[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/OlhFGWT.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][h3]Outside Yusei's Domain, The Labyrinth[/h3][/color] [sub][@Asuras][/sub] [hr] [quote=Cygni]"It is as though the Labyrinth is breaking down,"[/quote] [quote=Erina]"I was right, this is not something achievable by another mage. Not one of our lifetimes. This can only be the work of something on par with Yusei.”[/quote] It was all wrong. Reina glanced between the two of them. Cygni focused, Erina hot with worry. They made observations that led the mind to a conclusion. A conclusion that, for all intents and purposes, could very well spell the end of Asher as a power house. Reina's eyes cast up, searching the sky once more as they walked. No sign of Yusei's servants. None of the guards, the patrollers, the ever-watchers. Instead, there was an insidious wind. Reina's gaze flicked to the cracks around them, the weaving of the fabric of the labyrinth itself bare and naked, marking an unholy act. The labyrinth, the blood and water of mages around the world… crumbling? Was it localized? If it was, and it was growing as they reached the epicenter of Yusei's Domain… What would the hand of a god look like, if it were to slay a being like Yusei? Reina's eyes widened, her teeth grinding as she looked up at the collapsed ring of skyscrapers. What if Yusei…? What if he…? It would explain the pained sense of wrongness, would it not? Reina's eyes iced over, staring ahead, narrowed. No, she didn't have the luxury of panic. Or jumping to conclusions. But one thing was for certain. They had to reach Yusei's Domain as quickly as possible. Reina picked up the pace, breaking into a jog, her ruffled sleeves and cape swishing erratically in the malevolent wind behind her. [color=916BB4][b]“We'll be going at a light run for the rest of our journey. Keep an eye out for the spider lilies. If they're damaged in any way, I'll want you two to return to the portal to gather reinforcements while I pursue ahead.”[/b][/color] The spider lilies that glittered in Yusei's Domain, they were connected to the great being's temperament. Red was a typical color of feeding, death and rebirth enacted on Realspace. Black never boded well, indicating an unholy wrath upon the noble being. And withered gray? It meant Lord Yusei was dead, or near it.