"Where did that come from?" said Caster. "It did not come from anywhere," informed Adam. "That is evidently an arrow," said the old man. "And a note. And no spell of mine nor sensor of yours detected its arrival." "No doubt some final trick of Assassin's," said the computer. "But disrupted by my warding hyperplex. Sensor readings are conclusive: it does not truly exist. Disregard as a reality glitch." "A reality glitch?" said Caster. "Yes. Reality functions much like a computer, and occasional cosmic radiation can cause the misallocation of certain assets. Long range sensors have detected moments like this on several occasions recently but there is no coherent pattern. As I just finished saying to Ms. Fluffybiscuits, the plural of anecdote is not in fact data. This must be analyzed statistically, and statistically it is meaningless." "All the same, I would like to see if there is a magical solution here you are unaware of," said Caster, getting to his feet. "Magic is merely an extension of physical law, and should not be -" "What have you got there, young fox?" said Caster, cutting across Adam before he could start the next stage of his speech.