He nodded at Gabs then offered her a humorous half bow, while skillfully preventing his tankard from spilling! “Aye it’s a little bit of both I suppose. I’m always on the prowl for extra work, but at the same time if I am to be working with people I don't know, I consider it beneficial to get to know them a bit first!” He grinned, "now then, how am I so sure I’ll get employed with this here guild you may wonder? It’s simple, everyone needs a good blacksmith, and an extra bit of muscle in a fight!” He flexed his arm then took a gulp from his tankard, shifting his gaze to the younger noble “So what do you say sir? I will happily be of service to your new endeavor if you wish!” Taxian's eyes returned to Drather, narrowing them as the man stumbled over his words in regard to the tools! he leaned in with a growl "Speaking of services! You didn't sell my laboriously crafted tools for guild funding, did you?" He took the man’s hand and shook it gently with a grin. He pointed at him then added “It’s fine if you did! As long as they fetched a good price! As far as business goes, it’s been steady since all these people showed up in town, but inventory for my more specific materials, has plummeted drastically lately so there’s that as well. Nevertheless, I am at all of your services!" he finished his ale and rested the tankard down on a Nearby table with a nod.