[color=red][h2]Battle:[/h2][/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/oCgjmk8.png[/img] Elaeshor sashayed up to the desk and delicately procured some of the remaining ichor in an improvised paper cup. Cup in hand, held far away from the 'elf', Ele then passed the parcel on to Jenk, who, with a nod, accepted the paper and ichor in a split second. [color=red][h2]Storyteller's Aside[/h2][/color] [color=goldenrod]Initiative order: Saur: 28 Flash2: 13 Jenk: 11 Fleur: 7 Starfinger: 7 Ele: 6[/color] [h3]In summary: Elaeshor scooped up some of the ichor and gave it to Jenk for use on Jenk's next turn![/h3] [@digizel] is up! Then [@rush99999]!