their living counterparts, while their skills were needed elsewhere, and after such they would simply return to their normal lives. Today was peaceful, a day to enjoy, because when night came, these fledgling substitute Shinigami would be forced to embark on a journey that had been forced upon them the moment they accepted the offer. A fate that may affect the three realms. [hider=The Beginning] Introduce your character's day to day life here. If you want to interact with the two Shinigami let me know. Shouko works at the flower shop, and Ouga is a mechanic. Naturally, feel free to interact with each other. Everyone's character by now should have met each other at least in passing. Each of you may have either been separately trained or partnered up for some Hollow hunts while under supervision. You all would have become Shinigami at different time too. So long as you have been a Shinigami for more than a week, and less than about 3 months ago, you're ok. There will be an update later for the RP to really begin. For now I'd like everyone to introduce who their characters are as people living in this town. [/hider]