[center][h3][b][color=ec008c]JURI HAN[/color][/b][/h3] Level 5: 44/50 Location: Dead Zone Word Count: 1 point Points Gained: 1 (+10 defeated one wrestler i forgot) New EXP Balance: Level 6: 05/60[/center] [hr] [b][color=ec008c][i]"Just chuck the damn baby!"[/i][/color][/b] Juri hissed, right before it all went to shit. The dead were rising to meet them, and Juri could feel them seize her calves and ankles, though her vision of them was incomplete. [b][color=ec008c]”God damn it! Invisible handsy freaks! Get offa me!”[/color][/b] Juri thrashed and yanked and pulled her legs from the muck. Gritting her teeth and growling, she spent two Drive Gauge and burst forward with a shock of white and black energy, breaking free of their grip. Instinctively she dashed forward, and there was a flash of green ki that accompanied her. Looks like she was getting some of her old tricks back. With her and plastic bodysuit and plastic hood pulled up, Juri felt secure from the timefall as long as she didn’t fall over face up with her shield off. There was a giant golden faced lion goo monster, but Juri wasn’t dealing with that shit. Leave that to the heroes. What the hell was kicking that thing going to do? And bullets wouldn't hurt it, either. Some support magic came her way and increased her speed even more. Juri leapt and zipped from high place to high place, not quite leaving the threat range. She wanted to stay close enough to interfere, without being in the danger zone herself. If someone got caught, she’d kill them before she let them explode and take them all out. Well, she’d try kicking them as hard as she could to dislodge them first, just because that was easier. But no way was she going to let one of these slow chumps get her blown up. A few hundred meters didn't make a difference if some ghost nuke was going off. [b][color=ec008c]”C’mon, c’mon! Hurry up!”[/color][/b] Juri jeered, perched up on a boulder. When it seemed like everyone was in the clear, she made a dash for the Qliphoth or whatever the fuck it was called, using another Drive Rush to get her there even faster so the lion and the handsy freaks couldn’t get a grip on her. She parkoured to stay out of the muck as much as possible and to get to the objective. And she could finally get outta this damn rain as her personal bubble flickered out. Luckily, her entire outfit was nonbiodegradable. Juri would cover her hooded head up with her arms if she had too, she wasn't going to age into some old hag! [b][color=ec008c]”Do you dorks [i]wanna[/i] turn old and ugly? What's the point of livin' fast and dyin' young if you don't even leave behind a pretty corpse? C'mooon!”[/color][/b] She gestured to the end goal in the distance, mired in fog and rain. [center][i]Drive Gauge: 2.5 / 6[/i][/center]