[center][h2][color=salmon]Ace Cadet[/color], [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]Pit[/color], [color=D34C25]Primrose[/color], [color=gray]&[/color] [color=BC8DBF]Therion[/color][/h2] [color=salmon][u]Level[/u]: [b]9[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 264/90[/color] [color=2e2c2c]---------[/color] [color=lightgoldenrodyellow][u]Level[/u]: [b]8[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 166/80[/color] [color=D34C25][u]Level[/u]: [b]11[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 191/110[/color] [color=2e2c2c]------[/color] [color=BC8DBF][u]Level[/u]: [b]10[/b] - [u]Total EXP[/u]: 119/100[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●●[/color][color=gray]●●●[/color] [color=2e2c2c]----------------------------[/color] [color=gray]𝙱𝙿[/color] [color=gold]●●[/color][color=gray]●●●[/color] [i]Tuesday Morning.[/i] [b]Location[/b]: The Dead Zone Word Count: 3113 (+4 exp)[/center] Once everyone was on the crystal and lending a hand to demon eradication, the Cadet could leave it to them and just focus on not letting any wild projectiles strike their safety device on a stick. Pit, Geralt, Edward, Midna, Edelgard, and Grimm seemed to have a handle on things, so while they went at it and the others kept moving quietly, Ace inched along with them, careful to keep everyone within the SFE's radius. Of course he'd noticed Nadia sticking close to him, and he definitely didn't mind it, nodding appreciatively at her reassurances— Oh. Wait. Was she worried about him? Considering the conditions they were in at the moment and the whole first half of this mission, that wasn't really surprising. It was dangerous, and if one personal made a big enough mistake they'd all be paying for it - everyone was worried about everyone else. But Nadia had singled him out, and if it wasn't because of her affection for him it was probably because his unease around magic had shown more on his face than he'd wanted it to. [i]Jumping Jaggis, how embarrassing,[/i] he thought. Worrying her was the last thing he wanted to do. He breathed in, about to get his act together. [color=salmon]"I know you won't. Counting on ya,"[/color] he said, mustering a grin to send back to her. [color=salmon]"But just so you know, it's gonna take a hell of a lot more than this to get me down, alright?"[/color] The crew fought through the last couple of demons in their path and made it to the other side of the ravine none the worse for wear, at least after a little healing. Now that the threat of BTs was back, the group quieted down once more. Although Pit did chance a whisper, going over to the queen bee and inquiring why they couldn't just take a couple of giant crystals over the entire area in the first place. And as they kept moving, a small portion splitting off to explore before returning, they eventually met back up with those who'd descended into the ravine. The narrow passages along the cliff wall made it hard for the four of them to fight together, ultimately leading to a split between the front pair and the following pair as they took on enemies from opposite sides. Things ended up fine in the end, but having a front row seat to certain death that Zenkichi and Sandalphon had barely avoided for all of them left Primrose and Therion a little shaken. More than a little, really, and they hadn't celebrated the archangel and phantom thief's hard won triumph besides giving the both of them appreciative looks and refocusing on the journey ahead. The entire group was back together then and ready to keep moving. Then everything went to hell, as soon as BB Mario began to cry. Who could really blame the little guy? Still, the noise drew in a horde of BTs, and with the odradeks going crazy there was no way they could avoid them this time. There was only one option now: it was time to run. Primrose made to follow Grimm, but she hadn't been quick enough on the draw. She ran, but nearly tripped as a hand caught her ankle. She suppressed a snarl and kicked it off but by then her other leg had been seized. She could see the corpse-like fingers clawing at her before she shifted, sliding through the tar away from the emitter and the others as everyone began to be pulled away from each other. As she struggled in the sticky tar and the grasp of the hands crawling up her legs, a chilling realization came over her. She wouldn't be able to dance like this. That meant she wouldn't be able to give anyone extra defense or speed, or even give someone else the ability to spread their beneficial effects to everyone. She didn't panic, at least not anymore than she already was, instead summoning as much determination as she could muster within herself. Especially when BB Peach began fretting, shrinking away from the glass of her pod and close to crying herself now that Mario had broken down. [color=D34C25]"We aren't getting caught,"[/color] she assured the infant princess. Primrose continued to fight to free herself as the rain pelted her bubble, her magic flashing between fire, shadow, and moonlight as she tried to give herself some leverage - but though she could see the hands clinging to her, nothing affected them. Finally she hit upon something that might work, and with a wide movement she conjured the dark elemental construct out of her Rites of Termination. The lance, as black as the tar pool it struck, embedded itself into the ground right in front of Primrose. The dancer took hold of its shaft and bodily pulled herself up out of the tar, kicking the hands away as she finally got free. As the crawling BTs began to climb up the lance, unaffected by its waves of energy, Primrose floated off into the air. [i]There.[/i] Now she could move as she pleased. It wouldn't be exactly the same as dancing on the ground, but as long as the feeling and the freedom was there she could manage. Just in time too. She glanced Zenkichi's way when she heard his shout, and she acknowledged him by going right into her performance. Sealticge's Seduction - though the sensual movements must have looked odd given the situation, especially airborne as the dancer was, once the ability took effect on Zenkichi he'd be able to spread his own magic's effects to all of the Seekers. His Sukukaja came soon afterward, speeding everyone up. Primrose alighted next to the man, taking just a moment to catch her breath before the two of them sped off in the Qliphoth's direction. Though ready to dance again if needed, once her bubble shield broke down Primrose conjured a boulder thanks to the stone gauntlet she'd smelted down. She floated the magicked rock over her head as she ran, though her raincoat kept her mostly covered. Others were slower going even with the speed boost, though for reasons unrelated. Though Pit was quick and strong, he was neither quick enough to outrun the spread of tar nor strong enough to easily escape the BTs' grip. Whenever he managed to shake one off, it seemed like two more took its place. He couldn't see them, couldn't even [i]really[/i] feel them, but he could tell where their hands were grabbing up his legs and waist, and that they were holding him down, pulling him away from the group and out of the SFE's rain-safe zone. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"Let! Me! Go! Grraaah!"[/color] He said as he struggled, kicking and jumping, and even trying to slash at the invisible foes in vain. If his wings were free he might have been able to get loose and pull himself out by going straight up, but even so he'd just fall right back in - and his bubble shield was really taking a beating from the rain, upping the risk. Since the bow wasn't working, he had to try something else. He quick-summoned the Upperdash Arm, but instead of slamming it uselessly against the BTs holding on to him Pit revved the weapon so that its disc was spinning at max velocity. [i]Then[/i] he slammed it down, and though it did nothing to the things that had him captured the force pulled Pit forward as it spun along the ground like a wild wheel. The angel was ripped from the tar, only to then fall head over heels back into it a short distance away as the spinning game to a halt soon after. Before he could get caught again Pit jumped up, dashing toward the tree for safety. Then, the quadrupedal BT appeared, and he skidded to a stop before changing direction. Early on Pit had attempted to help take it on. Now that he knew how he could get free of the tar if he got stuck again, he felt better about moving within it. So he'd joined Midna and approached the lion with his bow brandished in blade form, cutting into the BT with rapid slashes. Only, he wasn't actually cutting it. Anytime he attacked it, the BT shrugged it off without any damage whatsoever. Even divine weaponry couldn't harm it, at least not directly it seemed. It didn't stop him from trying, twisting the sword like a drill rather than a buzzsaw as he used Spiral Sword. Unsurprisingly it hadn't hurt the BT at all. [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]"This thing–"[/color] He was cut off by the lion turning to slash at him, its claws deceptively quick even with the glowing tell. Pit leapt backward, only just evading one of those claws sinking into his head. It cracked into the energy shield and tore the hood of his raincoat as its tar-slicked paw came down, the golden mask face spreading open to let out a half roar, half growl. Then another attack on its opposite drew its attention once more and it turned away. Pit clenched his fists, but recognized that he couldn't do much without a way to hurt it. He changed strategy while the BT was still occupied, holding the bow up properly and drawing a light arrow as he headed towards the ride Rika was offering. He fired every type of elemental arrow he had in his arsenal at it, even swapping weapons to shoot the Arm's discs, the Orbitar's weak shots, and the concentrated light assault of the Palm. Of course, none of it worked - nothing he tried left so much as a scratch on the oily creature. It left him frustrated, and he wasn't the only one. There wasn't anything he could do but make sure he wasn't caught and eaten, once he was aboard the whale and the ride got underway he stopped trying to damage the lion so as not to bring any extra attention to Rika's beast. By the time they arrived at the Qliphoth, Pit's shield at long since worn out. In the end it was a good thing he'd kept his wings covered, he figured. Even where the rain had hit him through his torn coat, he didn't appear to be any older - the perks of an angelic lifespan, perhaps. Elsewhere a bulbous monstrosity appeared beneath Therion, raising the thief out of the tar. It was a simple maneuver he'd used with his [url=https://bogleech.com/volfoss/volfoss-unicorn.png]striker[/url] before, and it did not fail him now. He escaped the unseen BTs in the tar atop his junicorn as they grasped at the monster instead, attempting to sink it deeper - though it didn't matter to Therion who was just going to use it as a springboard to start his escape. He crouched, prepared to jump, when Midna called out for a distraction. He clenched his jaw, grappling with the decision, but Geralt stepped up to take the lion's attention. After that he didn't need the invitation to run. At least until the Witcher got smacked and made his own escape. Now that he was a safer distance away, Therion was more willing to help out. He tapped the junicorn, which had rolled after him, twice on the top of its shell. The creature wrenched one if its feet free of the spectres as it turned towards where its summoner indicated, taking aim at the lion-like BT. It fired the huge horn from its head like a ballista. The blood red projectile smashed against the side of the BT's gold plated face, but it didn't so much as flinch. The tentacles that made up its mane flicked as though to clear dust away from it before it turned to face its assailant. Expecting it to run and pounce again, Therion held fast to his striker and prepared to escape once more with plenty of time... but the BT instead turned its eye-less gaze downward and sunk into the tar. It had disappeared completely, but no one was foolish enough to think it had left - especially when only a moment later the pit around Therion and the junicorn erupted. The BT had come up underneath them much like how the junicorn had been summoned, and it had the monster clasped between its claws. Though he'd been poised for a getaway, Therion hadn't expected the attack from that angle. He flung himself from his striker to avoid getting caught as well, coming down a little too close for comfort to the thing as it splashed back down into the tar with its new plaything. Since he was close enough anyway (much to his chagrin) Therion used Abate on the BT just before moving to flee. He could feel the speed boost courtesy of Primrose and Zenkichi's combination, so combined with opposite of slowing the lion down too they might just make it out of the danger zone. Then again, Therion had no idea if his debuffs would work on this thing when attacks hadn't, and he didn't stick around to find out either. He sprinted through the tar until he could scramble onto the closest rising ruin, all the while considering maximizing the increase to his speed and agility by assuming his own feline form. But would the raincoat and bubble shield stick around if he did? There was no guarantee, but thankfully he was plenty fast as a human too. He blitzed from building to ruined building as they bobbed up and down, and when he was close to the Qliphoth Therion leapt the rest of the distance. He hit the ground under the shelter of the demon tree and rolled to a stop, coming to rest on one knee so he could watch the rest of the area and everyone else that had yet to make it to safety. The junicorn had timed out before it could be swallowed, but there were still targets for the BT out there. Some still remained, unwilling to leave a comrade behind especially if it meant it would take out all of the rest of them. The monster hunter was one such person. He wasn't exactly speedy before Sukukaja, but he also hadn't used the buff to its fullest. When the BTs first swarmed and start sinking people into tar he put forth a heroic struggle, managing to keep the SFE upright for longer than even he thought possible for everyone that was still inside of its range. But by continuing to protect it, he couldn't do anything for the people being dragged out of its protective area one by one. The hunter grit his teeth and pulled out of the BTs' embrace with his strength, trudging a few steps forward before they caught up and the process repeated. He probably would have been able to hold out for even longer, but the nail in the coffin came from his allies. Now that desperation had taken hold of the group, magic was being thrown about in attempts to escape or thwart the various BTs assailing them - though Ace was making a valiant effort to ignore it all and doing an alright job. Then, he felt the effects of Sukukaja fall upon him. The Ace Cadet faltered as a full body shiver raced through him and that queasy feeling gripped his stomach. The emitter's pole slipped from his hands and crashed against the ground, the delicate machine itself breaking to pieces before it sank into the oily surface. He stared at the device as it disappeared under the tar, a different kind of sinking feeling starting to overcome him. And a literal one, as he was now almost waist deep. When the Quad BT let out its roar it snapped the Cadet out of it. He noted the huge lion-like figure and the still struggling forms of the other Seekers, but before he could even think about helping anyone else he had to help himself. Ace leveled his slinger arm at the nearest solid object, one of the high rises that had suddenly appeared, and fired the clutch claw at it. The metal claw pieces dug in and as soon as the chain was taut, the hunter was able to yank himself out of the tar by reeling himself in toward the building. When he hit the surface it was already becoming unstable as the building began to start sinking once more. Even so the Cadet got right to his feet. One hand flew to the hilt of his sword, the other gripping his firearm tight and bringing it up. The blades of his rigging fanned out at his sides and their mini cannon batteries swiveled to take aim. Unfortunately out of all the enemies around them, he could only see one - and nothing people were throwing at it was doing a damn thing to it. In the short time it took for his platform to sink, Ace studied the scene in front of him and the Quad BT. He wouldn't be able to harm it, but it was tangible - meaning he could avoid it, deflect it, defend against it. Maybe even restrain it, though that was dubious. It was supernatural, but it still moved mostly like a natural animal, or a monster. And since that was the case, he was confident he could hold it off if it came down to that. For now he trusted his allies to take care of distracting it. Meanwhile, the Ace Cadet went into rescue operations. He abandoned the building he was on just before it slipped completely into the mud, hopping onto another rising out of it as he stowed his bowgun and prepped his slinger. As he'd done with himself he could pull anyone still stuck in the tar out of it with his clutch claw, acting as the anchor. He'd be able to pull even the largest and heaviest among the Seekers with no issue, it was only a matter if anyone needed a hand. He kept an eye out for anyone struggling, and for his favorite feral, so he could pluck them from the danger zone and get them on their way toward the tree with a shout of, [color=salmon]"Here!"[/color] Having been within the stable field emitter's protection the longest, the Cadet's shield had taken the least amount of damage from the rain so far. His raincoat was still securely in place, but hopefully the bubble would last until everyone was at least headed for safety, and at the point when no further rescuing was needed he could flee himself. At the same time he prepared to turn the BT away with a longsword parry if caught up in its chase.