[b]ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ[/b] [img]https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/05/39/60/12/360_F_539601286_TPfGYWLSFfZRy9lSSPf1dsnt4uGc1iTX.webp[/img] [Right][B]ᴇɪʀᴇɪ ᴅᴏʀᴍꜱ, ʟᴏᴜɴɢᴇ[/B][hr][/right] [indent][indent][indent][color=silver]Ravens has cemented herself to be the Homeroom Professor in the Freshman Block of Class 1B & even owed them an apology for the recent mess that they got involved with. While she's addressing all the accounted matters as a Professor should, it was rather late for any heartfelt connection to the 1Bs & so Ravens stood her ground while her class is being nursed in the background. [color=hotpink]"Countless Professors had been missing in action & pray that I don't be one of them. Turns out, the whole ordeal of these mad disappearances are layered incidents like colored spiderwebs in deep detail, each having a colored string to a path. I know we all had a rough day but I can assure you, you're all safe."[/color] The students that were present in the very meeting was Haru, Amaya, Akira, Yui, Chinmoku & Kaiga while the others had other matters or simply too injured to attend the meeting. Prior to all this, Prefect, Himura Rin, took the brunt of defending the students from the Police's warrant. Some who're from Elites, knew their way around Politics while others don't. Ravens succesfully singled out students who were too involved with the Blackhawks, particularly those who weren't present in this meeting. Students like Kazuki, Hikari & Kanako were in the interrogation room. [color=hotpink]"Hawks Agents don't often reveal their name unless it's to gain trust & you've been at his agency, isn't that right, Kazuma Yui, how much do you know about the Blackhawks?"[/color] [@BlackMaiden][@Aku the Samurai][@Digmata][@paingodsson][@Iamme][@The Man Emperor] To further magnify spotlight, Ravens turned her attention to Chinmoku. [color=hotpink]"Congrats Mr. #2 of our class. What do you know about High Society?" [/Color] Ravens asked cryptically, knowing about Chin's father, who happens to be the CEO of Yaocorp. High Society for a lack of better word, is a private club for the rich people to gather at [url=https://myheroacademia.fandom.com/wiki/I-Island]I - Island.[/url] [color=hotpink]"Pardon not the reputation I built for lying & the fiascos today, if it's difficult to trust me, my real name is Yatagarasu Hisora.[/color] Ravens revealed her name & make it to a point that only the students in this room, must keep it a secret. [/Color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]