The day was like any other start of the week. Tired college students trudge along on campus, heading to class, going to get a bite to eat in the cafeteria, or off to meet friends somewhere on campus. It was the same routine for students in the early morning on a Monday in January. Off into the quad, a lone table could be found with a light dusting of snow from the night before. Its white, fluffy blanket remained untouched except for a few tiny footprints left by some anonymous critter the night before. The table was empty and being avoided by the students as they sought out warmer temperatures inside buildings. Just behind the table sat a fountain, thankfully off during this time of year. Large oaks littered the quad in every direction, their canopies white with the light snow. The stone pathways were shovelled and salted so the students could make their way without sliding every which way with each step. Benches dotted along the pathways, leading to the table and then away towards the buildings. That lone table was the gathering spot for our small group of friends and it would soon be occupied by them once again.