[color=silver][center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjk2LjU1NDg5ZC5SV3hoWlhOb2IzSS4w/kareudon.regular.webp[/img] __________________________________________________[/center] Well, now, he [i]had [/i]suspected something peculiar was going on with Teacher Ot, considering he had failed to answer when called upon, so finding his office in disarray wasn't [i]entirely [/i]a surprise. The insects, however, were. Wrinkling his nose, Elaeshor stepped further into the room, but had time for little else before the smallest of their menagerie already took action. And my, what an action it was; instead of attacking the wretched bugs, the kobold offered them ichor — as did Jenk and Fleur, successfully pacifying three of the four little menaces. Only one left, then. Elaeshor turned expectantly to Starfinger, not wanting to touch the ichor [i]or [/i]approach the bugs if not strictly necessary, but the tripkee seemed to have a plan of his own. Instead of a truce, he offered violence. At the sound of the vial shattering, had Elaeshor been in his true form, his ears would've perked in surprise. Suddenly, he found himself conflicted. He would rather not reveal his weapon to a bunch of strangers over something like this, but the thought of trying to pacify an insect already riled further by injury didn't sound very enticing either. Now what [i]was [/i]a kitsune to do? With a sigh, he strode forward, snatching a paper from the desk to be rolled up and used to scoop the ichor. Now all that needed to be done was hold it up and offer it to the beetle — which, as far as he was concerned, did not [i]need [/i]to be his job. Holding the paper with two fingers as if holding particularly pungent piece of trash, Elaeshor offered the inchor filled, makeshift papercup to Jenk, alongside a quick smile. [color=#6555B6]"All yours."[/color] The cup, the glory, and the [i]incoming attack [/i]if the beetle wasn't sufficiently pacified by the offering. [hider=ooc] Action 1: Eleashor strides over to the desk Action 2: He picks up a paper, folds it and collects ichor Action 3: He offers the paper to Jenk[/hider] [/color]