[center][h2][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color][/h2] Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (76/130) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: less than 750 [/center] Blazermate wasn't a nutranurse, so when BB mario started to cry, she was in the same boat as Goldweis in being at a loss to quiet him down. She was a field medic, not a nanny, and was just as annoyed at everyone else at how the BTs were summoned and started to mess with everyone by coming out of the ground and grabbing people. [color=0072bc]"Ew ew ew. Get off me!"[/color] Blazermate said as she tried to get these hands off of her. Ace got the worst of it though, or rather, was one of the ones that really shouldn't have been stuck by these things, but he was, and with that the emitter broke and they were now all on a timer before these shields wore out. With it now being a dash to the end instead of a stealth job, Blazermate began to fly. And being one of the fastest members of the group, it wasn't too difficult for her to make it to the tree where she could help support anyone who got close. She'd help with the big BT distraction group, but she wasn't sure how she could help them with it seemingly taking no damage. [center][h2][color=d7d7d7]Roland[/color][/h2] Level 6 Roland (38/60) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] Roland could only sigh at how some of the group split in such a stressful, serious situation. It slowed everyone down while some fought demons, some made their way to their destination, and some just went off from the emitter to explore a giant ship! Yeah there was probably some loot in there, but the time rain was way worse to deal with and not worth it. Although the thing that both annoyed and didn't surprise Roland was when one of the BBs decided that the stress was too much and made way more noise than everyone else had combined. Considering his own BB was calm as a cucumber, Roland was convinced that these things were just advanced androids or something for a fair amount of time. But seeing they were actual babies from this both disgusted Roland, and also made him sigh that this wasn't all that different from the world he knew. That would have to wait though as this noise caught the attention of the BTs. Being one of the BB carriers, he could see them coming up from the ground. This made his own evasion of these things easier, but it was clear that some of the others weren't as agile. There wasn't a whole lot he could do but point things out until Ace fell over and smashed the emitter. Roland's personal shield triggered, meaning he was now on a time limit and he wouldn't want to lose his good looks to aging rain. While a bit slower than he normally was with his new spirits, he was still pretty fast and agile and on top of that, pulling out his paintbrush, he could give Ace an ink swirl to help him... assuming the ink could stun the BTs going after him. He'd be making his way to their destination though to get out of the rain and be safe. [center][h2][color=92278f]Sectonia[/color][/h2] Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (70/120) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: less than 750 [/center] If it wasn't for her needing to move with the emitter and her worry about that, she'd help those in the pit killing the demons below. They were doing her work for her though, so she'd need to remember to reward them later for getting rid of such evil and hideous creatures. That would need to wait though as one of the BBs let out a lot of crying attracting the BTs. Being off the ground, it would be difficult for her to be grabbed by the BTs rising from the ground, but that wouldn't mean much as Ace fell and broke the emitter. Now was the time to move, but her preemptive chaos shield protected her like she thought it would... although she wasn't sure how long it would last as the rain drops smacked across the rainbow barrier with a ping and waver effect she got immediately worried about. With their destination in sight though, her plan was simple. With only a little bit of worry on her face showing, she used her blink as fast and frantically as a distressed bee could to make her way to the tree and to safety. She'd only be able to help the others once she herself was safe and out of the rain with some support from her ground based swords in a futile attempt to try to slow down the BTs chasing everyone else.